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Bible Study
by Mr Armstrong
The Sabbath
given 11 Sept 1981 - played Oswestry UK 25 Feb 2006
This bible study was given a few weeks before the sermon on The Sabbath Question in which Mr Armstrong described how to keep the Sabbath. In this preliminary bible-study he introduces the subject in a very basic way, showing how the Sabbath was not merely something given to ancient Israel, but that we are also duty bound to keep it today - as it was created by the Eternal God for all mankind. (10.1 Mb)
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News Analysis
by Jon Bowles

given Oswestry UK 25 Feb 2006
This Prophetic News Analysis briefly looks at recent news within the overall categories of: False Religion; War; Famine; Pestilence - leading to the events of the Great Tribulation. This is clearly seen when Matt 24:5-8 is compared with Rev 6:1-9. Each of the 4 horsemen can be seen today - as birth-pains that not only are rising and falling, but whose contractions are also moving steadily together and increasing in intensity. (3.8 Mb)


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by Andrew Munro
God is our Refuge
given Bristol UK 18 Feb 2006
The refuge most of mankind chooses spiritually is normally not what we really need. Within the trials of life, God - and his promises - are the only things that provide our true refuge. (1.9 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
The Miracle of an Opened Mind
given Bristol UK 18 Feb 2006
Too often we take some very basic things for granted. The ability to understand The Truth is one such thing, and yet, when properly understood, it is a miracle - a non-normal event within this world. Seven points are covered in the sermon: Satan's world; All must be drawn; The veil removed; Repentance from God; Our Children's understanding; Spiritual understanding is not human; The value of our unique perspective. (12.3 Mb)


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by Mr Armstrong
given 4 Feb 1984 - played Wales UK 11 Feb 2006
In this sermon, Mr Armstrong talks of God's Way to unity via His Spirit - both in the World Tomorrow, and within the Church. He also makes the profound statement below, that had we listened - and acted on it swiftly when the leaders within Worldwide apostasized - we may not have had to go through much of the trauma we did! "...Turn back to Romans, the last chapter of Romans, sixteenth chapter and verse 17 ... God says mark them and avoid them! Now there are two ways we can avoid them and only two that I know: One is if we leave them in the church and we all go out and we are no longer in the church, the other is that we put them out and we stay in. Now brethren I think we prefer to stay in, and so our choice is going to be to put them out!..." (play this section...at 78min 52sec) (15.1 Mb)
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News Analysis
by Jon Bowles

given Wales UK 11 Feb 2006
This Prophetic News Analysis deals with the issue of the cartoons depicting Mohammed that have caused such a furore in the world recently. The news reports tend to show a world that is much like Pontius Pilate who chose to do what was expedient, rather than what was right. This state of affairs within the nations that God recognises as Israelites to day - the English speaking peoples - rests on their rejection of their former foundation for moral judgement. That moral compass that they once both respected and used, and today reject and ignore, was God's Word - the Bible.  (3.6 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
The Bible and Christ's Authority
given Dec 1980 played Peterborough Canada 4 Feb 2006
"Well now, let's get on with this series. To see just why it is that you have not been hearing the true gospel of Jesus Christ. We have been hearing a gospel about the person of Christ. We've heard a lot about what a wonderful man He was. We've heard him deified. We have heard that He is worthy of worship. We've heard a lot about him. But we have not heard very much about the message He preached..." (4.4 Mb)
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by Jonathan Pippy
Becoming A True Christian Leader
given Peterborough Canada 4 Feb 2006
Leadership is not only a real problem within the world at large - but also within the True Church as well. Yet the very purpose of the Church is to prepare kings and priests to reign with Christ in the World Tomorrow. Such roles will require true leadership. Are we developing the qualities required? Do we know what those qualities are? Can we recognise what kind of leaders God expects us to follow today? This subject is absolutely vital for this time in the history of God's Church - as well as for all our future roles. (8.3 Mb)


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Split Sermon
by Jon Bowles
Peace - God's Way
given Owerri Nigeria 28 Jan 2006
Peace is a vital quality - part of the fruit of the Spirit given in Gal 5:22 - and destined to play an enormous part in the World Tomorrow. This sermon deals with the following aspects of this important subject: The Gospel of Peace; Inner Peace; Peace flowing to the family; Peace flowing to the Church; Peace flowing to the world. (8.3 Mb)
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Split Sermon
by Jon Bowles
God's Money - God's Way
given Owerri Nigeria 28 Jan 2006
God gives us several specific laws in regard to our use of money - including tithing. Malachi indicates that tithing is valid right down to the time of the end. This sermon examines how we must apply all such Laws, God's Way. It deals with: The end time problem; Offerings - God's Way; 1st Tithe - God's Way; 2nd Tithe - God's Way; 3rd Tithe - God's Way. (7.0 Mb)


