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by Mr Armstrong
What is Sin?
given 5 Dec 1981 played Wales 23 Apr 2011
Begins: "Well greetings everybody, once again. I might announce now I do not plan to be with you next Sabbath. I'm planning to be in Oklahoma City..." Mr Armstrong then deals with many issues - including makeup - and explains why our attitude of mind is the crucial element in understanding sin. Certain physical actions - not addressed specifically within scripture - can still display a spiritual direction that is the antithesis of God's Way. (View Transcript) (10.0 Mb)

2011-04-19 (ULB First Day)

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by Jon Bowles
The Circumcision of Moses' Son
given Wales UK UB1 19 Apr 2011
There is an account inserted as Moses leaves Midian to begin the Exodus where God is about to kill the son of Moses until his mother circumcises him. The questions are: What happened? Why? And what can it teach us? (1.0 Mb)
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Bible Study
by Mr Armstrong
Beginning of James and Unleavened Bread
given 23 Apr 1981 played Wales UB1 19 Apr 2011
This Bible Study shows how we only have temporary life today, but are offered Real Life by God. The "process" of sin - following temptation - is covered, as is "the Law of liberty" - into that real life. Mr Armstrong examines a current "news" paper, and shows how meaningless such chemical "life" portrayed within it really is. (View Transcript) (10.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Prophecy part 7 - Prophecy and the Church
broadcast 1980s - played Wales UK 16 Apr 2011
"And now my friends, let's get prophecy straightened out. What is going to happen next? Where are we now in the fulfilment of biblical prophecy? What is going to lead down to the World Tomorrow ..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
The Table of Devils
given Wales UK 16 Apr 2011
With Passover tomorrow there is an aspect of Paul's teaching that we must be aware of: "Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord’s table, and of the table of devils." (1Co 10:21) This sermon examines: Our battle with Satan; Satan's servants; How Isaiah 28 is talking to us today. (13.0 Mb)


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Split Sermon
by Joseph Forson
Being in Church for the Right Reason
given Kenya 2 April 2011 played Wales UK 9 April 2011
Sermon in English with Swahili translation: Africa appears to attract Church attendance for a variety of reasons. But God's True Church attends services for one main reason - to learn more of God's Truth from His Word. (5.9 Mb)
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Split Sermon
by Jon Bowles
Godly Sorrow
given Kenya 2 April 2011 played Wales UK 9 April 2011
Sermon in English with Swahili translation: With our ultimate goal to convert/change, from a fleshly human to a spirit-born son of God - there is a clear progression toward that end during this life: Godly Sorrow leading to Repentance leading to Conversion. (10.0 Mb)


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by Bob Evans
Put on Humility
given Peterborough Canada 2 Apr 2011
As we approach the Passover, several scriptures on humility come to mind as the ordinance begins with foot-washing. In this sermonette, a number of such scriptures are examined. (1.0 Mb)
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by Jonathan Pippy
Christ's Suffering and False Trial
given Peterborough Canada 2 Apr 2011
The six attempted "trials" of Jesus Christ, prior to his crucifixion, were illegal and contrived. Yet we can learn much from the way He conducted Himself throughout - as our supreme example to follow. (10.0 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
Dokimos - Greek for Approved
given Wales UK 26 Mar 2011
The sermon from Mr Armstrong played today (Passover Examination), revolves around 1Cor 11:28 and the need for self examination. Within the context that leads to this passage is the Greek word "dokimos" translated in verse 19 as "approved". Its meaning certainly backs up Mr Armstrong's admonition in the present shattered state of God's Church. (2.0 Mb)
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by Mr Armstrong
Passover Examination
given 4 March 1982 played Wales 26 Mar 2011
Begins: "In just two weeks and three days will come the Passover once again. What, after all, is the real meaning of the Passover?..." Mr Armstrong then shows how the key area we all need to examine prior to taking the Passover, is our level of true repentance. He points out some - even some evangelists - had not truly repented, but merely accepted the truth as part of their own righteousness. (View Transcript) (10.0 Mb)


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by Chris Hancock
Repentance vs Penance
given Bristol UK 19 Mar 2011
This year is the 400th anniversary of the King James version of the Bible. Much of the text was originally penned by William Tyndale - but there are certain words that have caused contention in the past. One of these words is the word translated as "repent". (1.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
The Beatitudes - part 4
given Bristol UK 19 Mar 2011
With Passover just 4 weeks away, those in God's Church need to begin following what we are instructed in 1Cor 11:28 to examine ourselves. The key area of that examination is our repentance - how fully we have turned from our human way of doing things to God's Way. And That Way has been laid out for the Church by Jesus Christ in a particular passage of scripture: in the Beatitudes and Sermon on the Mount found in Matthew 5, 6 and 7. This sermon deals with the peacemakers and those persecuted for righteousness sake.

