South African group refutes WHO’s declaration of an mpox emergency

SOUTH AFRICA - The South Africa “Vaccine” Injury Medico-Legal Study Group (“SAVIMS”) has released a press statement to say that it does not support the Africa CDC and World Health Organisation declaration of a global health emergency for monkeypox, now known as mpox. Additionally, they have warned about the recommended live virus vaccines, Jynneos and ACAM2000: The vaccines are experimental use for monkeypox, as they were originally intended for smallpox; there are reported serious adverse effects; and, they contain live viral strains, which may potentially instigate a resurgence of the eradicated smallpox virus. “We warn members of the public about the inherent risks of taking any vaccine, including those proposed for mpox, of which the effectiveness and safety have not been reliably determined … There can be no justification for a vaccine with unknown adverse effects,” SAVIMS says.

Elon Musk 'cut down 500,000 trees'

GERMANY - Elon Musk's electric vehicle company Tesla felled an estimated half a million trees while developing a gigafactory near Berlin, new satellite analysis has revealed. Analysis from environmental intelligence firm Kayrros suggests that 329 hectares (813 acres) of dense woodland from the site southeast of Berlin were felled between March 2020 and May 2023. This is the equivalent to around 500,000 trees. The amount of CO2 that trees absorb varies from species to species, but a mature tree will, on average, absorb around 48lbs (22kg) of carbon every year, meaning the lost trees were equivalent to 13,000 tonnes of CO2, according to Kayrros chief analyst Antoine Halff.

Work begins on German military base near Russian border

EUROPE - Lithuania has an agreement in place with its NATO ally whereby Berlin will deploy 4,800 troops and various weapons systems to the Baltic state. Lithuania has begun building a military base between Russia’s Kaliningrad and Belarus, the Defense Ministry in Vilnius has announced. When completed, the facility will house a contingent of German troops, some 20km (12 miles) from the Belarusian border, close to the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad.

Fascism 2.0 - The Changing Face Of Social-Media Censorship

USA - Facebook makes only about £34 a year from the average customer in the UK – a little under £3 a month (and that’s before costs) so clearly there is no head-room or motivation, for a human level of customer service or attention. The user is not the customer; rather, they are the product whose data is sold to advertisers. Thus, users do not have a direct customer relationship with the platform. The network is not directly incentivised to “care” about the user before the advertiser. And no matter where you lie on the spectrum between “free speech absolutism” and “private entities have the right to censor any user”, with such low margins it is inevitable machine processing will have to be used to moderate posts and deal with the customer interface.

Silver Trumpets Blown On Temple Mount

ISRAEL - Several days ago, on Tisha B’Av, silver trumpets were blown on the Temple Mount for the very first time in nearly 2,000 years…On Tisha B’Av, the day commemorating the destruction of the Jewish Temples in Jerusalem, Josh Wander brought his silver trumpets specially made for use in the Temple to the Machkama building. Built about 700 years ago, it is currently used as a Border Police station. The building faces the Western Wall Plaza but juts out over the Temple Mount. This was a highly significant moment for Jewish people all over the globe... These silver trumpets were designed to be copies of the silver trumpets that were used in Solomon’s Temple, and Josh Wander had previously blown them at a couple of important events here in the United States… As mandated by the Bible, Josh blew the trumpets for the IDF troops as they went out to war against Hamas in Gaza.

Why Iran is holding back from a wider war

MIDDLE EAST - The Middle East, and indeed much of the world, is bracing for Iran to carry out a revenge attack on Israel over the assassination of Hamas’ political leader. But could Tehran instead be prepared to pull back in exchange for progress on Gaza peace talks? That was the hope among regional leaders gathered at an emergency summit in Jeddah. It was Wednesday and the world was on edge. Flights across Iran and its neighbors were cancelled amid fears that missiles could fly any moment, triggering a much-feared escalation of Israel’s war in Gaza.

Israel agreed to withdraw troops from Gaza – Blinken

ISRAEL - The US secretary of state has said that Washington would not accept a long-term occupation of the Palestinian enclave. Israel has agreed to withdraw its troops from parts of Gaza as part of ongoing attempts to reach a ceasefire agreement with the Palestinian group Hamas, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Tuesday, following the latest round of negotiations in Qatar. Speaking to reporters in Doha, Blinken was asked to comment on earlier reports that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had convinced Washington to allow Israel to keep its forces in the Philadelphi Corridor between Egypt and Gaza.

