2010-05-23 (Pentecost PM)

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by Jon Bowles
Pentecost - Meaning of the Day
given Bristol UK Pcost 23 May 2010
Anyone who tries to define what "the Internet" is, would often do so by describing what it does. It is similar for God's Spirit and the Firstfruits. The sermon examines: The early and latter rain; Our calling; Our fruit; Our Life; Revelation; The Creative Power. (12.0 Mb)
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Offering Music
by Paula Henderson
Psalm 38 - Let Your Chastening Be In Measure
sung Bristol Pcost 23 May 2010
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by Andrew Munro
given Bristol UK Pcost 23 May 2010
When foundations are left for any length of time without the construction being finished, it is vital that they are first clearly seen - by going back to the original plans. Only then can the building be made secure - correctly placed on its support - and this includes the very Spiritual Temple and Church of God today. (1.0 Mb)

2010-05-23 (Pentecost AM)

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by Ian Henderson
The 3 groups of John 14
given Bristol UK Pcost 23 May 2010
John 14 describes two groups very clearly: "if a man love me he will keep my words" and "he that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings". But there is a third group also - not so clearly mentioned, but very, very real today. (13.0 Mb)
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by Chris Hancock
Why are WE Here?
given Bristol UK Pcost 23 May 2010
So often a Holy Day message begins with "Why are we here?" But this sermonette asks "Why are WE here?". Why did God select us to be at this day of Pentecost? (1.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
John 8
broadcast 8 Aug 1979 - played Wales UK 22 May 2010
"Now we've just been seeing that there are millions of people today just like those of a little over 1900 years ago, who believe on Jesus Christ and yet they don't believe Christ at all. They don't believe Jesus Christ - but they do believe on Christ. They've heard the scripture quoted 'believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved,' so they think that is all there is to it..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Ian Henderson
The Preparation Day
given Wales UK 22 May 2010
Whatever God does invariably involves preparation and planning. In developing His character within us, He expects us to do the same and gives us a preparation day before each Sabbath. However, this training is for much more than the weekly Sabbath. It teaches us vital lessons about the end-time in which we currently find ourselves, preparing for the Millennium and our place within the Kingdom of God. (10.0 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
The Websites and Thessalonians
given Wales UK 15 May 2010
A good deal of effort goes into our various websites - including the preservation of material from God via Mr Armstrong. But are we using the material? Are we reading it? Do we value it? There is much in this area that the Church of God in Thessalonica has to teach us today. (3.0 Mb)
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by Mr Armstrong
given Pentecost 22 May 1983 - Played Wales UK 15 May 2010
Begins: "Greetings brethren, all of you. Today is the 50th anniversary of the observance of Pentecost by this Church, since the Philadelphia era was founded. But since the Church was founded, it is about the 1952nd anniversary..." Mr Armstrong then gives the meaning of the day, being the Day of Firstfruits, showing how though the Sabbath was made for man, God's Annual Holy Days - and the Plan they picture - are very much designed for The Church. This is particularly true of Pentecost. (12.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
What is the True Church Like? - part 4
broadcast 6 Aug 1979 - played Wales UK 8 May 2010
"Well, it's about time that we began to learn which is the right church of all these churches, of all these church denominations. You know we go along taking them for granted - and very few, except to be a little bewildered once in awhile, stop to ask which is the right church and how can we find it? Can all of them be right, and all of them disagree?..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
The True Gospel
given Wales UK 8 May 2010
When Mr Armstrong was alive, one of his criticisms of the world's churches, was that they preached a gospel about the person of Christ, but ignored His message. The tragedy today is, many of those formerly of WCG are similarly confused. But what do the scriptures clearly show? This sermon examines: Christ the messenger; Paul's message; Born again; Entering the Kingdom; The purpose of the Gospel. (11.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
What is the True Church Like? - part 3
broadcast 3 Aug 1979 - played Wales UK 1 May 2010
"Where is the True Church today? Which is the True Church - there are so many, many different denominations. Is any one of these that you see, the Church that Jesus said He would build? Jesus Christ said 'I will build My Church'..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Romans 1 and Deviant Judgement
given Wales UK 1 May 2010
A recent UK court ruling labelled the refusal to offer sex-therapy to homosexuals on religious grounds as "irrational, divisive, capricious and arbitrary". But Romans 1 is clear. Deviant activity arises precisely because deviant judgement denies God's eternal power and Godhead. This sermon reviews such judgement in the light of Romans 1 and shows much that God's people should learn. (11.0 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
Where do we go From Here?
given Delaware USA 24 Apr 2010
The True Church today finds itself in a position the members never expected. But we need to understand where God expects us to go from here. This sermon examines: What we face is not unique; Where we were; Where we aim; The Ezekiel warning; Our spiritual heritage; Preaching the Gospel. (14.0 Mb)


