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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Some Offended by Christ's Message
broadcast 4 July 1979 - played Wales 9 Jun 2018
"...And once again, I want to tell you that we could have good news today if we knew the way. But humanity, long ago, lost its way and it doesn't know the way to everything it wants, to peace, to happiness, to prosperity, to all of the really good things of a really well-filled, interested and abundant life. We don't find much of that on the earth today..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
The Varying Trials of Faith
given Wales UK 9 Jun 2018
Our trials do not come neatly packaged with instructions, reasons and solutions... partlly because they test faith - which is unseen. But why does faith seem more vital for firstfruits than the main harvest? This sermon examines: the loving Creator; a better resurrection; aversion therapy; different teaching roles; and why more firstfruit trials. (10.9 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Christ's Flesh
given 3 June 1979 played Wales 2 Jun 2018
And now, in the preceding program, my friends, we were seeing a few rather strange things that are not generally understood today and certainly not taught in the churches today. Why is it that we do not today hear the same message that Jesus Christ preached - the gospel of Jesus Christ, but rather a different gospel today? A message about His person, certainly, but not the message that He preached. (3.5 Mb)
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by Stephen Breault
Growing Weary in a Negative World
recording - played Wales UK 2 Jun 2018
Galatians 6:9 encourages us not be weary in well doing. To that end, this sermon: looks at world events; reminds us that prophecy doesn't happen to our schedule; examines nostalgia; asks when will our iniquity be full; encourages us to have God's perspective. (9.6 Mb)


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by Jonathan Gardner
Being Filled to the Brim
given Minnesota 26 May 2018
This sermonette expands on an analogy Mr Armstrong used to use ... To get air out of a bottle you must fill it with something else. So to get rid of sin, and the human nature that accompanies it, our minds must fill with God's Holy Spirit. (2.0 Mb)
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by Mr Armstrong
given 31 Jan 1976 USA - Played Minnesota 26 May 2018
Begins: "...Well last Sabbath I had a big audience and I would say it was bigger than our audience today comparatively - for the place where it was held - because it was held in Nassau..." Mr Armstrong then begins to show several prophecies that apply specifically to the Church - including the fact that apostasy was to be anticipated during the end-time. (12.0 Mb)

2018-05-20 (Pentecost AM)

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by Ian Munro
The Timing of Pentecost
given Wales UK Pentecost 20 May 2018
We were called not merely to gain salvation, but to do a job for eternity. And the training for this began in A.D. 31 with the coming of the Holy Spirit. The timing of this event was crucial - as it still is today, being the only holyday for which we must count. (2.0 Mb)
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by Joseph Forson
Symbols of God's Holy Spirit
given Wales UK Pentecost 20 May 2018
God's Holy Spirit is depicted in several ways within Scripture - each reflecting certain qualities it specifically exhibits: breath; wind; water; oil; fire; a dove; a seal. (13.7 Mb)

2018-05-20 (Pentecost PM)

