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by Mr Armstrong
given 4 Feb 1984 - played Wales 10 Feb 2018
Begins: "Well, greetings brethren. It is nice to be back. And we have had a very eventful, a very hectic, and a very exciting trip; in many ways, a very trying one." Mr Armstrong then talks of God's Way to unity via His Spirit - both in the World Tomorrow, and within the Church. (View Transcript) (15.1 Mb)


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Split Sermon
by Jon Bowles
Love God with Heart, Soul, Might?
given Norway 17 April 2004 played Wales 3 Feb 2018
This Sermon examines Deut 6:5 which gives the first commandment of the Law according to Jesus Christ (Matt 22:37): Who do we love?; Why Heart, soul, and might?; What does the context tell us? (6.9 Mb)
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Split Sermon
by Jon Bowles
Love Neighbour As Your Self
given Norway 17 April 2004 played Wales 3 Feb 2018
This Sermon examines Lev 19:18 and shows how the second commandment of the Law according to Jesus Christ (Matt 22:37) is explained within the chapter: To be Holy; Family relations; Look after the poor; Don't defraud; Don't show favoritism; Don't gossip; Don't bear a grudge. (6.3 Mb)


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by Stephen Breault
Situation Ethics and Compromise
recorded Texas USA - played Wales UK 27 Jan 2018
In today's society so often things are done based on a philosophy of the end justifying the means. But that is not what we find in God's word - amply illustrated by two examples found in the life of David, King of Israel. (2.3 Mb)
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by Ian Henderson
Myth Busters
given Wales UK 27 Jan 2018
For the job ahead it is vital that we separate myth from fact. The same is true in the wider church today. This sermon examines many areas such as: the apostasy; the calendar; birthdays; women preachers; healing; Passover emblems; place of safety; the Trinity ... and other similar topics... (13.5 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Christ's Parable, continued
broadcast 13 June 1979 played Wales 20 Jan 2018
My friends, do you know what is the World Tomorrow? It's the very thing that was the subject of the true gospel which God sent to mankind and which mankind has spurned and rejected and which we have not been hearing about for over 1800 years. Believe it or not, the true Kingdom of God has not been proclaimed, and people have not been hearing about it, and that was the message, the only true gospel which God sent by Jesus Christ.  (3.5 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Succeeding In The Doldrums
given Wales UK 20 Jan 2018
This sermon examines our spiritual doldrums in the light of the real thing - the band of light winds in the oceans either side of the equator. It does so in the areas of: The unseen wind; Not being deceived; A time to prepare; Patience's perfect work; and maintaining faith. (11.5 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Christ's Parables
broadcast 12 June 1979 - played Wales UK 13 Jan 2018
"But my friends, the news today is not good. Most of the news in the world today is only of fear of war, preparation for war, human suffering, suicides, murders, gangsterism. Well, why does God permit all this suffering?" (3.0 Mb)
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by Jonathan Pippy
God's Truth Lives
given Toronto Canada broadcast Wales UK 13 Jan 2018
Old ways have been discarded, then there was modernism - and now we live in a post-modern world. But what kind of age is it? And how does it impact on God's Church? The sermon explains the great dangers involved - and the great value of God's Truth in overcoming them. (10.8 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
The Parable of the Tares
broadcast 11 June 1979 - played Wales 6 Jan 2018
"And once again, let me ask, why does God permit wars? Why does God permit suffering? Why does He permit poverty and unhappiness on this earth?" (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
10 - You Shall Not Covet
given Wales UK 1 Sept 2007 played Wales 6 Jan 2018
This sermon is the tenth in a series on The Ten Commandments. It shows how the principle - the spirit - behind the tenth commandment of Exodus 20 should be applied today. It examines: Mental Idolatry; The Torah in our hearts; Contentment; The Abundant Life; Faith. (11.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Pagan Traditions and Christ's Parables
broadcast 8 June 1979 - played Wales 30 Dec 2017
"...And all of that. People still believe that just like Adam did. They wouldn't believe God. But we are mortal and we are dust, while we have a mind that far exceeds and excels anything that we find in the brain, for instance, of any other animal life we find on earth, such as dogs, or monkeys, or cats, or elephants, or snakes, or fish or birds or anything that you can see." (3.4 Mb)
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by Ian Henderson
The Destiny of Prayer
given Wales UK 30 Dec 2017
In Revelation we are given an insight into the very throne of God. One aspect is the incense offered "with the prayers of all saints" (Rev 8:3). The great privilege of now having such direct access to the Father cannot be over estimated. (11.6 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
The Kingdom of God
broadcast 7 Jun 1979 - played Wales 23 Dec 2017
"My friends, why does God permit wars? Why does God permit suffering on this earth? Why does He permit poverty?" (3.4 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
9 - You Shall Not Lie
given Wales 25 Aug 2007 played Wales 23 Dec 2017
This sermon is the ninth in a series on The Ten Commandments. It shows how the principle - the Spirit - behind the ninth commandment of Exodus 20 should be applied today. It examines: It's impossible for God to lie; Satan, the father of lies; A specific problem today; Swearing to our own hurt; Being members one of another - and stresses one main point throughout: That a liar speaks to get. But God - and His children - speak to give. (12.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Why Christ Used Parables
broadcast 6 June 1979 - played Wales UK 16 Dec 2017
"My friends, why is it that Jesus spoke in parables so that the people could not understand? Now we have always supposed, of course, most people have, that the reason that Jesus Christ spoke in parables was to make the meaning more clear - sort of illustrated so people would understand better. But we have been seeing that He did exactly the opposite - but why?" (4.0 Mb)
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by Mr Armstrong
Creation and the Gospel
given 13 May 1978 - played Wales UK 16 Dec 2017
Begins: "Well, greetings everybody once again this afternoon; and to all of you people up in Canada listening at Vancouver" Given shortly before Mr Armstrong went to Jerusalem for the inauguration of the Liberty Bell Park. He talks about his commission - to take the gospel to the world as a witness - and puts this into the context of God's Plan. He also is very strong with the ministry, insisting they preach "food in due season" each Holy Day.  (12.8 Mb)


