The exodus of wealth creators is a disaster for Britain

UK - In today's Mail Charlie Mullins, the heroic entrepreneur who founded Pimlico Plumbers and grew it into a £140 million business employing thousands of people, explained why he could take it no more. He is selling his penthouse. He is flogging both the Bentley and the Rolls-Royce and he is going to Dubai because he is damned if he is going to pay Labour’s grotesque and unnecessary taxes, and he is not alone. I am told that the hedge funds are already leaving Mayfair, with the tech titans hot on their heels. They are heading for Italy, where you can do a 200,000 euros deal for a flat rate tax. They are going to Madrid, to Portugal, to Switzerland, to the Gulf, and of course to the United States – anywhere to escape the jaws of the ravening Reeves. Suddenly we are in the grip of a 1970s-style brain drain. At the very moment when Starmer has abandoned any attempt to control the entry of illegal migrants, wealth and talent is symmetrically starting to flee.

Japan scrambles jets as Russia aircraft circle country

JAPAN - Japan scrambled fighter jets after Russian aircraft flew around the archipelago for the first time in five years, Tokyo said Friday. From Thursday morning to afternoon, the Russian Tu-142 aircraft flew from the sea between Japan and South Korea towards the southern Okinawa region, according to a defence ministry statement. They then went northwards over the Pacific Ocean to finish their journey off northern Hokkaido island, it added. The planes did not enter Japanese airspace but flew over an area subject to a territorial dispute between Japan and Russia, the official said. “In response, we mobilised Air Self-Defence Force fighter jets on an emergency basis,” the ministry statement said. Earlier this week, Russian and Chinese warships began joint drills in the Sea of Japan. Russia and China have ramped up military cooperation in recent years, with both railing against what they see as the US domination of global affairs.

CEO of World’s Largest Bank Hints at Historic Crash

USA - The world’s most powerful CEO just issued a grave warning to Americans: “This may be the most dangerous time the world has seen in decades.” His comment is especially disturbing because as the CEO of JPMorgan, the world’s largest bank, Jamie Dimon has access to more financial information than anyone. And he didn’t rise to power as a hot-head or doom-and-gloomer. He is calm, calculating, and knows the gravity of his words. So, if he believes political instability is reaching a boiling point, one that could even hurt the world’s largest bank, smart investors know to take evasive action. Dimon later got more specific when he said, “The danger is government debt and inflation.” He’s right, of course. The $35 trillion federal debt is a ticking time bomb.

Iran Wants China-led BRICS to Create a New World ‘Security Structure’

IRAN - Ali Akbar Ahmadian, secretary-general of the Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) of Iran, on Wednesday called for the China-dominated BRICS economic group to create “a new security structure in the international arena to help the order and security of the future world.” Speaking at a BRICS forum in St Petersburg, Russia, Ahmadian proposed the creation of a “BRICS Security Commission” to address issues such as “terrorism, fundamentalism, narcotics, misappropriation of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, maritime insecurity, human trafficking, unauthorized biological activities as well as threats in cyberspace.”

Russia says it could “combine” with China if they faced a threat

RUSSIA - Russia said on Wednesday that its partnership with China was not aimed against third countries but the two powers could “combine potential” if faced with a threat from the United States. “I would like to remind you that Moscow and Beijing will respond to ‘double containment’ by the United States with ‘double counteraction’,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said when asked about a possible deployment of US missiles in Japan. The Japan Times reported on September 7 that the United States had expressed an interest in deploying a Typhon mid-range missile system to Japan for joint military exercises.

Russian Church warns of ‘Apocalypse’

RUSSIA - Patriarch Kirill, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, has warned of the challenges that the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) poses for mankind. The church leader made the remarks at the ‘Culture of the 21st Century: Sovereignty or Globalism?’ forum in St Petersburg on Wednesday. “If humanity loses religious faith, particularly in the context of the growth of technologies associated with the emergence of artificial intelligence, then we are truly entering the era of the Apocalypse,” the Patriarch said. The development of humanity is only possible with the growth of faith and moral sense in people, Kirill stated, warning that otherwise there could be terrible consequences given the rise of technologies. “We are approaching an apocalyptic time, this is what we all need to clearly understand,” he reiterated. “And the only way out of this possible crisis is faith in God, I say it loudly to the whole world. If we renounce faith in God… nothing will work.”

The West’s Churches Are Under Attack — Who’s Responsible?

FRANCE - The Church of the Immaculate Conception in France went up in flames at the start of September, becoming the latest classic church in Europe to burn. Authorities are trying to determine what is driving the attacks, and data points to anti-Christian radicals and Islamists as the primary culprits. A suspect with a history of allegedly committing arson attacks on churches was arrested for allegedly setting fire to the Saint-Omer church last week, according to France Bleu. He had recently been released from prison and allegedly targeted churches multiple times. The suspect, Joel Vigoreuz, reportedly had posts sympathetic to left-wing views and videos of Islamic preachers on his social media.