 (13.0 Mb)



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by Bob Evans
Flesh vs Spirit
given Peterborough Canada 12 Mar 2011
Galatians 5 begins with the words, "Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free..." And as we approach the Passover this year - reminding us of that liberty - we also need to appreciate the rest of the chapter - that the flesh and the Spirit are contrary to each other (v17). (1.0 Mb)
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by Jonathan Pippy
Lessons for Passover
given Peterborough Canada 12 Mar 2011
The world is coming apart, but while it does so God's Plan remains right on schedule. To keep our eyes on the right goal God gives us Holy Convocations as annual reminders - beginning with the Passover. Before this ordinance we are told to examine ourselves, and one thing should be very evident - that we are all still very much a work in progress. (11.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Prophecy part 6 - 7 Times Punishment
broadcast 1980s - played Wales UK 5 Mar 2011
"There is tremendous meaning back of what's going on in the world today - because there is a purpose being worked out here below and God Almighty is doing the working out. These events aren't just happening, these events are not meaningless ..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
The Beatitudes - Part 3
given Wales UK 5 Mar 2011
With Passover just 6 weeks away, those in God's Church need to begin following what we are instructed in 1Cor 11:28 to examine ourselves. The key area of that examination is our repentance - how fully we have turned from our human way of doing things to God's Way. And That Way has been laid out for the Church by Jesus Christ in a particular passage of scripture: in the Beatitudes and Sermon on the Mount found in Matthew 5, 6 and 7. This sermon deals with the merciful and pure in heart. (11.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Prophecy part 5 - Jeremiah 2
broadcast 1980s - played Wales UK 26 Feb 2011
"Did you notice the newspapers this morning? Well I did, and the news is not good. And that's the way it is. And there's no peace in this world now ..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
The Beatitudes - Part 2
given Wales UK 26 Feb 2011
With Passover just 7 weeks away, those in God's Church need to begin following what we are instructed in 1Cor 11:28 and begin to examine ourselves. The key area of that examination is our repentance - how fully we have turned from our human way of doing things to God's Way. And That Way has been laid out for the Church by Jesus Christ in a single passage of scripture: in the Beatitudes and Sermon on the Mount found in Matthew 5, 6 and 7. This sermon deals with the meek and those that hunger and thirst after righteousness. (11.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Prophecy part 4 - Lessons to Learn
broadcast 1980s - played Wales UK 19 Feb 2011
"Well, what's going to lead up to that wonderful World Tomorrow? Because world peace is coming - but it isn't coming immediately. Instead it's going just the other way..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
The Beatitudes - Part 1
given Wales UK 19 Feb 2011
With Passover just 8 weeks away, those in God's Church need to begin following what we are instructed in 1Cor 11:28 and begin to examine ourselves. The key area of that examination is our repentance - how fully we have turned from our human way of doing things to God's Way. And That Way has been laid out for the Church by Jesus Christ in a single passage of scripture: in the Beatitudes and Sermon on the Mount found in Matthew 5, 6 and 7. (11.0 Mb)


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by Andrew Munro
The Heavens Show God's Glory
given Bristol UK 12 Feb 2011
Mankind has always been fascinated by the stars - and mankind today is no exception. Yet the more we understand about them and the vast scales involved, so is the glory of God ever more awesome - and the Plan God has for mankind ever more astounding. (2.0 Mb)
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by Ian Henderson
Examine If In The Faith Delivered
given Bristol UK 12 Feb 2011
As we draw toward the Passover this year, so we need to begin examining ourselves as instructed. One area of examination, is to see if we do indeed continue to hold to the Faith - in the form originally delivered to us by our Father and Jesus Christ. (12.0 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
End Time Prayer and Fasting
given Wales UK 5 Feb 2011
Following on from the sermon last week - that dealt with the Arabic chaos and drew parallels with Mr Armstrong's comments in 1980 - this sermon deals with Mr Armstrong's reaction that it was a time for fasting and prayer. It examines: The end-time battle; Our weakness; Our strength; Our position; Our communication. (11.0 Mb)
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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Prophecy part 3 - Jeremiah 1 and the USA
broadcast 1980s - played Wales UK 5 Feb 2011
"The news today is not good and I want to tell you, my friends, America today is face-to-face with a national calamity that our people little dream about. We're exactly at the crossroads..." (3.0 Mb)
“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)