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by Jon Bowles
The Light of Righteousness
given Wales 19 Jan 2019
Light is continually used throughout scripture as an illustration to teach us spiritual lessons. This sermon examines light within the areas of: God's aim; Light demonstrated; Two minuscule bands; The infrared spectrum; The eye. (12.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
John 8
broadcast 8 Aug 1979 played Wales 12 Jan 2019
Now we've just been seeing that there are millions of people today just like those of a little over 1900 years ago, who believe on Jesus Christ and yet they don't believe Christ at all. They don't believe Jesus Christ - but they do believe on Christ. They've heard the scripture quoted "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved," so they think that is all there is to it... (3.5 Mb)
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by Mr Armstrong
What Is a Christian?
given USA 27 Aug 1983 played Wales 12 Jan 2019
Although this tape is dated 27 Aug 85, this was not a Sabbath. So it is probably from 27 Aug 1983 which was. In it Mr Armstrong launches straight into the subject, and shows how a Christian is defined as someone who is led by the Spirit of God (Rom 8:14) - and all that that simple phrase really entails. (12.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
What is the True Church Like? - part 4
broadcast 6 Aug 1979 - played Wales 5 Jan 2019
"Well, it's about time that we began to learn which is the right church of all these churches, of all these church denominations. You know we go along taking them for granted - and very few, except to be a little bewildered once in awhile, stop to ask which is the right church and how can we find it? Can all of them be right, and all of them disagree?..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Jack Jackson
A Work in Progress
given Florida USA broadcast Wales 5 Jan 2019
2019 is unlikely to be a good year with Satan overseeing this world. But those of us within God's church are very much a work in progress - individually and collectively as the temple to which Christ will return. Scripture has much to tell us of this function as this sermon explains.  (11.7 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
What is the True Church Like? - part 3
broadcast 3 Aug 1979 - played Wales 29 Dec 2018
"Where is the True Church today? Which is the True Church - there are so many, many different denominations. Is any one of these that you see, the Church that Jesus said He would build? Jesus Christ said 'I will build My Church'..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Ian Henderson
The Knowledge we Have Been Given
given Wales UK 29 Dec 2018
In Jude we are encouraged to contend for the faith delivered to us. During this end time this is particularly important. This sermon covers such areas as: The sacrifices in Jerusalem; The Place of Safety; The abomination that makes desolate; and the need to hold fast that no man takes our crown. (12.1 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
What is the True Church Like? - part 2
broadcast 2 Aug 1979 - played Wales 22 Dec 2018
"My friends, once again, let me ask, where is the True Church that Jesus Christ did build? We look about us and we see churches on a great many street corners today, our land is literally dotted with churches - many, many different denominations. Now there must be a right and a true church - which one is the right one?..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Stephen Breault
Trials at the End Time
given Dallas TX broadcast Wales 22 Dec 2018
Trials are to be expected in this life - certainly for church members - but God allows them for our overall spiritual growth. This sermon examines the subject for the times we find ourselves in, and covers: Purpose, Deliverance, Rejoicing and Endurance.  (9.9 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
What is the True Church Like? - part 1
broadcast 1 Aug 1979 - played Wales 15 Dec 2018
"Then, once again I say, what's wrong with this world today? The thing that's wrong is that the churches have not had the true medicine to save this world. They haven't provided the stabilizing influence, they haven't had the knowledge, they haven't set the example to change this world into what it should be, and to lead this world into the way of peace and into the way of happiness and all that we ought to have..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Jonathan Pippy
Is God's Grace only a New Testament Concept?
given Toronto Canada broadcast Wales 15 Dec 2018
Most churches in this world look upon grace as a NT concept - devoid of any need to be obedient. But the OT has a great deal to say about the subject of grace - tying it into God's loving concern for mankind, but also requiring genuine repentance, as this sermon explains. (10.8 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
What Did Christ Teach?
