Cattle Ranchers and Dairy Farmers Refuse “Bird Flu” Testing

USA - The last time we checked on highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), better known as the “bird flu,” ten Colorado poultry workers had developed symptoms of bird flu (mainly pink eye). Cattle that are infected continue to have only mild symptoms. There is currently no evidence than humans can catch this disease except through the direct contact with the body fluids of infected animals. It appears America’s cattle ranchers and dairy farmers are quiet-quitting pandemic madness, and are not testing their animals.

Brexit is 'golden opportunity' for Spain to snatch Gibraltar back

GIBRALTAR - A leading politician has said Spain cannot afford to "surrender" Gibraltar again as he warns the current government to pressure the UK in current negotiations. In an interview La Razon, the fierce advocate for Spanish sovereignty over Gibraltar warned the current Madrid government, led by Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, against giving up on "co-sovereignty" of The Rock. The MEP rued that Spain had failed to seize the "golden opportunity" of Brexit and instead had allowed Gibraltar to become the "Cayman Islands in southern Europe" due to its tax policy. He slammed Spain and the EU for allowing Gibraltar to have a personal income tax rate and a corporate tax rate half of Spain's.

Doctors Say They Like Helping Patients Kill Themselves

USA - “Nor shall any man’s entreaty prevail upon me to administer poison to anyone; neither will I counsel any man to do so.” So says the Hippocratic Oath. Alas, the oath is as dead as the patients some doctors now assist in suicide. In California, the Sutter Family Residency Medical Program even offers residencies to train doctors in assisted suicide — euphemistically called medical aid in dying (MAID). Chillingly, most of the doctors who participated in a small study on assisted suicide and who prescribe poison as part of their job like it.

Church of England set for 'woke' rebrand

UK - An astonishing new study claims the Church of England is leaning towards a "daft" decision to drop the word "church" in favour of more "relevant and modern-sounding" terms. The report from the Centre of Church Planting Theology and Research suggests when creating new places of worship the Anglican church is more likely to discuss them as "communities" and "congregations". "Planting" is the traditional term used for establishing a new church and this new study looked at 11 dioceses considering adding a new place of worship to their roster.

The Beginning Of The End?

GERMANY - Three days ago, in the aftermath of the WSJ report seeking to radically shift the narrative over the Nordstream sabotage, where instead of the CIA being blamed for the explosion of the critical gas pipeline from Russia to Europe, unnamed "intelligence" sources forged on with a hilarious script according to which a top Ukraine general (operating initially under the instructions of Zelensky but then going rogue when Z got "cold feet") was responsible for coordinating the sabotage using a handful of rank amateurs who somehow managed to sneak to the bottom of the Baltic sea and conduct an unprecedented military operation, we said that - no matter the laughable veracity of the report - relations between Germany and Ukraine are "about to turn ugly", and we asked why this story is coming out just now?

Unprecedented DNC “Security”

USA - The “security” being implemented ahead of the Democrat National Convention in Chicago is the most draconian demonstration of government force that we’ve seen in this nation. The Department of Defense is preparing for a possible bio-chemical attack. Code names are being used for travelling VIPs. Operatives are being embedded in protestor groups. Is something bigger happening than just a party’s convention? In the shadows of the Democratic National Convention (DNC), a web of secrecy and control has begun to tighten its grip not just around the convention centers, but across the city of Chicago, hinting at a much larger, more sinister operation at play.

What’s Really Happening With Mpox?

SWITZERLAND - The World Health Organization (WHO) acted as expected this week and declared Mpox a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). So, a problem in a small number of African countries that has killed about the same number of people this year as die every four hours from tuberculosis has come to dominate international headlines. This is raising a lot of angst from some circles against the WHO.

Teachers are quitting their jobs in droves

USA - Teachers are quitting in droves as a new generation of appallingly behaved students push their patience to the limit. Born between roughly 2010 and the end of 2024, Generation Alpha will make up the largest cohort of children ever to live on planet earth. However, the two billion-plus toddlers and pre-teens are already being cited for their illiteracy, unruly behavior and an uncontrollable addiction to screens. Many blame lockdowns and school closures during the pandemic for the rise in bad behavior, while some are pointing the finger at Millennial parents who are opting to distract children with technology rather than properly discipline them.