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by Ron Meisner
given Minnesota USA Pentecost 20 May 2018
Giving an offering should not only reflect the many blessings we are given, but the privilege of being able to give an offering is very much a blessing in itself. This sermonette explains. (1.8 Mb)
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Special Music
by Tauer Quartet
Bless The Lord Eternal O My Soul
sung Minnesota USA Pentecost 20 May 2018
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by Jonathan Pippy
Meaning of the day
given Toronto broadcast Minnesota Pcost 20 May 2018
Pentecost pictures the coming of the Holy Spirit to only a select few firstfruits - given for the purpose of training teachers ready for the kingdom of God. Unlike the days of UB, the parable found in Matthew 13:33 gives leaven a positive meaning in the action of the holy spirit. This action very much ties in to the day of Pentecost. (9.2 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
The 5000 Wanted More Physical Food
broadcast 2 Jul 1979 - played Wales 19 May 2018
"...Fed these 5000 men, and a lot of women and children, the number of women and children was not numbered. The very next day, in the synagogue over in Capernaum, across the sea, that very same crowd that had taken the loaves and the fishes from the hand of Christ, and by the miracle that He performed out of compassion for them, rejected Him and turned away from Him when He offered them really spiritual food instead of just material position. They wanted Him to be a political messiah that would free them from the Roman yoke right then and there..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
The Place of Safety Philadelphia Part 4
given UK 26 Oct 2002 played Wales 19 May 2018
The sermon is the final one in a series on Philadelphia, and examines the evidence within scripture of a place of safety (or place of final training). Five points are covered: 1. Why a place of safety? 2. Other examples of protection 3. Why Petra? 4. How is The Church to get there? 5. How does The Church know when to flee? (9.7 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Faith - And The Way
broadcast 29 Jun 1979 - played Wales 12 May 2018
"Well, my friends, we could have good news today if we knew The Way. The only reason that we don't have good news is that men have rejected The Way that would bring it about. We could have everything good if we wanted..."  (3.0 Mb)
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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
Overcoming Satan Philadelphia Part 3
given Wales 19 Oct 2002 - played Wales 12 May 2018
The bible study is part of a series on Philadelphia, and examines how Philadelphia exists when Satan comes down having great wrath, and will direct that wrath against the Church. It examines the different names of this serpent of old, the Devil and Satan, found within the names used, and shows how a large part of the end time deception comes through his actions as the Devil (or slanderer) against the Church. Scripture plainly tells us how to overcome this - through the blood of the lamb - and apply it to both our own sins, and also the forgiveness of others within the Church. This is part of what makes God's people part of Philadelphia (the era of brotherly love). (10.3 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
broadcast 28 Jun 1979 - played Wales 5 May 2018
"Now, my friends, once again, why is it that we have not heard the gospel of Jesus Christ, but a gospel of men about this person? Now we've been going though the New Testament to see what gospel Jesus did preach, what He taught His disciples, and the customs that He practiced. We have just seen during the past week how Jesus was sending His students - His learners (because the word disciple means a student or a learner) - out on a practice preaching mission." (3.0 Mb)
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by Ian Henderson
A Tale of Two Temples
given Wales 5 May 2018
In the wider Church there are a number of teachings that effectively say that Christ must be delaying His return. One of these is to insist that a physical temple must first be built in Jerusalem. But what does the Bible say? And what did Mr Armstrong teach?  (11.8 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Man Rejects God's Way
broadcast 27 Jun 1979 - played Wales 28 Apr 2018
"And again, we could have good news today if we knew the way. There is only one reason why we are having all the troubles, the wars, and everything we have, that's because we don't know the way to peace, to prosperity, to happiness, to every thing we want. That way has been revealed, the way has been made known, and men have always rejected it." (3.0 Mb)
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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
Philadelphia Part 2.
given Wales 12 Oct 2002 - played Wales 28 Apr 2018
The bible study is part of a series on Philadelphia, and examines the remaining points brought out within Rev 3 that indicates some of the main things we are to "hold fast" to as per Rev 3:11 that no man (including ourselves) takes our crown. This second part examines 3. They have kept my word, 4. They have not denied my name, 5 they have been loved by God, 6. They have kept the word of my patience. (8.7 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Requirements For God's Kingdom
broadcast 26 Jun 1979 - played Wales 21 Apr 2018
"My friends, why is it that today we not only have bad news, but we hear a kind of preaching that's certainly different from that which the people were hearing when Jesus Christ was on earth or during the ministry of the true Church of God under the apostles in the first century after Christ had ascended to heaven? Now, we've been going through the New Testament to see what Jesus did teach, and what He taught His disciples, what they preached. And we have been here in the 9th and 10th chapters of Matthew where Jesus had sent His disciples out on a practice mission." (3.0 Mb)
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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
Philadelphia Part 1.
given Wales 5 Oct 2002 played Wales 21 Apr 2018
The bible study is the first part of a series on Philadelphia, and begins to examine the points brought out within Rev 3 that indicates some of the main things we are to "hold fast" to as per Rev 3:11 that no man (including ourselves) takes our crown. This first part concentrates on: 1. What Philadelphia has - must come from somewhere. 2. They have a little strength, or very little strength, that implies a constant reliance on God's strength for everything. (9.5 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
How To Live By God's Law
broadcast 25 Jun 1979 - played Wales 14 Apr 2018
"But I can't give you very much good news for today. Today's news is never good. Did you ever notice that? " (3.0 Mb)
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by Mr Armstrong
A Positive Message
given 1 Dec 1977 Pasadena - Played Wales 14 Apr 2018
Begins: "... Today I have good news for you - very good news. This Church needs a reawakening. ..." Mr Armstrong then points out that the word, "Gospel" means "Good News" - yet the Church was concentrating far too much on the bad news found in the world. He then publically repents of his part in allowing the Work to move off-Track in this area. He also clearly explains that the responsibility to preach the True Gospel to the world was something given to him personally, not the Church. (9.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Christ's Message Rejected
broadcast 22 Jun 1979 - played Wales 7 Apr 2018
"But, my friends, why do we have wars today? Why do we have all this unhappiness? You know, I begin, I believe, every sermon, every broadcast that I might preach, the remainder of my lifetime, by asking and answering that question - Why does God permit wars?" (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Words and Unleavened Bread
given UK UB1 6 Apr 2004 played Wales 7 Apr 2018
This Sermon examines the meaning of the Days of Unleavened Bread, and shows at the same time how words have an enormous part to play within that meaning. Three points are covered: UB and its link to the Passover; UB and coming out of Egypt; Eating UB pictures God's Law within our mouth. (8.7 Mb)
“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)