2017-10-08 (FOT Day 4 UK)

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Special Music
by Paula Henderson
Psalm 19 - The Heavens Declare Your Glory Lord
sung Cornwall UK 8 Oct 2017
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Split Sermon
by Ian Henderson
Food, Glorious Food
given Cornwall UK 8 Oct 2017
In the Millennium people will largely produce their own food - on their own land. People are going to be taught how to protect the land and grow healthy food. (9.9 Mb)

2017-10-07 (FOT Day 3 UK)

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by James Farnsworth
Being Mindful Of God's Plan
given Kentucky US 6 Oct 2017
What is man that God is mindful of him? It's sometimes hard to believe what God has given us. Man has been given a dominion just under the angels. We have to choose in a world ruled by Satan. Nothing should separate us from our calling to bring peace to this earth. We have such a bright future. Our job is to become teachers of God's Way. (2.1 Mb)
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Special Music
by Paula Henderson
Psalm 128 - Blessed Is Every Man
sung Cornwall UK 7 Oct 2017
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by Stephen Breault
Utopia Will Take Time
given Kentucky US 6 Oct 2017
Something man cannot achieve nor believes in. God's initial creation was a utopia. Changes in the Millennium will not happen overnight. Man's history is a cycle of preparing for war, having war and cleaning up after war. There will be a massive clean-up at the beginning of the Millennium. (12.1 Mb)

2017-10-06 (FOT Day 2 UK)

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by Philip Henderson
A Sweet Savour
given Cornwall UK 6 Oct 2017
Smell is very important to God - our prayers ascend to Him as a sweet savour. As spirit beings in the Millennium we too will be able enjoy the sweet savour of all mankind living God's way. (2.1 Mb)
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Special Music
by Paula Henderson
Psalm 82 - God Stands In TheCongregation Of The Mighty
sung Cornwall UK 6 Oct 2017
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by Jonathan Pippy
Rebuilding In The Kingdom Of God
given Cornwall UK 6 Oct 2017
God has called us to be a part of the healing and rebuilding of the nations in the millennium. We have to be ready for the task ahead. (11.5 Mb)

2017-10-05 (FOT Day 1 PM UK - Live from US)

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by Nathaniel Korkut
A Cheerful Giver
given Kentucky US 5 Oct 2017
Offertory. God has given us all things at "no charge". We should give cheerfully and be of service all during the Feast. (0.5 Mb)
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Special Music
by Jonathan/Rochella Gardner
The Lovers Waltz by J. Ungar
played Kentucky US 5 Oct 2017
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by Jon Bowles
Leading And Teaching The World The Mind Of God
given Kentucky US 5 Oct 2017
Meaning of the Day. The Feast teaches us that every physical thing is temporary. The unseen is eternal, the promises of God are eternal. The Feast is also about the In-Gathering. We will be teaching the world how God thinks. We are here to learn to be the teachers and judges for the World Tomorrow.  (12.3 Mb)

2017-10-05 (FOT Day 1 AM UK)

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by Ian Munro
This Is A Special Place
given Cornwall UK 5 Oct 2017
We are here to rejoice as God's ambassadors. We should show happiness and joy at God's Feast in this specal place - God's Embassy. (1.8 Mb)
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Special Music
by Paula Henderson
Psalm 37 - Wait And Hope And Look For God
sung Cornwall UK 5 Oct 2017
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by Ian Henderson
Being Teachers In The Millennium
given Cornwall UK 5 Oct 2017
We are called by God the Father... given to Christ for training to become teachers in the Kingdom of God. That is why we are here today. (12.7 Mb)

2017-10-04 (FOT Opening night UK)

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Special Music
by Paula Henderson
Isaiah 26 & 27 - We've A City Strong And Sure
sung Cornwall UK 4 Oct 2017
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by Jonathan Pippy
What Spiritual Shape Are We In This Year
given Cornwall UK 4 Oct 2017
Stay close to the instructions that were given to us through Mr Armstrong so that we can teach them to others in God's Kingdom. (6.1 Mb)

2017-09-30 (Atonement)

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Offering Sermonette
by Ian Munro
Supporting The Work In Troubled Times
given Wales UK 30 Sep 2017
In 1973 all out war seemed inevitable – 44 years later the same conditions prevail – Satan is still very active. We still need to support this work in these troubled times – while there is still time. (2.2 Mb)
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Offering Music
by Paula Henderson
Psalm 23 - The Lord's My Shepherd
sung Wales UK 30 Sep 2017
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by Ian Henderson
At-One-Ment with God
given Wales UK 30 Sep 2017
The Day of Atonement pictures a wonderful and great event. Mr Armstrong explains the meaning of the two goats. Satan must take responsibility for the actions and removed before God's people can be truly at-one-ment with God! Man at last made one with his Maker. (11.6 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Essential Knowledge Known Only By Revelation
broadcast 25 May 1979 played Wales UK 23 Sep 2017
"My Friends, what’s wrong with the world today? I’ll tell you what’s really wrong – it’s because our men, our leaders, our great men – the men at the head of government, the men at the head of great businesses, the men that really run the works, are too limited in their knowledge, in their wisdom and in their ability..." (3.8 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
5 - Honour Your Father And Mother
given Wales UK 14 July 2007 played Wales UK 23 Sep 2017
This sermon is the fifth in a series on The Ten Commandments. It shows how the principle - the Spirit - behind the fifth commandment of Exodus 20 should be applied today. It examines: Who is the command for?; Today's society; The basic command; The ancient landmark; The example of the Rechabites; The example of Christ; The Eternal Family. (10.0 Mb)

2017-09-21 (Trumpets PM)

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by Philip Henderson
Offerings And The Living Sacrifice
given Bristol UK 21 Sep 2017
Under the Old Covenant when an offering was made, the focus was on what was offered and how it was physically handled. However, under the New Covenant our obligations are far greater. (1.9 Mb)
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Offering Music
by Paula Henderson
Psalm 111 - With My Whole Heart
sung Bristol UK 21 Sep 2017
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by Ian Henderson
Meaning - Trumpets: The Teachers' Training Guide
given Bristol UK 21 Sep 2017
Whilst the Feast of Trumpets culminates in the return of Jesus Christ, there are many events that lead to this. This sermon explores the seals, trumpets and plagues that lead up to this event. (12.5 Mb)

2017-09-21 (Trumpets AM)

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by Ian Munro
The Beginning Of The Future
given Bristol UK 21 Sep 2017
A recent article concluded with the quote: “It is absolutely imperative that we all begin to understand that something has fundamentally changed. Our world has become much less stable, apocalyptic events are starting to hit us one after another.” These events are part of the build up that will shortly usher in the end of this age and the beginning of the future. (1.6 Mb)
“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)