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by Ron Meisner
When is Evening and Morning?
given Delaware USA 17 Apr 2010
The Passover is kept by a number of groups in both Christianity and Judaism today. However, they do not all all agree as to when the ordinance should be celebrated. The key - that this sermonette examines - is a correct understanding of when it is evening, and when it is morning. (1.0 Mb)
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by Joseph Forson
What and Why the Church?
given Delaware USA 17 Apr 2010
Jesus Christ said, "I will build my Church" (Mat 16:18) - but what IS "The Church", and WHY was it created? This sermon explains by expounding on many of the facts and principles God revealed through Mr Armstrong about the subject when he was alive. (11.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
What is the True Church Like? - part 2
broadcast 2 Aug 1979 - played Hailsham UK 10 Apr 2010
"My friends, once again, let me ask, where is the True Church that Jesus Christ did build? We look about us and we see churches on a great many street corners today, our land is literally dotted with churches - many, many different denominations. Now there must be a right and a true church - which one is the right one?..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Ian Henderson
given Hailsham UK 10 Apr 2010
The subject of Petra seems to have been endlessly speculated on within God's Church. Mr Armstrong's position was, if the Bible gives the location of the place of safety, Petra is the place, but he is not sure it does. This sermon examines the scriptures that deal with the area of Petra - including those that also indicate it as a place of protection. (9.0 Mb)

2010-04-05 (ULB Last Day PM)

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by Chris Hancock
given Bristol UK UB2 5 Apr 2010
The first two offerings recorded in scripture were those of Cain and Abel. The vital difference between them, was that Abel gave according to the clear will of God. This key aspect still speaks down the millennia to us today. (1.0 Mb)
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Offering Music
by Paula Henderson
Psalm 5 - Give Ear Unto My Words
sung Bristol UK UB2 5 Apr 2010
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by Ian Henderson
given Bristol UK UB2 5 Apr 2010
The Holy Days have been given to teach us God's Plan for mankind. And the Exodus - to which these days of UB are inexorably linked - also contains vital lessons for those who witnessed the events themselves. This even includes the Egyptians who died - something only grasped, when the Plan of God is understood. (13.0 Mb)

2010-04-05 (ULB Last Day AM)

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by Matthew Blackwood
Why 7 Days of Unleavened Bread?
given Peterborough Canada UB2 5 Apr 2010
The lesson of Unleavened Bread is not merely getting rid of sin - but replacing it with God's Law and Way. This is why scripture tells us to actually eat Unleavened Bread for the full 7 days. (1.0 Mb)
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by Andrew Munro
The Spirit of Caleb
given Bristol UK UB2 5 Apr 2010
When the spies went into the Promised Land, they brought back a bad report - unlike Caleb who not only "had a different Spirit", but who lived up to the true meaning of his name. (2.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Making Spiritual Headway
given Bristol UK UB2 5 Apr 2010
The only way of sailing away from a lee-shore, is by constantly tacking into the wind. When we set out on life after baptism, it is very similar with the need to continually turn around and go the other way. Fortunately, we have also been given the examples of: Abraham; Jacob; David and Paul. (13.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
What is the True Church Like? - part 1
broadcast 1 Aug 1979 - played Wales UK 3 Apr 2010
"Then, once again I say, what's wrong with this world today? The thing that's wrong is that the churches have not had the true medicine to save this world. They haven't provided the stabilizing influence, they haven't had the knowledge, they haven't set the example to change this world into what it should be, and to lead this world into the way of peace and into the way of happiness and all that we ought to have..." (3.0 Mb)
“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)