2011-09-29 (Trumpets PM)

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by Ian Henderson
Meaning of Trumpets
given Bristol UK Trump 29 Sep 2011
The events in the world should themselves be focusing our minds at this time. But when we also consider the scriptures relating to this momentous day, the events become even more meaningful. (13.0 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
The Word of Trumpets in 2Peter
given Wales UK 24 Sep 2011
2Peter 3:3-4 warns that "there shall come in the last days scoffers... saying, Where is the promise of his coming?" To understand the passage properly, we must consider the context. When we do, then a very clear Word of God comes to the fore. (2.0 Mb)
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by Mr Armstrong
How You and I Came to be Here
given Melbourne Australia 16 May 1981 played Wales 24 Sep 2011
Begins: "Well, greetings everybody. I'd better wait until I get this microphone on, so you can hear me. So once again I'll say, Greetings, everybody. It's been just about eleven years since I've been here, and I'm glad to be back in Melbourne..." He then deals with the way God has always placed His Truth within His Church through apostles. This Truth flows down from God - through Christ - through the apostle sent - to a people specifically selected at this time. (View Transcript) (11.7 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Rules of Success 2
made 1980s - played Wales UK 17 Sep 2011
"Why is it that so many people make a failure out of life? And yet some make a success of it. This is the second in a series bringing you the seven rules of success, for there are certain definite laws in motion that regulate success or failure ..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Being Spiritual Israel at the Feast - part 3
given Wales UK 17 Sep 2011
This sermon is a continuation of two given before and stresses how when we attend the Feast we do so representing the very family of God, as God's very sons and daughters in embryo. In this context it examines: Our person and surroundings; and various aspects of our behaviour when there. (18.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Rules of Success 1
made 1980s - played Wales UK 10 Sep 2011
"Well, although the news is going to be good in the World Tomorrow, do you know why today's news is nearly all bad? Now this is shocking, but it's true: there's something criminally wrong with today's prevalent system of education..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Mr Armstrong
Getting Back on Track
given Dec 1981 played Wales 10 Sep 2011
Begins: "It has been almost a year since I have been here, around 11 months; and since then this Church has really been getting back on the track..." Mr Armstrong then explains how so many want their own way - instead of God's revealed Way; He covers the fact we live in a unique time in world history; how he is the apostle sent by God; why makeup takes women away from God's Way; and how so many want to be like the world; (View Transcript) (10.0 Mb)


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by Andrew Spellman
given Peterborough Canada 3 Sep 2011
Some news reporters in the world try and get to the real story behind each item of news. But they will always miss the key perspective - as that is something reserved only for those God is dealing with on a very personal level. (2.0 Mb)
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by Jonathan Pippy
Righteous Judgement
given Peterborough Canada 3 Sep 2011
Are we becoming ready for the return of Jesus Christ to this earth? Ready to rule? To be a King and a Priest? If that is our goal, then we also need to be learning righteous judgement. It is a key requirement - both at that time, and today. (11.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
The Purpose Here Below
made 1980s - played Wales UK 27 Aug 2011
"My friends, one of the most shocking things that can possibly happen, is to wake up to find out that the gospel of Jesus Christ is not what we have believed at all. And that we have not heard it. And that what we have believed is exactly the opposite of what the Bible says and what Jesus actually taught..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Being Spiritual Israel at the Feast - part 2
given Wales UK 27 Aug 2011
The Feast is just over 6 weeks away and at that time God's people - as Spiritual Israel - become more visible as a physical group of people. This sermon is a continuation of the one begun two weeks before and examines: What others see; The stranger in Israel; Our person and surroundings. (11.0 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
The Place of God's Name
given Bristol UK 20 Aug 2011
The Bible makes very clear that the location of the Feast must be where God Himself places His name. When the tabernacle and temple were here, determining this was straightforward. But what of today? This sermonette explains how the place today is determined - and explains a process through which we determine God's will. (1.0 Mb)
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by Ian Henderson
Being The Elect
given Bristol UK 20 Aug 2011
The elect of God are a select group of people: personally selected by the Father; vital for all mankind; destined to be like Christ; with a staggering future as Kings and Priests in the Kingdom of God - as this sermon explains. (13.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Salvation Part 3
made 1980s - played Wales UK 13 Aug 2011
"Despite all of the churches, despite all of the preaching, not one in hundreds of thousands actually knows what salvation is. I've been speaking on it the last two programmes and I'm a long ways from being through ..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Being Spiritual Israel at the Feast - part 1
given Wales UK 13 Aug 2011
The Feast is just over 8 weeks away and at that time God's people - as Spiritual Israel - become more visible as a physical group of people. During the Exodus, physical Israel also became visible and recognised as a nation. This sermon examines: The parallels; The main difference; What others see. (11.0 Mb)