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Split Sermon
by Ian Henderson
Ephesians 5 Revisited
given Bristol UK 9 Dec 2017
Ephesians 5 deals with the relationship between a man and his wife. But it also deals with the spiritual parallels between Christ and His Church. And it is this profound subject on which this split sermon concentrates.  (5.8 Mb)
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Split Sermon
by Jon Bowles
New Testament Brethren
given Bristol UK 9 Dec 2017
In today's society the concept of the family is being trashed. Yet we use family terms - such as brethren - within the church. This sermon examines the term within: the Old Testament; the early church; when used spiritually; and within God's Kingdom - our destiny. (8.5 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
The Parable of the Sower
broadcast 5 June 1979 - played Wales 2 Dec 2017
"...The message of Jesus Christ. Why have we not heard the gospel of Jesus Christ? Why is it that the gospel we have heard is the gospel of men, not the gospel of Christ - but a gospel of men about Christ. They have come preaching that He is the Christ." (4.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
8 - You Shall Not Steal
given Bristol UK 18 Aug 2007 played Wales 2 Dec 2017
This sermon is the eighth in a series on The Ten Commandments. It shows how the principle - the Spirit - behind the eighth commandment of Exodus 20 should be applied today. It examines: The Spirit of the Law; A Creator's Mind; Wealth; The Land; Government - and stresses one main point throughout: That a thief works to get. But God - and His children - work to give. (13.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Many Deceivers Preach in Christ's Name
broadcast 4 June 1979 - played Wales 25 Nov 2017
"My friends, haven't you always supposed that Jesus Christ spoke in parables in order to make the meaning more clear - sort of illustrated so that people would understand it better? Well you've been wrong. Once again, we are going through Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in the New Testament to see why it is that you have not been hearing the message of Jesus Christ." (3.0 Mb)
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by Ian Henderson
Back to the Beast
given Wales UK 25 Nov 2017
"Who is the 'Beast'? If you have his mark, you must suffer the seven last PLAGUES! Is he a mysterious superman world dictator yet to appear?… Is he the Antichrist? …or a government? …or a church?" So begins Mr Armstrong's booklet on the subject - something that is well worth reviewing. (11.6 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
How To Search For Truth
broadcast 3 June 1979 - played Wales 18 Nov 2017
"... Most. It will rock this world in wonder and amazement. It's going to result, finally, in world peace, and in a new and happy world tomorrow. But this very next world shaking event will not be peace, for men will bring this upon themselves and men know not the way of peace." (3.0 Mb)
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Bible Study
by Mr Armstrong
Creation and Prehistory
given 12 May 1978 - played Wales 18 Nov 2017
Begins: "My! I didn't expect over 30 or 40 people here tonight... but the Church is off to a new start..." This bible study was given the evening before the sermon Creation and the Gospel which continues the subject matter of this bible study: To start from the very beginning, and go through the entire story of the Scriptures. (11.0 Mb)
“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)