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by Mr Armstrong
Creation and the Gospel
given 13 May 1978 - played Wales UK 22 April 2006
This sermon was given shortly before Mr Armstrong went to Jerusalem for the inauguration of the Liberty Bell Park. He talks about his commission - given to him by God - to take the gospel to the world as a witness, delivering it in the form of an announcement, and puts this into the context of God's Plan for mankind. He also is very strong with the ministry at the time, insisting that they preach "food in due season" at each Holy Day through the year and also at the Feast of Tabernacles.  (12.8 Mb)

2006-04-19 (ULB Last Day AM)

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by Jon Bowles
given Bristol UK UB2 19 Apr 2006
Joshua was the human leader who led God's people into the Promised Land. But examining his life also helps us today - being recorded for us on whom the ends of the age are come (1Cor 10:11). This sermon examines his life in the following areas: Background; A Different Spirit; Taught by and with Moses; Taught directly by Christ; After He Died.  (12.4 Mb)
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by Chris Hancock
Achan's Sin
given Bristol UK UB2 19 Apr 2006
Mr Armstrong made the statement in his sermon on Passover Examination: "A lot of people have come into this Church, and a lot have become ministers and have ... never had the Spirit of God, and they NEVER REALLY COMPREHENDED THE SPIRITUAL TRUTH." The story of Achan shows clearly how such a carnal attitude can destroy God's people. What we all must keep in mind, is the true source of all spiritual strength. (1.9 Mb)

2006-04-19 (ULB Last Day PM)

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by Ian Munro
given Bristol UK UB2 19 Apr 2006
The Work given to the Church today is much reduced in scale than that given to Mr Herbert Armstrong in the past. But the means of finance remains the same. The freely given tithes and offerings of God's people allow the Church of God in Wales to move forward - in The Way God determines for this time. (1.2 Mb)
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Offering Music
by Paula Henderson
Psalm 23 - The Eternal Is My Shepherd
sung Bristol UK UB2 19 Apr 2006
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by Ian Henderson
Meaning of Unleavened Bread
given Bristol UK UB2 19 Apr 2006
This meaning of the day sermon elaborates on a statement that Mr Armstrong makes about the meaning of Unleavened Bread in the booklet: Pagan Holidays - or God's Holy Days - Which? "The seven days of the Feast of Unleavened Bread picture the keeping of the Commandments, which is another way of saying the putting away of sin". (10.4 Mb)


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News Analysis
by Jon Bowles

given Wales UK 15 April 2006
This Prophetic News Analysis examines the recent news items about Iran and its nuclear and other military aims. The views presently coming from that country may have great impact on the world as a whole - due to the position it is found in at the mouth of the Persian Gulf - and also because of who the nation is: the ancient country of Persia. (3.3 Mb)
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by Mr Armstrong
Times and Seasons
given 15 Mar 1980 - played Wales UK 15 April 2006
This sermon was given from Tucson, and deals with an overview of prophecy - particularly Matt 24 and Rev 4. Mr Armstrong also comments extensively on how he brings the gospel message to the leaders in communist countries, using the two broad ways of life: Give, and Get. (10.6 Mb)

2006-04-13 (ULB First Day PM)

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by Jon Bowles
Meaning of Unleavened Bread
given Wales UK UB1 13 Apr 2006
This meaning of the day sermon examines the following 5 points: Freedom from the slavery of sin; Being placed under a new government; Unleavened bread and manna; The Wavesheaf; The unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.  (11.6 Mb)
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Offering Music
by Paula Henderson
Psalm 91 - Within Your Secret Place
sung Wales UK UB1 13 Apr 2006
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by Andrew Munro
given Wales UK UB1 13 Apr 2006
We are told in 1Co 5:8 "Therefore let us keep the feast ... with the unleavened [bread] of sincerity and truth." This sermonette shows that this also needs to apply to our offering - commanded for these Days of Unleavened Bread.  (1.6 Mb)

2006-04-13 (ULB First Day AM)

