Israel and Hezbollah have good reason to avoid war...

MIDDLE EAST - Both sides have compelling reasons not to go to war now. Israel does not have the stamina for another front while it has not yet managed to eliminate Hamas completely in Gaza and with the West Bank being driven to the brink of a wider explosion of violence by hardline settlers and their backers inside the Israeli state. IDF commanders are also aware that a war with Hezbollah could not be won without a ground invasion, which would have a heavy cost in Israeli lives. Despite recent upgrades, Israeli tanks are still considered highly vulnerable to ambush.

The Houthis have defeated the US Navy

MIDDLE EAST - Operation Prosperity Guardian (OPG) was set up in December 2023 in response to the Houthi attacks on commercial shipping passing through the southern Red Sea. The aim was to provide a unified international front that would both deter the Houthis from further attacks and reassure the shipping companies who due to reasons of risk and associated insurance costs were already starting to take the long route round the Cape of Good Hope. The problem was, it didn’t work. For relatively little effort and money, they achieved their desired end states of ‘improved local influence’ and ‘challenging international shipping’ almost immediately. Their line that they would stop if there was a ceasefire in Gaza convinced only a few.

Palestine Is No More Real Than Never-Never Land

MIDDLE EAST - Isn’t it interesting that prior to the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, there was no serious movement for a Palestinian homeland? The truth is that Palestine is no more real than Never-Never Land. The first time the name was used was in 70 AD when the Romans committed genocide against the Jews, smashed the Temple and declared the land of Israel would be no more. From then on, the Romans promised, it would be known as Palestine. The name was derived from the Philistines, a people conquered by the Jews centuries earlier. It was a way for the Romans to add insult to injury. They also tried to change the name of Jerusalem to Aelia Capitolina, but that had even less staying power.

Welcome to Starmer's Britain... twinned with Orwell's 1984

UK - No one knows who these passengers are, or where they have come from, or what their intentions may be once they arrive in the UK, and yet they are coming in the tens of thousands. The whole farce seems to make a mockery of the UK state, and our ability to control our borders. People overwhelmingly want to see the people-smuggling gangs smashed, and they want some practical way of deterring the young men - it is mainly young men – from making the voyage. Far from deterring the gangs, Labour have announced an amnesty for 100,000 who were going to be deported – so that they will now be claiming asylum in the UK, and, inevitably, living here.

Just because someone is offended

UK - Police have designated children scrawling chalk on a pavement and a person hanging British and Israeli flags as 'hate incidents'. Former home secretary Suella Braverman last year told police they should log reports of supposed hate only if 'it is absolutely necessary' and not just because someone is offended. But documents released under Freedom of Information laws show how forces are still logging trivial neighbourhood disputes and online spats as so-called non-crime hate incidents (NCHIs). Toby Young, of the Free Speech Union, said: 'It's not surprising the police failed to solve a single burglary in nearly half the neighbourhoods in England and Wales last year. They're too busy investigating hurty words.' The Home Office said it 'will carefully consider how best to protect individuals and communities from hate whilst also balancing the need to protect the fundamental right to free speech'.

British network warns parents about smartphones for kids

UK - One of the UK's largest network providers, EE, has issued new guidance advising parents against buying smartphones for children under 11-years-old. Instead, they recommend "limited capability devices" that only allow texting and calling for primary school-aged children. The company also suggests enabling parental control features when giving smartphones to children aged 16 or below, and restricting access to social media for those under 13. This advice is part of EE's efforts to "safeguard children in the digital world", amid concerns about the potential mental health impacts of excessive smartphone use and the risks of unrestricted internet access.

Middle East LIVE

ISRAEL - Hezbollah has launched its "first phase" of retaliation against Israel, with more than 320 rockets targeting multiple military sites. Hezbollah confirmed it has completed "phase one" of an attack on Israel, beginning with a wave of more than 320 rockets and drones. Hezbollah had repeatedly warned that it would retaliate against the killing of its top commander Fuad Shukr at the end of July. Minutes before the Hezbollah rocket attacks the Israel Defense Force (IDF) launched strikes inside Lebanon in "self-defence". These pre-emptive strikes killed at least one person and injured four others. Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu and the defence minister, Yoav Gallant were in an underground IDF situation room in the early hours of Sunday to oversee the airstrikes. The latest exchange of strikes has added to growing fears of a regional war in the Middle East. The White House said Joe Biden was monitoring events, adding that Israel had the right to self-defence.