US carriers have pulled out of the western Pacific

USA - Aircraft carriers are central to US foreign policy, directly expressing American military power and symbolising the USA’s economic might and diplomatic clout. When an international crisis arises, “where’s the nearest carrier?” is normally the first question. Without any need for anyone to offer bases ashore or give permission, a carrier can move into the region. It needs no local support – it has its own logistics. On its own, its air wing will typically be capable of overpowering small-to-medium national air forces to dominate the skies and deliver striking power ashore. This capability is backed up by the scores of Tomahawk cruise missiles in the launch cells of its escorting warships. Those warships also provide an impenetrable shield against missile and air attack, which can be extended to help protect local allies.

China threatens to spark global trade chaos

CHINA - China has adopted an increasingly hostile stance towards its neighbours as it seeks to assert its claims over the crucial body of water. China could trigger a global trade crisis should Beijing further escalate regional tensions to secure full control of the South China Sea. The People's Republic of China (PRC) has been embroiled in a decades-long dispute with several of its neighbours as it claims sovereignty over the majority of the Western Pacific Ocean section. The South China Sea is at the centre of a major row between China and at least seven other countries, including the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam. Beijing has grown increasingly hostile over the past two years, with its Coast Guard repeatedly clashing with their Filipino counterparts.

Falkland Islands: Britain warned it 'can't defend them' from Argentina

UK - Britain's navy cannot mount a proper defence of the Falkland Islands should it be attacked again by Argentina, according to a former officer. Argentina's military junta ordered its army to seize the Falklands in April 1982, which sparked a 74-day war with the UK. The British government led at the time by Margaret Thatcher sent a naval task force to liberate the islanders from their Argentinian captors. Argentina lost 649 soldiers, while 255 British Armed Forces personnel were killed during the conflict and 777 were injured. A former officer of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA) said the current British fleet could not mount a similar operation in its current state.

Mpox is ‘not the new Covid’ – WHO

SWITZERLAND - Mpox, formerly known as monkeypox, does not pose the same public health threat as Covid-19, and will not lead to a “cycle of panic” and lockdowns, Hans Kluge, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) regional director for Europe, has said. Earlier this month, the WHO declared mpox a public health emergency of international concern, the same designation it gave to Covid-19 in early 2020. While a mild variant of the virus – dubbed Clade 2 – spread around the world in 2022, a more infectious strain – Clade 1b – has killed hundreds of people in central Africa and was detected last week in Sweden. In a UN briefing on Tuesday, Kluge said that by supplying enough vaccines to affected nations in Africa and encouraging close observation of mpox patients, the spread of the disease can be controlled.

Massive Sculpture of Monkey-Headed God Raised Over US City

USA - A massive new statue has been unveiled in the United States, with the gargantuan construct not honoring a famous American or historical figure but rather a polytheistic group’s god with the head of a monkey. The “Statue of Union” was inaugurated August 18 at the Sri Ashtalakshmi Hindu Temple in Sugar Land, Texas. It depicts the Hindu god Lord Hanuman, one of the religion’s countless deities. Hanuman, a god of strength, devotion and selfless service, is most often depicted with the head and tail of a monkey. The monument stands exactly 89.7 feet tall, making it the third-tallest statue in the United States, according to the “Statue of Union” website.

Blinken in Tel Aviv: 'We Are Fully Prepared to Defend Israel'

ISRAEL - Antony Blinken in Israel: “I come before you, not only as the US Secretary of State, but also as a Jew. My grandfather… fled pogroms... My stepfather…survived concentration camps. So... I understand... the harrowing echoes that Hamas’ massacres carry... for Jews everywhere.”

War fears explode as Israel braces for 'inevitable' Iran attack

IRAN - With Iran's hardliners pushing hard, some form of retaliation against Israel following the assassination of Hamas's leader seems inevitable, said Dr Burcu Ocelik. Iran is likely to be pondering two options as it mulls retaliation against Israel following the assassination of two high-profile military commanders, a UK-based expert has said. Meanwhile, frantic negotiations are continuing to wrap up a Gaza ceasefire which could be key to dissuading Tehran from sanctioning an attack that could have “severe” worldwide implications, Dr Burcu Ocelik told

Response to Israel could take time – Iranian military

IRAN - Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has warned that Tehran’s retaliation over the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh may only come after a long wait, according to Reuters. Following the incident, Iran promised to inflict “harsh punishment” on Israel, which has neither denied nor acknowledged any role in the killing. The Middle East has been bracing for Iran’s avowed retaliation, which has not so far materialized. “Time is in our favor and the waiting period for this response could be long,” Alimohammad Naini, spokesperson for IRGC, an elite and influential branch of the Iranian military, reportedly said on Tuesday, adding “the enemy” should wait for a “calculated and accurate” response. The killing of Haniyeh has sparked global concerns about an all-out war between Israel and Iran.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)