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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Hades And Gehenna Explained
broadcast 17 Jul 1979 - played Wales 8 Sep 2018
"And now my Friends, get out your Bibles and see some things that are going to astonish you! Why is it that you have been brought up to believe exactly the opposite of what the Bible says. That is, to believe it says just exactly the opposite that it does...." (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Servants of God's Temple Ministry Part 1
given Bristol 25 Jan 2003 - played Wales 8 Sep 2018
The two part series is laid out in this sermon, but only the first part is covered: 1. God's servants before the Levitical Priesthood, and 2. The Levitical Priesthood. (8.8 Mb)


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by Jack Jackson
Performing Acts of Kindness
given MS USA - played Wales 1 Sep 2018
Acts of kindness can either be random or planned - both forms being necessary, and both are found clearly explained within the pages of Scripture. (2.0 Mb)
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by Joseph Forson
Know Christ to Attain the First Resurrection
given MS USA - played Wales 1 Sep 2018
The sermon title is taken from Philippians chapter 3 - the points of which form the basis of the message: knowing Christ; being found in Him; knowing the power of His resurrection; having the fellowship of His sufferings - "to attain unto the resurrection of the dead". (15.2 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Christ's Mission and Message - Continued
broadcast 16 Jul 1979 - played Wales 25 Aug 2018
"Yes, it's a wonderful thing that news is going to be good, tomorrow. There is a reason why it isn't good today. And it isn't good because we haven't made it good..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Ian Henderson
The Power of Music
given Wales UK 25 Aug 2018
Singing the psalms places the words of God deep in our hearts - often to be used during times of trial. But equally apostate words can also be placed there and take us off track if we are not careful. This sermon examines the subject and encourages us all to get back on track in this area.  (9.9 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Resurrection or Heaven?
broadcast 13 Jul 1979 - played Wales 18 Aug 2018
"And now, get out your Bibles and look with your own eyes and be surprised! See how the Bible says exactly the opposite of what you thought! And how the teaching of Jesus was not the teaching of the so-called Christianity of this day..." (3.3 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
God's Word of Life and Growth
given Wales UK 18 Aug 2018
Mr Armstrong felt that the sermon he gave in Sydney - which we played last week - was missing one vital addition. But there were several other aspects of the subject that he also dealt with; when in Brisbane; in a ministerial conference; in a co-worker letter and in his graduation address on his return. (12.4 Mb)


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by Mr Armstrong
Speaking in Sydney
given 9 May 1981 - Played Wales 11 Aug 2018
Begins: "Well thank you everybody and let me say not only greetings to here in this beautiful auditorium but also to several hundred over in Perth who are listening into us just now..." Then Mr Armstrong reminds everyone that our fellowship is also with God the Father and Jesus Christ - as an introduction to this foundational message which lays out God's purpose for us all - to develop His holy righteous character so that we can be given true Life in the coming Kingdom of God. (15.1 Mb)


