EU civil war over Germany's migrant plan continues

NETHERLANDS - Geert Wilders vows to copy it for the Netherlands and Hungary welcomes Berlin to the '#stopmigration club'. Civil war has broken out in Europe over Germany's new plans to introduce strict border controls - with populist leaders giving their support for similar measures. Yesterday Germany's government presented rigorous rules on asylum that would see more people turned away at its frontiers, a day after it announced it would start carrying out controls on all its land borders. While Germany risks alienating the Left with its hardened stance on migration, Dutch politician Geert Wilders vowed to copy the plan for the Netherlands. And Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán shared his support for the measures, welcoming Germany to the so-called #StopMigration club.

CNN: A Glimpse Of Just How Bad Everything Has Become For Ukraine

USA - The Ukrainian Armed Forces are in the midst of converging crises caused by the failed counteroffensive, the forcible conscription policy, and Zelensky’s Kursk blunder, which are leading to more desertions, defeats, and ultimately more desperation. CNN carried out a rare act of journalistic service with their detailed report about how “Outgunned and outnumbered, Ukraine’s military is struggling with low morale and desertion”. It candidly describes the numerous problems afflicting the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) at this pivotal moment in the conflict as they continue to occupy part of Kursk but are still losing ground in Donbass. Their story begins by introducing a battalion commander who lost most of the around 800 men under his control.

Why Israel is turning to Russia for help

ISRAEL - With American efforts to mediate a solution going nowhere, Moscow appears the next best option for negotiations with Gaza. Amid stalled negotiations mediated by the US, Israel has apparently turned to Russia for assistance in securing the release of hostages held by Hamas. According to a statement issued by the Israeli Prime Minister’s office, Netanyahu’s military secretary returned from Moscow on Sunday, September 1, after discussing a possible deal with Hamas. The statement did not clarify whether any agreements were reached. Israel’s appeal to Russia for help in releasing hostages from Gaza may seem unexpected, but is a logical move in the context of the prolonged and intense conflict with Hamas. With the diplomatic efforts of the US, Qatar, and Egypt yielding no tangible results, Israel opted to seek assistance from Moscow, as it has long-standing connections with Palestinian factions, including Hamas. This appeal underscores Russia’s strategic importance in the Middle East, where it acts not only as a partner to various players but also as a mediator capable of influencing parties that are less accessible to Western diplomats.

EU to impose hard border on Gibraltar

GIBRALTAR - Gibraltar's "way of life will disappear" if the new rules are brought in, it has been warned. The people of Gibraltar are facing uncertainty as the EU prepares to impose post-Brexit border changes that could cause chaos in the territory. On November 10, Brussels will bring in its Entry-Exit System (EES) at all borders, effectively resulting in a hard-border between the Rock and its neighbour Spain. Since the UK left the EU, the Spanish government has taken a relaxed approach to allow time for the EU and UK to come to an agreement regarding Gibraltar's long-term future. But talks aimed at implementing a common travel area between Gibraltar and the EU’s passport-free Schengen Zone have stalled. An open border is vitally important for the 15,000 people who cross the border every day for work and other reasons.

EU in meltdown as leader warns of 'existential' threat

EUROPE - A study, led by economist and Former Italian PM Mario Draghi, says vast funds are necessary to prevent the group of nations falling behind China and the USA. A highly anticipated report commissioned by the EU calls for a “new industrial strategy for Europe”, and warns the bloc will need to raise investments by €800 billion (£674 billion) a year to avoid "a slow agony". The study, led by economist and former Italian PM Mario Draghi, says the funds are necessary for the EU to meet its key competitiveness and climate targets, and fund urgent reform to prevent the group of nations falling behind China and the United States. Mr Draghi warned the bloc's aims to strengthen its geopolitical relevance, social equality and decarbonisation are being threatened by the superior growth and productivity of the two superpowers. “We have reached the point where, without action, we will have to either compromise our welfare, our environment or our freedom," he added.

Germany's Scholz under threat

EUROPE - As Europe braces for key elections, the resurgence of far-right politics in Germany and beyond is sparking panic among EU leaders. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has sounded the alarm on the rising influence of far-right populism in Europe, cautioning against its divisive and destructive agenda. His remarks come amid growing concerns over the potential outcomes of the upcoming European Parliament elections, set to take place in June. Speaking at a gathering of centre-left European parties in Bucharest, Romania, Chancellor Scholz highlighted the imminent threat posed by right-wing populist movements. He stressed the dangers they pose to the unity and stability of the European Union, particularly through their campaigns targeting refugees and minorities.

The past itself is under attack

USA - We are witnessing nothing short of a war on history, a moral crusade which seeks to make people ashamed of their origins and who they are. Nowhere is this crusade more aggressively pursued than in the United States of America and nowhere are the consequences more wide-reaching and destructive. The tentacles have reached into every corner of education and public life, as I explain in my new book. The importance of Lincoln in all this can hardly be overstated. Born in a log cabin in Kentucky, he rose to become not just the 16th President but among the most consequential of all to hold that office.