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Split Sermon
by Ian Henderson
Watching World Events
given Bristol UK 21 Jan 2006
The News Analysis pages of this website are about to be re-launched. Certain vital aspects of world events need to be carefully watched, including: Religion; The Truth; Wars and disorder; Droughts, Famine and Pestilence; Natural Disasters; United States of Europe; The English-speaking peoples; The Arab Nations; Jerusalem.  (7.3 Mb)
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Split Sermon
by Jon Bowles
Growing - While Holding Fast
given Bristol UK 21 Jan 2006
So many organisations - formerly part of WCG - try to justify their departure from the faith once delivered by quoting that we must "grow in grace and knowledge" (2Pet 3:18). But they fail to answer the real questions: Who does God indicate has the right to place Truth in His Church? What area must we grow in? What area must we hold fast, as commanded in Rev 3:11?  (8.1 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
God's Time Table
given 10 July 1979 played Wales UK 14 Jan 2006
And once again, why don't we have better news today? If mankind had listened to the message that God Almighty sent by Jesus Christ, if the world believed it and followed that way, we would have good news today. But instead, we have to tell you about the good news of the World Tomorrow... Mr Armstrong then goes on to show how the resurrection of Jesus Christ had to be absolutely precise - both after and on, 3 days and 3 nights. (3.4 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
God - The Master of Timing
given Wales UK 14 Jan 2006
The creator God has so many things we can see in the creation in which He shows us the precise nature of His timing. So too within scripture, many areas can be seen - including those dealing with: The Creation; The Flood; The Fathers; The New Testament; The Future. (12.3 Mb)


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News Analysis
by Jon Bowles

given Wales UK 7 Jan 2006
This Prophetic News Analysis covers the crucial nature of the past few day's events in and around the Middle East. It examines the halting of agreements between Palestinian militants and the Palestinian government; The removal of Sharon as leader within Israel; and the possible repercussions of any action against Iran's nuclear program using nuclear weapons by either Israel or the USA. (3.1 Mb)
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by Mr Armstrong
Aversion Therapy
given 16 October 1982 - played Wales UK 7 Jan 2006
"...And we've got to become so sick, so fed up with this world, we never want any more of it again! That's God's purpose... But once we have gone through this experience (once we have learned from our experience and we've gone through this aversion therapy and we get fed up enough with this world and we don't want anymore of it), God will make us in a condition of spirit where we can't sin. God speed that day!..." (View Transcript) (11.5 Mb)


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by Jonathan Pippy
given Peterborough Canada 31 Dec 2005
There is an area of Church doctrine that is very common - anointing, taken from several scriptures, including James 5:15 - but do we understand it? This sermonette gives a brief overview of the subject.  (2.0 Mb)
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by Jonathan Pippy
Walking in Holiness
given Peterborough Canada 31 Dec 2005
With tomorrow bringing the year 2006 to the world outside, what will the same year bring to our Christian progress? One facet is vital for us all - that of holiness. God, our Father, is Holy, and He commands us in 1Pet 1:15-16 to be holy like Him. This sermon examines the subject and points out that Heb 12:14 seems to imply that we pursue holiness to be part of God's Kingdom. What does that mean?  (10.9 Mb)


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News Analysis
by Jon Bowles

given Wales UK 24 Dec 2005
This Prophetic News Analysis covers: The enormous difference between the barbarism found in the Muslim world and the decadence found in the West. Where these cultures clash - such as in the riots in Australia - we need to examine the way Islam regards the West as much as vice versa. The conclusion is that there is no possible solution to the clash - short of a total change of heart for both sides in the World Tomorrow.  (4.3 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Carnal Christianity
given Wales UK 24 Dec 2005
This sermon examines two forms of carnality found in both the early New Testament Church of the 1st century, and also the people of God today. It is vital that we recognise this, not only in the Church, but within ourselves. These two carnal approaches are those found in the Pharisee, and in the pseudo-liberal. (11.5 Mb)


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by Chris Hancock
Being Tested by Praise
given Bristol UK 17 Dec 2005
Proverbs 27:21 says, "As the fining pot for silver, and the furnace for gold; so is a man to his praise." This sermonette examines the scripture, and points out how difficult it can be to receive praise without being corrupted by it. So often, praise actually becomes a trial, a test. But the key, is to keep clear exactly whose praise we should value. (1.2 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
The Jerusalem Real Estate
given Bristol UK 17 Dec 2005
This sermon examines probably the most important piece of real-estate not only in the world - but perhaps even in the universe. It examines Jerusalem - an area that has been determined by God to become the very headquarters of His Kingdom when the new city descends to the earth. During the Millennium a physical type of this city is to be built, and become the central location of the world for the entire 1,000 years. Yet the history of this area - and the immediate prophecies in the years ahead - are the very antithesis of its name - a city of peace. View notes (13.1 Mb)


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by Ian Munro
The Golden Rule
given Wales UK 10 Dec 2005
Years gone by, "the golden rule" was taught in British schools - and scripture read to back up the principle. Today, in our multicultural society, this does not happen as it did before. But the principle is one given by Christ to form the basis of God's Law for all of us. This is why it is so important that we teach our children this rule now, and be ready to teach the entire world in the future. (1.4 Mb)
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by Mr Armstrong
HWA Speaks to the Brethren
given 4 July 1981 - played Wales UK 10 Dec 2005
Greetings everybody. Nice to be back here again. Last week I was up at Orr Minnesota speaking to many of our young juniors up there ...(37min 12sec) I would like to just be able to talk to you a little bit today ... All my life I have had to try to avoid getting sidetracked and jumping off onto some other thought that would flash through my mind as I go along, but to stay right on the subject. Well, I have been doing that lately, but today I just wanted to say what comes to my mind. That's what I am doing. And I just want to talk to you, as one of you, and we need a time to talk like that and be together, because we are all one in Christ... (13.6 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
Becoming Unglued
given Wales UK 3 Dec 2005
This sermon examines how the Greek word "merimnao" (to be anxious, lit: come to pieces) is used within Scripture - and what it has to teach us within our trials: Becoming unglued over physical things; for "the morrow"; during specific future events; The importance of keeping the centre; God's forward perspective. (9.5 Mb)
“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)