Klaus Schwab Warns of “an Era of Shock Events”

SWITZERLAND - The World Economic Forum (WEF) is a well-funded organization many consider terrorists that is permitted to wreak havoc on the global population with no repercussions. Klaus Schwab and his “forum” have been proclaiming how they will change the lives of the masses for years but everyone turns a blind eye. They told us we will eat bugs, they told us we will own nothing, they’ve been warning of their sinister plans for some time. The WEF infiltrated government cabinets and altered the left side of politics in every single Western nation. The WEF recently released an ominous article, warning that we must prepare for “an era of shock events” in the near future.

Government-issued digital ID

USA - Before his term ends, President Joe Biden is planning to sign an executive order (EO) to speed up the nation's adoption of a standardized digital identification platform controlled by Washington, DC. The digital ID system will require Americans to verify their identity and age in order to access certain public websites and services. This includes Obamacare and other government-run health care plans that will only be available to Americans who agree to participate in the digital ID program.

B-2 Stealth Bomber "Hot Pits" At Indian Ocean Air Base

DIEGO GARCIA - The Middle East has been on edge all week as the world awaits a retaliatory Iranian attack on Israel that could spark a regional conflict. As of Friday, Israel and Iran-backed Hezbollah rebels have been exchanging fire, and an oil tanker earlier this week in the southern Red Sea was hit by a missile attack, likely from Iran-backed Houthi forces. With all eyes on the Middle East, our attention shifts to a "hot pit event" on Wednesday with a Northrop B-2 Spirit stealth bomber and US Air Force Airmen assigned to the 110th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron at the Naval Support Facility Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean, according to the USAF.

The dark side of the Election Industrial Complex

USA - In May we reported on what we labeled, the Election Industrial Complex. This sophisticated group of companies, non-profits and government entities that work in tandem to run US elections. Money is not the end goal to this complex, power to control money and people is. This complex works like 5th Generation Warfare. 5th Generation warfare is described by Dr Robert Malone as follows: "5th-Gen warfare is an extension of Asymmetric and Insurgent Warfare strategies and tactics, whereby both conventional and unconventional military tactics and weapons are incorporated and deployed, including exploitation of political, religious and social causes."

FDA: There’s ‘Zero Scientific Evidence’ That ‘Monkeypox Virus’ Exists

USA - Newly unsealed documents have revealed an explosive confession from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) about the so-called “monkeypox virus.” The documents were obtained by investigative reporter Christine Massey from a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. According to one document published by Massey, the FDA admits that there is “zero scientific evidence” to prove that the “monkeypox virus” even exists. The FDA has no records authored by anyone, anywhere to support claims of the virus’s existence.

The new sexuality in town

UK - Gen Z TikTokers are sharing their experience of embracing a little-known sexuality known as 'abrosexual'. The sexual preference involves being attracted to different genders, depending on how you feel at any given time. In other words, you may be attracted to men for a period of time — sometimes as long as several years — before switching to women, and then back again. On social media, those who identify as 'abrosexual' describe their sexuality as a part of their personality that 'changes' and is 'fluid'. However, some say they've been met with cruel jibes from friends and family when telling them about their newly-discovered identity, including the accusation that their sexuality 'doesn't sound real'.

Japan braces for chaos

JAPAN - Japan is facing yet another storm after being hit with typhoon Ampil last week, which heavily disrupted travel near the capital Tokyo. A huge cyclone is heading straight for Japan, threatening the country with chaos in the coming days. Storm Shanshan is moving slowly west toward Japan and could hit as early as Sunday morning, according to the Japan Meteorological Agency. The south of the country is expected to be hit by the worst of the storm. The New York Times reports that the storm is moving through the Philippine Sea with current wind speeds of 52mph. However, the Japan Meteorological Agency warns that the winds will likely intensify before directly hitting Japan's south coast.

Gaza ceasefire deal teeters on the edge of collapse

MIDDLE EAST - The ceasefire deal to bring an end to the fighting in Gaza is teetering on the edge of collapse, with a US official warning that a 'full blown confrontation' could follow. US, Israeli, Egyptian and Qatari negotiators, who are expected to meet in Cairo this weekend, have for months struggled to bridge differences between Israel and Hamas. US President Joe Biden stressed to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu 'the urgency of bringing the ceasefire and hostage release deal to closure and discussed upcoming talks in Cairo to remove any remaining obstacles,' a White House statement said. But Israel and Hamas held to their demands, with Politico quoting a US official warning that 'if we don't get the deal there's a chance that this escalates into a full-blown confrontation'.

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)