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by David Tauer
Planting the Heavens
given USA 23 Jun 2018 played Wales 4 Aug 2018
We are told in Isaiah that God puts His words in our mouth to "plant the heavens". But with what? And to what end? This sermonette sheds the light of scripture on this fascinating subject. (2.0 Mb)
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by Joseph Forson
Responsibilities of a Royal Priesthood
given USA 23 Jun 2018 played Wales 4 Aug 2018
We don't know when Christ will return, but we do know we should be getting ready for our future role as king-priests. This requires: God's way of life; studying; administering God's judgement; being an intercessor; being ready to administer divine blessings. (15.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Christ's Mission and Message
broadcast 12 Jul 1979 - played Wales 28 Jul 2018
"Now my Friends, if you have a Bible, open it and see some surprises! And see how the Bible does not say what you thought it said. And how we have been taught to believe exactly the opposite..." (3.2 Mb)
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Bible Study
by Mr Armstrong
The Beast of Daniel and Revelation
given 8 Nov 1980 - Played Wales 28 Jul 2018
Begins: "I tell you it's simply wonderful the communication we have these days..." Then for 20 mins Mr Armstrong discusses his recent visits. This short message is being transmitted by telephone to the USA for Sabbath services. He then begins a private bible study on the Beast power in Europe, beginning: "ok, now we are having a little bible study on the Sabbath over here in our apartment in the Plaza of the Athena hotel in Paris, France". Unfortunately, the tape ends quite abruptly as he introduces the tantalizingly interesting subject: 666! (12.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Christianity is Mostly Pagan
broadcast 11 Jul 1979 - played Wales 21 Jul 2018
"My friends, why is it that today we are in such religious confusion? Why is it that there seems to be more than one Jesus Christ being proclaimed today? And why is it that the message that Jesus Christ brought is not known today and people believe exactly the opposite and they can become very much riled up and explosive if anyone tells them what Jesus Christ taught, what He believed, because they believe just the opposite - they are conformed to this world which has a different doctrine today? ..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Ian Henderson
Watching Prophecy Happen
given Wales UK 21 Jul 2018
We live in a time of great change - an end-time prophesied by God in the pages of scripture. As God's people, He expects us to watch in a meaningful way as these end-time events unfold around us. (12.4 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
God's Time Table
broadcast 10 July 1979 - played Wales 14 Jul 2018
"And once again, why don't we have better news today? If mankind had listened to the message that God Almighty sent by Jesus Christ, if the world believed it and followed that way, we would have good news today. But instead, we have to tell you about the good news of the World Tomorrow..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Israel, Yesterday, Today, Forever - Part 3
given Wales UK 30 Oct 2010 - played Wales 14 Jul 2018
This sermon is the third and final part of the series - concentrating on the glorious future God has planned for not only Israel, but all mankind. It covers: A recap; Millennial Israel; The Bride of Christ; New Jerusalem; Into Eternity. (11.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Christ's True Gospel
broadcast 9 July 1979 - played Wales 7 Jul 2018
"And now, continuing my friends, the actual life and the ministry of Jesus Christ to see why it is that He taught something entirely different than that we hear today. You know that's the most astonishing thing of this time. That what we have accepted as the gospel of Jesus Christ is something all together different than the gospel that Jesus Christ Himself taught, or the gospel that the apostles taught the world, or the gospel that the Apostle Paul took to the gentiles..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Israel, Yesterday, Today, Forever - Part 2
given Wales UK 23 Oct 2010 - played Wales 7 Jul 2018
This sermon is the second part of the series - but follows on from the repeated sermon last week: The Prophetic Identity of Israel The sermon concentrates not on physical Israel, but spiritual Israel (the Church). It covers: Israel's Law; Blindness; Wisdom; Purpose and Identity. (11.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Roots of US and Britain
given 1980s - played Wales 30 June 2018
"The television series called Roots was viewed by millions ...it traced the origin of one black family... into Africa. Now the Jews know their roots as traced in the Bible ...Also the Arabs know that they are descended from Ishmael ...also the Turkish people are generally known to be descended from Esau... But where are our roots? Where are the roots of the American people - the Canadians, the English and the people of North Western Europe?..."  (4.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
The Prophetic Identity of Israel
given Wales UK 17 June 2006 - played Wales 30 Jun2018
This sermon was replayed as important background to the series on Israel - yesterday, today, forever. Apart from the revelation imparted by the Holy Spirit, the greatest key to understanding Bible prophecy is knowing the identity of the children of Israel at this time. Five points are covered: The end-time importance; The approach we need; A birthright peoples; The prophesied signs; The fulfilment. (12.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Mr Armstrong's Genealogy
broadcast 6 July 1979 - played Wales 23 June 2018
"Now, as we have been going though the New Testament to see what Jesus Christ did preach and why it is that we haven't heard it today, and why we've been taught to believe exactly the opposite of His message, and how it came about that men rejected His message. They crucified Him and then they began to accept His name, they went forth in the power of the authority of His name, with the prestige of His name, but they rejected His message. The message of Jesus Christ was the message of the Kingdom of God - the good news of the World Tomorrow..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Israel, Yesterday, Today, Forever - Part 1
given Wales UK 9 Oct 2010 - played Wales 23 Jun 2018
The children of Israel feature prominently in the pages of scripture - and in the mind of God. But the reason is multi faceted. This first of 3 sermons deals with Israel "yesterday" by examining: The vital future role; "This is your wisdom"; The race issue; A birthright people; Their failure. (12.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
The Religion of Judaism
broadcast 5 Jul 1979 - played Wales 16 Jun 2018
"And again, I say, we ought to have good news today, and we could have it, and there is a way to have it if we only would be willing to find that way. My friends, you know that it is possible to believe in Jesus Christ, to accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior, to worship Jesus Christ and still be completely lost and unsaved? You know that a great many people are actually doing that..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Ian Henderson
Lessons From the Book of Ruth
given Wales UK 16 Jun 2018
The book of Ruth is traditionally read by the Jews on Pentecost - remembering the covenant with God when the Law was given at Sinai. However, this sermon shows how much more is its meaning to God's true Church. (10.5 Mb)
“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)