Computer Use Linked To Toddlers’ Outbursts

USA - While allowing little kids to stare at a computer screen often gives parents a much-needed respite, new research suggests cutting back on the practice, with early tablet use linked to increased outbursts later on. Children logging 75 minutes or more of daily screen time at 3 1/2 years old were more apt to outbursts of anger and frustration a year later, a study published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics found. Further, the findings suggest a vicious cycle is in play, with little kids who were more apt toward expressions of anger and frustration at 4 1/2 years old likely to spend even more time on an iPad a year later.

Majority of antisemitic incidents committed by leftists

USA - With antisemitism rising across the globe, from assaults to graffiti, a new analysis finds the political motivation of perpetrators skews decisively to the left, with extreme progressives far more likely to commit such attacks as compared to Islamists or far-right activists like neo-Nazis. The new findings come as the Democratic National Committee braces for potential unrest from anti-Israel protesters at its nominating convention next week in Chicago just days after presumptive nominee Kamala Harris was confronted at a New York fundraiser by a protest that required some arrests. The weekly Global Antisemitism Report published by the Combat Antisemitism Movement analyzed 113 incidents that targeted Jewish victims worldwide and found that 57.5% of the perpetrators were identified as far leftists, 22.1% of them were Islamists, 11.5% were unknown and 8.9% were done by far-right extremists.

Russian Volcano Erupts After 7.0 Earthquake

RUSSIA - A volcano has erupted in Russia after a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck off the eastern coast of the country, according to state-run media. The Russian news agency, TASS, reported that the Shiveluch volcano in the region of Kamchatka started to erupt Saturday. CNN noted that the volcano is about 280 miles from the coastal city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, which has a population of 180,000. Scientists told TASS that the ash column is rising up to 8 kilometers — about 5 miles — above sea level. The volcano has also released a gush of lava, according to TASS. TASS reported that the daily lives of residents in the area were not affected by the eruption, just that ashfall may be reported in nearby populated areas. The earthquake struck about 63 miles east of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and occurred 18 miles below the surface, according to the US Geological Survey.

The Climate Of Lies Keeps Getting Hotter

USA - The New York Times recently published a long story warning that the planet’s climate tipping points are frighteningly near. The “great systems in the natural world,” the reporters say, “might be pushing toward collapse” due to man’s use of fossil fuel. Maybe so. Or the changes we’re seeing in the climate might be entirely natural. We pick on the mighty New York Times here, but it’s the legacy media’s great pleasure to spread misleading information and conjecture about the climate. About the only truth we can know about the claims surrounding anthropogenic global warming is that it’s “political, not physical, science.”

Ayatollah Khamenei: ‘Divine Wrath’ Will Strike if Iran ‘Retreats’ on Israel

IRAN - Iran’s “supreme leader” Ayatollah Ali Khamenei warned his underlings in a meeting on Wednesday that making a “nontactical retreat” would meet the “divine wrath” of Allah as the world awaits a highly touted attack by Tehran on neighboring Israel. Iranian officials have been boasting that they would attack Israel for all of August following the elimination of Hamas “political” chief Ismail Haniyeh on July 31. Haniyeh was killed by a yet-unexplained explosion in his lodgings in Tehran, which he was visiting to attend the inauguration of President Masoud Pezeshkian. Iran is believed to be one of the top funders and political supporters of Hamas, the genocidal terrorist organization responsible for the massacre, torture, and abduction of hundreds of Israeli civilians in an unprecedented siege on October 7.

David Lammy warns of rising risk of full-scale regional war in Middle East

MIDDLE EAST - There is a rising risk of “full-scale regional war” in the Middle East, the foreign secretary, David Lammy, has warned, amid frantic international efforts to calm tensions with Iran and reach a ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas. With the US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, flying into Israel this weekend to push for a deal, Lammy has joined forces with his French counterpart, Stéphane Séjourné, to warn that now is a “perilous moment” for the region in the midst of widespread fears of escalation involving Tehran and allied militias in Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and Yemen.

Harley-Davidson: A DEI wokeness factory…

USA - Every @harleydavidson rider is going to want to see this. It sure sounds like CEO Jochen Zeitz admits that he took the Harley job because it was an opportunity to transform an American icon into embracing wokeness and DEI. Read the quotes below carefully. He said this at a Synergos ‘David Rockefeller Leadership Award’ event. Synergos says they work to “dismantle systems that create the most urgent problems of our time... social injustice and climate change.” Doesn’t that just scream HARLEY-DAVIDSON!?

“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)