California: Fast-spreading wildfire east of LA forces thousands to flee

USA - Thousands of people east of Los Angeles have been ordered to flee their homes from an out-of-control wildfire that has burned through a large area of forest. In southern California, currently in the grip of a ferocious heatwave, the so-called Line fire has burned areas around San Bernardino national forest, about 65 miles (105 km) east of Los Angeles. As of Monday morning, the blaze had charred more than 23,000 acres of grass and chaparral and blanketed the area with a thick cloud of dark smoke. Only 3% of it is contained, threatening more than 36,000 structures, including single- and multi-family homes and commercial buildings, the US Forest Service said. The California fire burned so hot on Saturday that it created its own thunderstorm-like weather systems of pyroculumus clouds, which can create more challenging conditions such as gusty winds and lightning strikes, according to the National Weather Service.

The Shrinking, Impotent Church

USA - There are many people across the country looking at everything that’s taken place over the past 10-15 years and asking, “What happened?” It’s obvious to many that this is no longer the country our parents knew. As a Baby Boomer, it’s NOT the country I once knew. America has a broken moral compass. We’ve lost our common sense. Things that would have been laughed at as being absurd a decade ago are now doctrines that could destroy your life because you disagree. “Men can now get pregnant”; “masking, social distancing, and vaccines will prevent COVID”; “the George Floyd riots were mostly peaceful.” These are just a few examples, although “Trump was a Russian asset” and “Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation” were a few of my personal favourites.

CDC Pushes for Babies to Get 3 Unlicensed Covid mRNA Shots

USA - The US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued new guidance pushing for babies to receive three unlicensed Covid mRNA shots before they are nine months old. However, COVID-19 poses virtually no risk to children and infants, vaccinated or otherwise. In addition, there are no licensed Covid vaccines for children aged 12 and under. Yet, according to the CDC, nine-month-old babies can only be considered “up to date” if they receive multiple doses of the mRNA injections. Yet, despite the CDC’s recommendations, the latest Pfizer and Moderna mRNA injections are not licensed in the United States for children under 12.

What is Germany's populist BSW party?

GERMANY - The new Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) has won double-digit support in state elections in Thuringia and Saxony. While some of its positions overlap with the far right, it draws voters away from other political parties. Sahra Wagenknecht, one of Germany's most divisive political figures, has seen a resounding success in two state elections, even though she is not on the ballot. In both Saxony and Thuringia, the Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) — which the former Left Party parliamentary leader founded in January — ended up well ahead of the parties that make up Chancellor Olaf Scholz's coalition government: the Social Democrats (SPD), Greens and the neoliberal Free Democrats (FDP). Espousing an unusual mix of left-wing economic policy and anti-migration rhetoric, the BSW is now set to play a part in government building in the two eastern German states, where the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) won over 30% on Sunday.

Germany: New BSW party in kingmaker position in east

GERMANY - The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) wants to be part of new governments in Saxony and Thuringia. Some of its key demands have been rejected by potential coalition partners. Could the new party still be a kingmaker? "We have become a power player in Germany," Sahra Wagenknecht said at her first press conference following state elections in Saxony and Thuringia on Sunday. In both states, the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) party she founded in January came in third. Now comes the business of forming new governments. And if parties are to do this without the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD), as all have pledged, the new BSW could become a kingmaker. "The people, and I have noticed this on the campaign trail, are putting great hope in us," emphasized Wagenknecht. The success of the BSW shows how few people still trust in the established parties, and how many voters feel let down.

Germany Tightens Borders Amid Overwhelming Surge In Migrants

GERMANY - Germany’s government announced plans to impose tighter controls at all of the country’s land borders in what it called an attempt to tackle irregular migration and protect the public from threats such as Islamist extremism. The controls within what is normally a wide area of free movement – the European Schengen zone – will start on September 16 and initially last for six months, Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said on Monday. The government has also designed a scheme enabling authorities to reject more migrants directly at German borders, Faeser said, without adding details on the controversial and legally fraught move. The restrictions are part of a series of measures Germany has taken to toughen its stance on irregular migration in recent years following a surge in arrivals, in particular people fleeing war and poverty in the Middle East. Recent deadly knife attacks in which the suspects were asylum seekers have stoked concerns over immigration.

Trying To Look Tough on Immigration to Counter the Surging Right Wing AfD

GERMANY - With the recent AfD victory in Thuringia and strong showing in Saxony, the German Globalist mainstream parties are in a panic, scrambling to counter the relentless surging of the rightwing forces in the country. And it’s not like they don’t know what’s wrong with their policies and in what way they differ from what the population really wants – they are just not prepared to abandon the Brussels line in favor of some common sense for a change. But they now have to at least pretend to do it, to try and stop AfD from growing before it’s too late. So now, Germany’s deeply unpopular government has announced plans to impose ‘temporary’ tighter controls at all of the country’s land borders. This comes after an Islamist terrorist stabbed and killed three people, injuring eight more.

The German establishment is desperately clinging to power

GERMANY - The German establishment is desperately clinging to power in defiance of democracy. Like in France, there is an open and crude effort to deny voters their democratic choice. Over in Saxony, the CDU barely squeaked out a win against the AfD, with results currently showing them both at 31%. There, again, the governing establishment Social Democrats were clobbered, coming in at just 7.5% support. The anti-establishment left split the vote between Bundestag parliamentarian Sahra Wagenknecht’s brand new BSW coalition (15.6% in Thuringia and 11.5% in Saxony) and Die Linkie, whose collective success suggests that the vote was more about a rejection of the establishment on all sides and only secondarily a right/left ideological one – just like in France. The idea of electoral losers adamantly working to deny voters their democratic choice seems to be a new trend in Europe as the populist right- and left-wing parties start racking up electoral wins.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)