There are demons controlling American culture

USA - "Our entire country feels like it's in the grips of some kind of demonic force,” says Liz Wheeler. She’s certainly not alone in this feeling. Glenn Beck has underlined for years the demonic oppression that plagues America and has even shared a vision God gave him that confirmed this for him. Tucker Carlson’s tune has also changed lately, as he’s begun to speak into the spirituality that dominates American politics. It seems there’s a growing awareness of what’s outlined in Ephesians 6:12: “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places."

Apocalyptic drought hits Amazon as rivers dry up

BRAZIL - Brazil is being hit with the worst drought in 70 years, leading to wild fires and lower air quality as rivers begin to dry up in the Amazon. An “apocalyptic” drought has hit the Amazon as shocking pictures show areas almost completely dried up. It comes as Brazil has been hit by its worst drought in 70 years. Forest fires have become out of control, capable of devastating large areas of protected habitats. Researcher Ana Paula do Amaral Cunha, from Cemaden, says humidity levels are “as low” as they are in the Sahara desert right now. And that the South American nation is in the midst of the “most extensive dry season for at least 70 years”.

Cancer screening is ‘diagnosing cancer that isn’t cancer’

USA - Around the country, Americans have begun waking up to the possibility that the health care system is more interested in your wallet than it is in your cure. Which is why extra caution should be taken when it comes to earth-shattering diagnoses like cancer. “The ridiculous cancer screening programs that are designed to bring in customers to medical centers are diagnosing cancer that isn’t cancer,” Dr Pam Popper, an internationally recognized expert on nutrition, medicine, and health and the founder and executive director of Wellness Forum Health tells Liz Wheeler of “The Liz Wheeler Show.” “In other words, ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is not cancer, it’s a risk factor for breast cancer,” she continues. “A lot of people are being treated for cancer because they have risk factors, which is great for the industry, not so great for the patient.”

“November Surprise Could Trigger Crisis in America”Comment

USA - Former CIA and Pentagon advisor Jim Rickards warns… "I predict the coming election will trigger a 50% market collapse... and violent riots on the streets". If you’re worried about the recent market volatility…you need to see what Former CIA and Pentagon Advisor Jim Rickards is predicting for this November. Jim is a lawyer and economist who’s worked at the highest levels of Wall Street and international finance across five decades. And he correctly predicted the last two major financial crises in America. In the summer of 2008, he wrote a letter to top advisors in the presidential campaign saying: “We can expect another panic spike in October 2008. This financial crisis is not over.” Three weeks later, Lehman Brothers went bankrupt…

Warren Buffett's $5.4 BILLION warning to investors

USA - Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway has sold another massive stake in Bank of America - raising red flags in an ominous sign for Wall Street investors. The Omaha-based financial conglomerate has seen its stake in BofA fall by around 150 million shares, bringing the total sales since mid-July to nearly $5.4 billion. Berkshire has traditionally been bullish on financial companies, leading some analysts to call Buffett's sell-off a clear warning that tougher times may lie ahead. BofA has been Buffett's most favored stock over the last seven years and the bank's largest single shareholder. His selling of such a large number of shares over such a short period of time could suggest that economic turbulence or further market turmoil is on the way.

Something's Up With US Economy

USA - Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg and other magnates dumped billions in stocks between late 2023 and early 2024. In early March 2024, fear of a potential US financial and economic downturn spread among some internet users after they came across rumors alleging that several business tycoons recently sold billions of dollars in their own companies' stocks. "The Walton family just sold 4.5 billion of Walmart stock," the viral message read. "And, Jeff Bazo [sic] sold $8.5 billion today, Jamie Dimon sold $150m of JP Morgan, Zuck sold $400m, Buffett is selling ALOT! Something's up mate!" Market analysts consider the fact that so many high-profile business leaders sold within such a short time frame to be significant. The implication was that the finance magnates were preparing themselves for stock prices to plunge.

Europe's fury as Germany tightens its borders

EUROPE - Germany's introduction of strict controls on all its land borders to crack down on migration and 'Islamist terrorism' has prompted anger from its European neighbours who are loathe to accept migrants turned away by Berlin. Interior minister Nancy Faeser, of Chancellor Olaf Scholz's struggling Social Democrat party (SPD), yesterday announced that harsher restrictions would be implemented across Germany's 2,300-mile land border from September 16. The scheme, which will last six months before review and enable authorities to reject more migrants directly at German borders, represents a significant extension of controls introduced last year on Germany's borders with Poland, the Czech Republic and Switzerland.

German opposition leader storms out of border talks with ‘incapable’ ministers

GERMANY - Germany is “leaderless and incapable,” the country’s opposition leader claimed on Tuesday night as he walked out of a key meeting with the government to discuss steps to tighten up border security. Friedrich Merz, the head of the centre-Right Christian Democratic Union (CDU), said the talks had failed to come up with concrete steps to control Germany’s borders. He said: “The federal government is clearly hopelessly divided internally and cannot agree on effective measures. The federal government is incapable of action and leaderless.” It came as neighbouring Poland strongly criticised Berlin’s earlier announcement that it would impose nationwide border checks from next Monday, with Donald Tusk, the country’s prime minister, calling it “unacceptable” and a “de facto suspension of the Schengen agreement on a large scale”.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)