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News Analysis
by Jon Bowles

given Wales UK 28 March 2009
There seems to be a certain madness within so many of the news items that appear in our papers today. This is particularly true of the political reaction to the financial crisis. When we understand the spiritual influences at work during the end-time, we should not be too surprised. (3.0 Mb)
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by Mr Armstrong
given 4 April 1983 during UB - Played Wales UK 28 March 2009
Begins: "...Now we have come to the final service of the first of the Festivals of the year 1983..." Mr Armstrong then talks about how the Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread fit into God's Plan found within the Holy Days. He particularly covers how it is God's purpose for us to continue out of sin, on to perfection - ready to take our place as teachers during the Millennium. (12.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
broadcast 28 June 1979 - played Wales UK 21 Mar 2009
"Now, my friends, once again, why is it that we have not heard the gospel of Jesus Christ, but a gospel of men about this person? Now we've been going though the New Testament to see what gospel Jesus did preach, what He taught His disciples, and the customs that He practiced. We have just seen during the past week how Jesus was sending His students - His learners (because the word disciple means a student or a learner) - out on a practice preaching mission." (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
The Wine of Passover
given Wales UK 21 Mar 2009
The Passover sacrifice of Christ began the very Plan of God by providing forgiveness of past sins and allowing reconciliation with the Father on repentance. His shed blood also makes possible the New Covenant between God and spiritual Israel. This sermon examines: God's Law and lifestyle; Ancient Israel; Circumcision; The Firstborn; The New Covenant. (11.0 Mb)


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Special Music
by Paula Henderson
Psalm 128 - Blessed is the Man Fearing the Eternal
sung Bristol UK 14 March 2009
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by Chris Hancock
Our Spiritual Legacy
given Bristol UK 14 March 2009
The spiritual legacy we have been left does not only consist of doctrines directly given within scripture. It also consists of traditions, based on scripture, that were given by the individual through whom God revealed His Truth. What is more, the identical process can also be seen operating in the early New Testament Church. (2.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
The Bread of Passover
given Bristol UK 14 March 2009
The passage found in 1Cor 11 is read as a key passage within the Passover service. It is particularly important in understanding the meaning of the Passover bread. This sermon examines the following from the passage: Passover 31AD; Physical sin; Eating worthily; Sickness in the Church; Judging ourselves. (14.0 Mb)


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by Ian Munro
Is Money The Root Of Evil?
given Wales UK 7 March 2009
People sometimes use biblical quotations in day to day life, but so often misquote in some way. "Money is the root of all evil", is just one such quote. But only when you go back to 1Tim 6:10 and read what it really does say, do you discover its original, true, full meaning. (1.0 Mb)
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by Mr Armstrong
given 17 Apr 1982 - Played Wales UK 7 March 2009
Begins: "...Well the first festival of Unleavened Bread for 1982 is now over. For the past 3 1/2 years Jesus Christ has been putting this Church - His Church - back on the Track..." Mr Armstrong then goes back to the beginning in order to put both modern higher education, and the education of disciples (or students) within God's True Church, into their respective context. And the clear conclusion, is that modern higher-education is based on the very antithesis of what Christ requires in His disciples. (13.0 Mb)


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by Andrew Spellman
Thy Kingdom Come
given Peterborough Canada 28 Feb 2009
Over and over again man seeks peace. But all efforts are overturned when the next war comes along. Inner peace is just as illusive a problem. And the solution to both is, Thy Kingdom Come! (1.0 Mb)
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by Jonathan Pippy
Feeding The Sheep of God
given Peterborough Canada 28 Feb 2009
In a passage found in John 21 Jesus Christ three times asks Peter if he loves Him, and then each time instructs him to "feed my sheep". But it is only when you go to the original Greek version of the passage that the meaning becomes clear: To adequately feed and shepherd God's sheep requires the very love of God Himself. And that is something we all require. (9.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Man Rejects God's Way
broadcast 27 June 1979 - played Wales UK 21 Feb 2009
"And again, we could have good news today if we knew the way. There is only one reason why we are having all the troubles, the wars, and everything we have, that's because we don't know the way to peace, to prosperity, to happiness, to every thing we want. That way has been revealed, the way has been made known, and men have always rejected it." (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
The Funeral Service
given Wales UK 21 Feb 2009
The funeral service of the Church of God is incredibly different from any other you will hear in the world. Designed not for the one who died, but for those who are left, not only is it profound, upbeat and encouraging, but shows: That death can only be understood by revelation; This life is only a temporary chemical existence; There is no immortal soul in man mentioned in scripture; God offers real life; The purpose of life is to build holy, righteous, Godly character, ready for real Spirit life. (8.0 Mb)


