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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
The Way Out Of Troubles
broadcast around 1980 - played UK 5 Jul 2014
Begins: "My friends I'm very happy that there's good news coming for the World Tomorrow - but we're certainly having our troubles now. Of course you never have any troubles do you? I know my friends that this means every one of you. Not one of us escapes ..." (4.4 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
The Book of Revelation
broadcast around 1980 - played UK 28 Jun 2014
Begins: "Recently, the European press - especially in France and in Belgium - have devoted a great deal of space to the predictions of the 16th century Nostradamus ..." (4.4 Mb)
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Bible Study
by Mr Armstrong
1 Corinthians 1 and 2
given 20 Jul 1980 - Played UK 28 Jun 2014
Begins: "We had finished the books of Romans and Galatians, and they have been recorded so that they could go out to various churches, and I thought it would be good if we would start now this time in the book of Corinthians..." Mr Armstrong then prefaces the study with comments on a recent PT article "What and Why The Church". He does this as 1 Corinthians is very much addressed to a Church congregation - and one with severe problems. (View Transcript) (11.0 Mb)


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by Philip Henderson
Thankful Blessings
given Wales UK 21 Jun 2014
Something we do on a regular basis is to ask a blessing on our meals. But why in scripture do we see Christ sometimes blessing and sometimes giving thanks before having food? The answer lies in how the two are linked. (2.2 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Our Health Responsibility
given Wales UK 21 Jun 2014
We live in an unhealthy world that is moving further and further from what God intended as we approach the end of the age. But what is our personal health responsibility in this alien system? One vital requirement is to learn - so we can teach. (13.7 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Why Religious Confusion - part 3
broadcast around 1980 - played UK 14 Jun 2014
Begins: "I wonder, did you ever stop to think about the confused world that you live in. We're in the world of modern science. Science has come along in about the past 150 years as the new messiah ..." (4.4 Mb)
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by Mr Armstrong
Meaning of the Last Great Day
given 7 Oct 1985 - Played Wales UK 14 Jun 2014
Begins: "Greetings brethren at Feast sites all around the world. Once again I am speaking to you from my own television studio in Pasadena, as I did on the opening night of this Festival..." Due to his failing eyesight Mr Armstrong then replays his 1984 message - in which he goes back to the beginning in order to explain how the Judgement pictured by the LGD fits into God's overall Plan. This is probably the last message to be played to the Church before his death in Jan 1986. (View Transcript) (10.6 Mb)

2014-06-08 (Pentecost AM)

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by Chris Hancock
Continue Working Out
given Bristol UK Pcost AM 8 June 2014
We are told to "work out our own salvation with fear and trembling." (Philippians 2:12) This was certainly true during the apostasy - but it also continues for all of us today. (1.8 Mb)
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Special Music
by Trio
Psalm 82 - God Stands in the Congregation of the Mighty
sung Bristol UK Pcost AM 8 June 2014
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by Ian Henderson
The Benefits of God - Psalm 103
given Bristol UK Pcost AM 8 June 2014
We are told that David was a man after God's own heart - thinking like God. For this reason it is wise for us to take careful note of his words within the Psalms. In this sermon we examine the first 14 verses of Psalm 103. (13.2 Mb)

2014-06-08 (Pentecost PM)

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by Andrew Munro
given Bristol UK Pcost PM 8 June 2014
Subterfuge and lies play a big part in all wars. So in our own battle with Satan, lies and half-truths distort our foundation of Truth from God. But the websites give a valuable tool to verify what we hear - financed by the offerings of God's people. (2.6 Mb)
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Offering Music
by Paula Henderson
Psalm 5 - Give Ear To My Prayer O LORD
sung Bristol UK Pcost PM 8 June 2014
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by Jon Bowles
Meaning of Pentecost
given Bristol UK Pcost PM 8 June 2014
For 14 years Mr and Mrs Armstrong kept the Holy Days without understanding their meaning. But a casual reading of Leviticus 23 will not give any greater grasp - until the meaning of Life is understood. And that has everything to do with the meaning of this Day of Firstfruits. (12.5 Mb)


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by Ian Munro
A Great Deception
given Wales UK 7 Jun 2014
Operation Mincemeat - The Man Who Never Was - was a classic piece of deception during World War II. But Satan is even more adept at subterfuge - and exceedingly active today. We ignore this fact at our peril. (2.3 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Our Baptism Promise - Part 3
given Wales UK 7 Jun 2014
With Pentecost tomorrow, this sermon focuses on the promise we made at baptism - similar to the baptisms of the first Pentecost - in which we accepted Jesus Christ as our "Master, High Priest and soon-coming King". This is the final sermon in a series of 3. (11.1 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Why Religious Confusion - part 2
broadcast around 1980 - played UK 31 May 2014
Begins: "My friends, in all this religious confusion of this day, you hear that once people just say they've made their decision for Christ that they're automatically saved. Well then would it be possible for anyone ever to get un-saved? ..." (4.4 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Our Baptism Promise - Part 2
given Wales UK 31 May 2014
With Pentecost just over a week away, this sermon focuses on the promise we made at baptism - similar to the baptisms of the first Pentecost - in which we accepted Jesus Christ as our Personal Saviour and Lord. The aspects of "Master, High Priest and soon-coming King" are planned for next week. (11.2 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Why Religious Confusion - part 1
broadcast around 1980 - played UK 24 May 2014
Begins: "Here we are, living in a world of science, of technology, of higher education, of a great diffusion of education such as never existed in past times in world history ..." (4.4 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Our Baptism Promise - Part 1
given Wales UK 24 May 2014
With Pentecost just over two weeks away, this sermon focuses on how different the baptisms of the first Pentecost were to the baptisms of John the Baptist. John was preparing the way for that occasion - including our own baptism, and the promise we made at that time. (12.1 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
How Truth Came
broadcast around 1980 - played UK 17 May 2014
Begins: "By way of just a few opening remarks: I always use the King James or the so called Authorised Bible because more people use it than any other and I think they understand me better if I use that ..." (4.2 Mb)
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by Ian Henderson
The Two Witnesses
given Wales UK 17 May 2014
A crucial event for both God's Church and the world, is the arrival of the two witnesses of Revelation 11. This sermon examines the scriptures that refer to these two men - and the prophesied events that are destined to be going on around them. (11.7 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
The Spiritual Law of God
broadcast date unknown - played UK 10 May 2014
Begins: "And now we are going through one of the prophecies in the Bible. Now we're going through prophecies that tell us what is going to happen in the next few years from now..." (4.4 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
1Corinthians chapters 1 - 4
given MO USA 3 May 2014 Played UK 10 May 2014
With the Church in a fractured state, the first 4 chapters of 1Corinthians have much to teach us. This is because they too had a similar problem, and the apostle Paul provides the solution. (12.2 Mb)


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by Bruce Turley
Deeply Rooted in God's Words
given CA USA 26 Apr 2014 Played UK 3 May 2014
We in God's Church need to be deeply rooted in the Living Word of God if we are to survive the storms of life. This is very much like the giant redwoods found here in California. (1.8 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Social Interaction
given CA USA 26 Apr 2014 Played UK 3 May 2014
With the Church in a scattered state, we often no longer have a local church in which to hone our social skills. But we still need to be able to teach them in the World Tomorrow. Fortunately the bible has much to teach us in areas such as: the early church; avoiding offence; personal hygiene; offensive words; gossip; social skills.  (13.1 Mb)
“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)