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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
Ephesians 6
given Wales UK 1 Jul 2017
In the Bible study played a few weeks ago, Mr Armstrong in 1981 completed chapter 4 of Ephesians. Unfortunately he didn't subsequently finish the last two chapters of the book, but went immediately on to Philippians a few months later. This Bible study, and the one on Ephesians 5, attempts to redress this. (12.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
broadcast 14 May 1979 - played UK 24 Jun 2017
"Is there anything to 'prayer'? Did you ever stop to think about that? Is it just a superstition? Is prayer just something to well, let's just say in plain language, just sort of kid people along..." (View Transcript) (4.1 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
1 - No Gods Before the Eternal
given Wales UK 19 May 2007 played Wales 24 Jun 2017
This sermon is the first in a series on The Ten Commandments. It shows how the principle - the Spirit - behind the first commandment of Exodus 20 should be applied today. It examines: Egypt as a type of sin; The slavery of sin; The elohim (gods); The True Lawgiver; and YHWH (the Eternal LORD). (Article-Transcript) (10.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
The Spirit of the Law
broadcast 11 May 1979 - played Wales 17 Jun 2017
Begins: "... Known as the Greatest Sermon ever preached, and yet they actually don't believe a word of it, they don't believe it was practical. They don't think that it was a good standard to live by at all. They believe just the opposite of what Jesus said in that sermon - why?" (3.3 Mb)
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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
Ephesians 5
given Wales UK 17 Jun 2017
In the Bible study played last week, Mr Armstrong in 1981 completed chapter 4 of Ephesians. Unfortunately he didn't subsequently finish the last two chapters of the book, but went immediately on to Philippians a few months later. This Bible study attempts to redress this - initially hoping to cover both chapters 5 and 6 - but eventually only managing to complete chapter 5. (11.6 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
The Ten Commandments - and Xmas
broadcast 10 May 1979 - played Wales UK 10 Jun 2017
"Listen. Where did we get Christmas? Where did it come from - did it come out of the Bible, or did it come out of paganism?"  (3.0 Mb)
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Bible Study
by Mr Armstrong
Ephesians 3 and 4
given 21 Mar 1981 - played in Wales UK 10 Jun 2017
Begins: "Well now we come today - going through this book of Ephesians - I don't know, I was going to say one of the most wonderful books in the whole of the Bible. But how can we say that? So was first Corinthians, so was Romans, so was Galatians." This bible study particularly examines the need for God's church to be compacted together. (12.1 Mb)

2017-06-04 (Pentecost PM)

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by Ron Meisner
given Minnesota USA Pentecost 4 Jun 2017
Giving an offering should be a happy event - and there are numerous Scriptures which point us in this direction. This sermonette explains. (2.1 Mb)
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Special Music
by Tauer Quartet
Psalm 132 - High on Zion's Holy Hill
sung Minnesota USA Pentecost 4 Jun 2017
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by Joseph Forson
Meaning - Converted and Conquered by God
given Bristol UK Pentecost 4 Jun 2017
On the day of Pentecost 31 A.D. the apostle Peter told the Jews of his day they needed to repent and be baptised. He later told another group to repent and be converted. But you can be converted and not conquered by God. You can also be conquered but not converted - as this sermon illustrates. (11.6 Mb)

2017-06-04 (Pentecost AM)

