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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Middle East in Prophecy
broadcast 1980s - played Wales UK 25 May 2013
"A prelude to world peace at last after all these thousands of years of war, and of troubles and of evils on this earth. The world's spotlight recently has been primarily on the middle east..." (3.9 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Breaking Free
given Wales UK 25 May 2013
Mr Armstrong described this age as A World Held Captive. But in order to teach God's Way in the future, we in God's Church must break free from our former lives in this world. The sermon examines: The future need; The key of repentance; Jew and Gentile; Negative habits; Building positive habits. (13.1 Mb)

2013-05-19 (Pentecost AM)

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by Chris Hancock
Are We Ready?
given Bristol UK Pentecost 19 May 2013
When Christ returns, His Wife - the True Church - will have made herself ready (Rev 19:7). And the book of Ruth has much to teach us of what that entails. (1.4 Mb)
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Special Music
by Henderson Trio
Psalm 67 - Oh God, Lord of all
given Bristol UK Pentecost 19 May 2013
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by Joseph Forson
Why we need the Holy Spirit
given Bristol UK Pentecost 19 May 2013
Ten of the many ways the Holy Spirit works: Makes us a Christian; Partaking His divine nature; Resurrects us; Helps us worship; Helps us pray; Gives access to God; Gives understanding; Gives Love to keep God's Law; To do the Work; To help us overcome. (9.2 Mb)

2013-05-19 (Pentecost PM)

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by Andrew Munro
given Bristol UK Pentecost 19 May 2013
What God does He does with care. His approach is not casual. And this is also true in his command for us to take up an offering. (1.7 Mb)
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Offering Music
by Paula Henderson
Psalm 147 - All Praise the Great Eternal One
given Bristol UK Pentecost 19 May 2013
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by Jon Bowles
Pentecost Meaning
given Bristol UK Pentecost 19 May 2013
Pentecost pictures the coming of the Holy Spirit and the resulting firstfruits of the Family of God. But that Spirit leads somewhere - to the resurrection and our position as King-Priests. (13.6 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
What is Wrong With Religion?
broadcast 1980s - played Wales UK 18 May 2013
"You live in a 20th Century world that is plunging to its own destruction. Plunging to human extinction. I think we need to be reminded..." (3.9 Mb)
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by Joseph Forson
The Firstfruit Inheritance
given Wales UK 18 May 2013
The future of the firstfruits is worth every sacrifice in this life. Yet not only is this life normally better but in the future we have the additional promise of: God's power and glory; Intimacy with Christ; Representing the God Family; Being the instrument of divine blessing.  (10.4 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
God's View of Kidnapping
given Wales UK 11 May 2013
With the recent release of 3 women who were kidnapped 10 years ago, the sermon asks what is God's view of the subject. (1.7 Mb)
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by Mr Armstrong
Are You Led by God's Spirit
given FOT TX 20 Oct 1981 played Wales UK 11 May 2013
Begins: "It's been 3 years at least since I've spoken at the Feast of Tabernacles here in Big Sandy. I used to attend the entire festival here when it housed the only festival we had. From the beginning." Mr Armstrong then explains how the Kingdom of God is the Family of God that is led by the Spirit of God - and what the Holy Spirit does. (15.5 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
US in Prophecy - Part 12
broadcast 1980s - played Wales UK 4 May 2013
Announcer: "Today's broadcast is based on a number of important concepts from the last programme in this series." Mr Armstrong: "Daniel 12 speaks of it: a time of trouble such as never was before. And in Jeremiah 30 it speaks of trouble such as never was before - couldn't be but one such time."  (3.9 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Keeping The Relationship Accurate - Part2
given Wales UK 4 May 2013
Continuing from last week: A major part of the end-time instruction within the book of Job is that we must keep the relationship between ourselves and God accurate. This second part deals with: What Job and we must never forget; and The Creator and His Church. (12.8 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
US in Prophecy - Part 11
broadcast 1980s - played Wales UK 27 Apr 2013
"And now continuing - What's going to happen to the United States? I've been showing you that the United States - with of course the people of the British Commonwealth - is mentioned more places in Bible prophecy, than any other nations or any other peoples..." (4.1 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Keeping The Relationship Accurate - Part1
given Wales UK 27 Apr 2013
There are probably many reasons why the book of Job is a full 42 chapters long, but a major part of its end-time instruction is that we must keep the relationship between ourselves and God accurate. This first part of two sermons deals with: The Creator as a potter with clay; and The Creator and the world. (11.9 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
The Stranger in Israel
given MN USA 13 Apr 2013 played Wales UK 20 Apr 2013
We are told to love the stranger (Deut 10:18) and yet their prominence is described as a curse - caused by breaking God's Law (Deut 28:43). So what Laws are being broken? And how can both the above passages be true? (2.4 Mb)
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Special Music
by Rochella Gardener & Jacob Tauer
Poem by Z Fibich on violin and piano
performed MN USA 13 Apr 2013 played Wales UK 20 Apr 2013
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by Jonathan Pippy
Being Ready
given MN USA 13 Apr 2013 played Wales UK 20 Apr 2013
We are commanded to watch - in a context of prophetic events as they unfold. But we also must become ready - both physically and more importantly spiritually. This particularly includes hungering and thirsting for God's righteousness. (11.4 Mb)


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by Will Halstead
Countdown to Pentecost
given CA USA 6 Apr 2013 played Wales UK 13 Apr 2013
We are now in the days after Unleavened Bread counting down to the Day of Pentecost (count 50). But overcoming sin is a process in which we: Flee temptation; Guard our minds: and Love not the world. (1.6 Mb)
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Special Music
by Quartet
Psalm 9 - I will Praise Thee Oh Eternal
sung CA USA 6 Apr 2013 played Wales UK 13 Apr 2013
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by Jon Bowles
The Real and the False
given CA USA 6 Apr 2013 played Wales UK 13 Apr 2013
Alarms in life can sometimes be real - and sometimes false. So it is with end-time events, but how do we tell the difference? This sermon examines: birth pains; our Lord delays his coming; Passover and Trumpets; Lights burning; When the hour comes. (11.7 Mb)


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by Zeki Korkut
The Unleavened Bread Recipe
given TX USA 30 Mar 2013 played Wales UK 6 Apr 2013
What is a good recipe for Unleavened Bread? One that has: flour; ground fine; oil and water; salt; mixed; and baked in love. (1.9 Mb)
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by Jack Jackson
The Goal of Life
given TX USA 30 Mar 2013 played Wales UK 6 Apr 2013
There is a saying that "if you don't know where you are going you will end up somewhere else". And how true that is from a spiritual perspective also. This sermon - given during the Days of Unleavened Bread - examines the subject in the light of being delivered from sin and shows how the process is very much a work in progress.  (14.0 Mb)

2013-04-01 (ULB Last Day AM)

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by Andrew Munro
Trust in the Eternal our God
given Bristol UK UB2 1 Apr 2013
Israel should have trusted God - but failed to do so, even though they experienced what they did. How much more should we? (2.0 Mb)
“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)