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Split Sermon
by Jon Bowles
The Decline and Fall Part 2
given Bristol UK 14 Feb 2009
Edward Gibbon gave 5 reasons for the demise of Rome in his work The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire in 1788. However, the points raised are also chillingly applicable today. This second split sermon deals with the last two: The building of armaments, when the real enemy was within with the decay of personal responsibility; The decay of religion. (8.0 Mb)
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Split Sermon
by Ian Henderson
The Decline and Fall Part 1
given Bristol UK 14 Feb 2009
Edward Gibbon gave 5 reasons for the demise of Rome in his work The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire in 1788. However, the points raised are also chillingly applicable today. This first split sermon deals with the first three: Undermining the family; Higher taxes for public spending; and the mad craze for pleasure and sports. (7.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Requirements For God's Kingdom
broadcast 26 June 1979 - played Wales UK 7 Feb 2009
"My friends, why is it that today we not only have bad news, but we hear a kind of preaching that's certainly different from that which the people were hearing when Jesus Christ was on earth or during the ministry of the true Church of God under the apostles in the first century after Christ had ascended to heaven? Now, we've been going through the New Testament to see what Jesus did teach, and what He taught His disciples, what they preached. And we have been here in the 9th and 10th chapters of Matthew where Jesus had sent His disciples out on a practice mission." (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Stages To Birth
given Wales UK 7 Feb 2009
Scripture says that mankind is "without excuse" when it comes to recognising God's eternal power and Godhead (Rom 1:20). And one of the greatest miracles that illustrates this is that of childbirth. But childbirth is also a type of the spiritual. This sermon examines the 5 stages: The family genes; Fertilization; The embryo; The foetus; Birth. (12.0 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
Five Misconceptions
given Wales UK 31 Jan 2009
Since the death of Mr Armstrong, we have all been exposed to a wide selection of other ideas on our journey to this point. Unfortunately, we can sometimes look at misconceptions picked up along the way as original Truth. This sermon examines 5 possible areas: That Prophet; The Little Book; Can Satan Repent; Tribulation and Trumpets; Who are the 144,000? (12.0 Mb)


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by Matt Blackwood
An Obama-Washington Leader Comparison
given Peterborough Canada 24 Jan 2009
So much news coverage of Mr Barack Obama tends to present him as some kind of saviour of the world. But what are his true qualities of leadership, from God's perspective? This sermonette takes segments of his inaugural address, and that of George Washington and finds two very different approaches. And yet what God is looking for is much nearer that of yesteryear, than that of today. (1.0 Mb)
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by Jonathan Pippy
The Incredible Human Potential
given Peterborough Canada 24 Jan 2009
This sermon is unusual, in that it is a book review - of Mr Armstrong's book: The Incredible Human Potential. But one thing becomes very clear indeed: The true potential of human beings, as revealed by God within scripture, is indeed utterly astounding and from a human perspective, totally incredible! (11.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
How To Live By God's Law
broadcast 25 June 1979 - played Wales UK 17 Jan 2009
"But I can't give you very much good news for today. Today's news is never good. Did you ever notice that? " (3.0 Mb)
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Bible Study
by Mr Armstrong
The Law of Liberty
given 23 Apr 1981 during UB - Played Wales UK 17 Jan 2009
Begins: "I should have left you standing. I think we had better rise again if you don't mind..." Mr Armstrong then gives an opening prayer for the bible study, before explaining how we only have temporary life today, but are offered Real Life by God. He goes through the first chapter of the book of James where the "process" of sin is covered, as is "the Law of liberty" and contrasts it with a current newspaper, to show how meaningless mere chemical "life" portrayed within it really is. (13.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Christ's Message Rejected
broadcast 22 June 1979 - played Wales UK 10 Jan 2009
"But, my friends, why do we have wars today? Why do we have all this unhappiness? You know, I begin, I believe, every sermon, every broadcast that I might preach, the remainder of my lifetime, by asking and answering that question - Why does God permit wars?" (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Meat Offered To Idols
given Wales UK 10 Jan 2009
Some look at what the apostle Paul says in 1Cor 8 and think it sanctions those who knowingly eat meat offered to idols. Nothing is further from the truth. This sermon seeks God's mind on the subject and examines: God's original commands; Being IN, not OF the world; The decree of Acts 15; Paul's "way of escape"; The recent apostasy. (12.0 Mb)


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by Andrew Munro
Holding the Foundation
given Bristol UK 3 Jan 2009
Several who formerly met with us 25 years ago are now keeping Xmas. Why? Scripture shows that one of the main reasons is that they have lost their foundation. This is the reason you will find so much material from Mr Armstrong on this website. (2.0 Mb)
“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)