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by Ian Henderson
6000 Years Off Track
given Wales UK UB1 13 Apr 2006
When you look at the catalogue of human history - as seen through God's eyes - it is almost all "off Track" - and written as a means of showing what not to do. The Bible particularly lays bare this fact, progressively through the millennia, and it continues right into the Church today - and our own recent past.  (12.4 Mb)
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by Ian Munro
The Healing Passover
given Wales UK UB1 13 Apr 2006
A vital part of the Passover is for our healing, but in today's world, so many materialistic advances erode the simple faith we need. This sermonette draws on personal experience and biblical verses in examining this subject. (1.9 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
given 28 June 1979 played Wales UK 8 Apr 2006
Now, my friends, once again, why is it that we have not heard the gospel of Jesus Christ, but a gospel of men about this person? Now we've been going though the New Testament to see what gospel Jesus did preach, what He taught His disciples, and the customs that He practiced. We have just seen during the past week how Jesus was sending His students - His learners (because the word disciple means a student or a learner) - out on a practice preaching mission. (Advertised in this broadcast is: Just What Do You Mean Conversion?) (3.4 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Why The Passover?
given Wales UK 8 Apr 2006
For normal Holy Days, there is invariably a sermon on the meaning of the day - showing how the day fits within the Plan of God. For the Passover however, this is not the case. As this sermon was given just a few days before the Passover, it gives "The Meaning of The Day", and covers the following points: A Memorial of Christ's Death for Sin; A Token of the New Covenant in His Blood; Freedom from Slavery; To Remain Part of Spiritual Israel; and To Allow the Holy Days - and Plan of God - to begin. (11.4 Mb)


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News Analysis
by Jon Bowles
Perverted Science
given Wales UK 1 April 2006
This Prophetic News Analysis is extended to 45 mins due to a shorter Bible Study from Mr Armstrong being played this week. More scriptures are therefore examined that tie in with recent news items. A distinct parallel can be drawn today with a speech given by Mr Winston Churchill concerning Hitler on June 18, 1940, when he describes "...a new Dark Age, made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science..." View this and other quotes (7.1 Mb)
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Bible Study
by Mr Armstrong
John 18 and 19
given 1 Nov 1980 - played Wales UK 1 April 2006
This short bible study was given by Mr Armstrong in Jerusalem in 1980 after a visit to Golgotha where Christ was crucified. It goes through the events found in John chapters 18 and 19, and is particularly applicable as we prepare for keeping the Passover. (5.4 Mb)


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by Ian Munro
Why Christ Cursed The Fig Tree
given Wales UK 25 March 2006
In Mark 11:14 Jesus Christ comes to a fig tree - before the "time of figs" - and finding no figs, he cursed the tree and it withered. Did Christ do this because he was angry? Or is there more to the story? This sermonette explains the profound meaning, and shows how it has much to tell us at this time of year. (1.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Christ and the Footwashing
given Wales UK 25 March 2006
The Passover is only a few weeks away, and we are instructed in 1Cor 11:28 to examine ourselves prior to taking it. Part of the ceremony that begins the Passover, is the footwashing. This Christ did as an example for us, and it has much to teach us about repentance and the type of life God expects us to turn towards. Five points are covered: Humility; A Living Word; Love - extending even to enemies; A God-centred Human Life; The footwashing example. (12.4 Mb)


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by Chris Hancock
Being Righteous Over Much
given Bristol UK 18 March 2006
Ecclesiastes 7:16 says, "be not righteous over much; neither make thyself over wise" But what does it mean? This sermonette explains. (1.8 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Understanding The Old Testament Sacrifices
given Bristol UK 18 March 2006
The Passover is only a few weeks away, and is our commanded memorial of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. However, how much do we understand the sacrifices found in the Old Testament? These rituals picture some profound fulfillments, and in remarkable detail. This sermon shows how they can be organised into two overall categories: Those that restore our relationship with God, and those that maintain it. (12.4 Mb)


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by Jonathan Pippy
Christ's Final Hours
given Peterborough Canada 11 March 2006
With Passover only a few weeks away, our minds need to begin being focused on the sacrifice of Christ - freely offered on our behalf. Several aspects of this sacrifice, can be seen in the events Christ went through before He died. They include: A series of illegal "trials"; Who was Barabbas who was freed?; The last words Christ uttered. (10.0 Mb)
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by Andrew Spellman
A Constant Awareness of Satan
given Peterborough Canada 11 March 2006
Satan is described in scripture as a spiritual predator, and one of the main aspects of this is the way he exploits weakness. For us to succeed in overcoming this foe, we not only need to be aware of the battle we are in, but be sure such awareness remains constant - through both good times and bad. (3.0 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
given Wales UK 4 March 2006
Following on from the sermon two weeks ago on the miracle of the opened mind, this sermon examines the subject of Predestination. It breaks the subject into the following points: Fatalism; Free-choice; The predestination scriptures; Our calling; The repercussions.  (12.4 Mb)
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by Ian Munro
Child Rearing Reflections
given Wales UK 4 March 2006
Those of us who are older, raised our children - and made our own share of mistakes. But passing our experience on is what is important, and is what this sermonette is all about. (2.0 Mb)
“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)