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by Mr Armstrong
Why Only a Few Chosen Now?
given 5 June 1982 played Wales 6 Aug 2011
Begins: "I have already passed my 50th anniversary in the ministry, and I missed just 3 ½ months of my 50th anniversary in my marriage. And I wonder if you realize that last Monday, last Sunday rather, we all passed the 1951st anniversary of this Church..." Mr Armstrong then goes on to speak for longer than normal (1hr 52mins). He deals specifically with the purpose of the Church and our calling - that we are to be the teachers of tomorrow - and places the whole subject into its rightful context of the entire Plan and Purpose of God. (View Transcript) (13.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Salvation Part 2
made 1980s - played Wales UK 30 Jul 2011
"Greetings! A very nice young man said to me one time, 'Mr Armstrong, I got saved last night. I gave my heart to the Lord.' Well I said, 'Isn't that wonderful, what do you mean, you gave your heart to the Lord? Just how did you do that? Was the Lord there?'..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Staying Salt in Today's Church
given Wales UK 30 Jul 2011
We are told in Matt 5:13 that we are to be the salt of the earth. But how can we be sure we do stay salt, with the flavour required, in today's fractured Church? This sermon examines: Problems in the early New Testament Church; Using modern communications; Using the Sabbath; Using the Feast; Using the ministry. (12.0 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
Using Bible Translations
given Bristol UK 23 Jul 2011
The Word of God is described in scripture as the sword of the Spirit (Eph 6:17) but the versions we have are English translations, not the originals. This sermonette encourages us to use the translations - but with caution! The right tool for the job is vital. (2.0 Mb)
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by Ian Henderson
The Book of Esther
given Bristol UK 23 Jul 2011
The book of Esther does not have a reference to God anywhere within it. Yet the entire book shows His continuing presence. What is also present within its pages is a parallel with God's Plan for mankind and His True Church. (13.0 Mb)


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by Bob Evans
What Are You Investing In?
given Peterborough Canada 16 Jul 2011
With the world financial markets on the brink of catastrophe, how should God's people react to such things? More than ever, we need to realise that our investment is not in the things of this world. (1.0 Mb)
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by Jonathan Pippy
God's Grace
given Peterborough Canada 16 Jul 2011
God's grace - or unmerited favour towards us - is something that we all continually rely on. But we need to realise that it is also something that is consistent within both Old and New Testament - as it comes from the very outflowing Character that God Himself is: a clear expression of His divine Love. (10.0 Mb)


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by Ron Meisner
Marriage Principles
given Minnesota USA 9 Jul 2011
A marriage is planned here in Minnesota tomorrow for a young couple in the Church. There will be much to learn through life together - but certain basics, found in scripture, as this sermonette explains. (1.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Marriage - a Divine Creation
given Minnesota USA 9 Jul 2011
Throughout creation the artistry of God is clearly evident - as it should be in spiritual areas also, including our marriage. This sermon covers: Restoring all things; God's intent; The divine picture; A spiritual relationship. (13.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Salvation Part 1
made 1980s - played Wales UK 2 Jul 2011
"Greetings! Could you open a bible and show me in the bible where it says if you are saved you will go to heaven when you die? Could you? Do you realise that not one in thousands knows what salvation is? ..." (3.0 Mb)
“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)