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Split Sermon
by Ian Henderson
The Runup To Pentecost 31 A.D.
given Bristol UK Pentecost 4 Jun 2017
What happened on Pentecost 31 A.D. was a profound part of the very plan of God. But a series of events took place between the resurrection and Pentecost 50 days later. This sermon examines the events and their significance. (5.2 Mb)
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Special Music
by Henderson Trio
Psalm 23 - The Eternal Is My Shepherd
sung Bristol UK Pentecost 4 Jun 2017
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Split Sermon
by Jon Bowles
God's Universal Translator
given Bristol UK Pentecost 4 Jun 2017
What happened on Pentecost 31 A.D. was much more than Pentecostal "tongues" - or just speaking foreign languages. It was much nearer the universal translator of the Star Trek series. But why have such a manifestation at all? What was it showing? This split-sermon explains.  (8.4 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
The Sermon on the Mount - 6
broadcast 9 May 1979 - played Wales 3 Jun 2017
"Yes, there is good news, if only we can understand it, and heed it. As I mentioned, however, yesterday, there are serious troubles - financial troubles, family troubles, every other kind of trouble, some kind of tremendous problem bearing down on the family of practically every one of you now listening. If it isn't hitting you personally, it's hitting somebody in your family."  (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
The Spirit of a Sound Mind
given Bristol UK 4 July 2009 played Wales 3 Jun 2017
This is an addendum to the series just given on the "Fruit of the Spirit", taken from Galatians 5. It deals with an additional characteristic found in 2Tim 1:7 of "a sound mind". In this context the sermon examines: Satan's pride; Man's pride; The context of 2Tim; The sound Holy Spirit; The sound minded World Tomorrow. (12.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
The Sermon on the Mount - 5
broadcast 7 May 1979 - played Wales 27 May 2017
"Listen. I know that there are very few of you now listening who do not have some serious trouble, sickness or worry in your family. Perhaps you think that no one else has the problems, the troubles, the hardships that seem to beset you."  (4.0 Mb)
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by Joseph Forson
The God of All Comfort
given Wales UK 27 May 2017
God is given many names in the Old Testament that describe his character and actions. The same is true for the New Testament also - one being, the God of all comfort ... As this sermon explains. (12.2 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
The Sermon on the Mount - 4
broadcast 4 May 1979 - played Wales UK 20 May 2017
"You have heard, my friends, that Jesus Christ came to do away with His Father's commandments. That God's Laws, the Laws of God, are not good and that the Laws of God are contrary to our best interests, that they are bad for us and Jesus made us free to break the Laws of God and to do what we please and what seems good in the sight of man..."  (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Fruit of the Spirit - Self Control
given Wales UK 27 June 2009 played UK 20 May 2017
This is the final of a series of sermons on the "Fruit of the Spirit", taken from Galatians 5. It deals with the ninth characteristic mentioned (Temperance) and examines: Self control, but not from self; No gods before me; Idolatry; Murder; Adultery; Covetousness. (13.0 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
Sabbath Services at Home
given Wales UK 13 May 2017
Most who heard this sermonette at the time it was given did so over the internet - and most at home. But Sabbath services at home can become lax affairs if we are not careful. With the Feast less than 21 weeks away it's important that we tighten up the standards - as Mr Armstrong encourages us in his sermon, "The Sabbath Question" (1.6 Mb)
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by Mr Armstrong
The Sabbath Question
given 23 Oct 1981 played Wales 13 May 2017
Begins: "Talk about the morning after the night before! But this is the Friday night after the Feast of Tabernacles and we're a little sort-of sparsely settled here tonight..." Mr Armstrong then deals with how we should be keeping the Sabbath holy: The need to assemble on the Sabbath; Proper dress for services; Is it OK to go to a restaurant on the Sabbath? Driving long distances on the Sabbath; Making the Sabbath a delight; The need to have a balanced approach. (View Transcript) (10.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
The Sermon on the Mount - 3
broadcast 3 May 1979 - played Wales UK 6 May 2017
"And now my friends, prepare yourselves to hear the most wonderful sermon ever preached. At least that's what people have always called it. The Sermon on the Mount has been called the most wonderful sermon ever preached - but do you understand it?..."  (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Queer Theories
given Wales UK 6 May 2017
Transgender issues are very much in the news these days - several steps on from the sexual issues during Mr Armstrong's time. But the answer remains the same: to remain rooted on God's word. This sermon examines: God's intent; Satan's hatred; spiritual fornication; and our millennial teaching. (11.5 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
The Sermon on the Mount - 2
broadcast 2 May 1979 - played Wales 29 April 2017
"Did you know that what has been recognized as the greatest sermon ever preached was actually not a sermon at all, but merely a matter of Jesus Christ talking to His disciples? And, what He told them in that so-called Sermon on the Mount - the greatest sermon ever preached - had to do with world conditions and with the world tomorrow. Let's look at it..."  (3.0 Mb)
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by Jonathan Pippy
God's Spiritual Temple
given Toronto Canada broadcast Wales UK 29 Apr 2017
God is in the process of building his spiritual temple to which Christ is destined to return - His true church. But there is much we can learn about the process by looking at the detailed instruction given to construct both the tabernacle and the physical temple previously. (9.6 Mb)
“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)