broadcast 31 July 1979 - played Wales 8 Dec 2018
"But my Friends, what's wrong with the world today? It seems that everything's wrong with it - but do you know why? Why is it in this world in which we live, this upset, chaotic, war-fearing world, why is it that the churches are not proving to be the stabilizing influence that could save this world? ..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
God - the Prophetic Historian
given Wales UK 19 Jan 2008 played Wales 8 Dec 2018
In the sample prayer, Christ gave us a clear indication that when beginning to pray we first need to get our minds off ourselves, and onto God. An important aspect of this, is to better understand God's approach - where He is "coming from" - and notice how both the historical and the prophetic always seem inexorably linked together. (13.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
The Majority Don't Know Christ's Message
broadcast 30 July 1979 - played Wales 1 Dec 2018
"My Friends, you wouldn't believe, would you, (I know most of you wouldn't from the teaching we have just absorbed and come to believe), that it is possible for millions of people to really seek Jesus Christ? To really seek Him and to believe on Him and still be lost? I'm going to show you by the very teaching of Jesus that that's exactly what is happening and that's what the majority are actually doing - that is who do seek Him at all..." (3.0 Mb)
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Bible Study
by Mr Armstrong
Zerubbabel's Temple
given 21 July 1978 - played Wales 1 Dec 2018
This Bible Study begins by Mr Armstrong recording a video clip to be used in the Feast Opening Night film. A little of this is missing on this particular recording. He then goes over the scriptures that deal with Zerubbabel's temple and shows how much of this material was actually talking directly to us in 1978 as Mr Armstrong was led to put the Church "back on Track". Such scriptures also talk of the same tasks that we today - in the 21st century - should be concerned with as we are - once again - led individually "back on Track." (View Transcript) (9.8 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
John 8; Hebrews 1:6; Isaiah 8
broadcast 27 July 1979 - played Wales 24 Nov 2018
"And now, once again, what about this world today? Its not a very happy world and there is a reason. The World Tomorrow is going to be a world of peace..." (3.0 Mb)
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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
Philadelphian Leadership
given Wales UK 28 June 2003 played 24 Nov 2018
This bible study examines the type of leadership implied within the reward of being pillars - linked to the Philadelphia Era. Six points are covered: Brotherly Love; Personal Development; Dealing with others now; Being patient now; Being faithful in small things now; Our future roles. (10.7 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
John 8:1-16
broadcast 26 Jul 1979 - played Wales 17 Nov 2018
"And today's news could be good if we knew the way. If we knew the way to Peace, to happiness, to prosperity, to everything good. There is a way and we just reap what we sow..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Ian Henderson
In The Latter Days
given Wales UK 17 Nov 2018
In numerous places throughout scripture we find the phrase "in the latter days" which points us to the present day. This sermon examines a number of such places including: Balaam and Balak; Moses and ancient Israel; Jeremiah; Daniel; Hosea; and Paul's words to Timothy. (12.4 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
FOT Continued - Part 2
broadcast 25 July 1979 - played Wales 10 Nov 2018
"And now, once again, my Friends, there is no greater surprise than to open your Bibles and see what it does say because it doesn't say what most people think in this time, this day and age - it says just the opposite. No wonder people don't understand it. People try to interpret it..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Satan's End-time Weapon
given Wales UK 10 Nov 2018
Proverbs 26:20 tells us that without a tale-bearer, strife ceases. We currently see little else but strife in today's society and we need to understand what is happening spiritually. This sermon covers: Satan's present position; He can use truth; Judging motives; When to confront; When to cover; Reconciliation. (11.4 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
FOT Continued
broadcast 24 July 1979 - played Wales 3 Nov 2018
"And now, once again, here comes some surprises. My Friends, its time to blow the dust off your Bibles and see what they say, and I ask you see it with your own eyes. Will you get a Bible now?..." (3.0 Mb)
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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
The Master Potter
given Wales UK 16 Oct 2004 played Wales 3 Nov 2018
This bible-study begins with a short audio clip from Mr Armstrong - where he closes his sermon in 1982 on aversion therapy, and talks of important scriptures not covered that deal with God being a master potter. It examines the specific scriptures; Looks at "vessels of wrath"; "vessels of honour"; and "chosen vessels" that God decides to use. (11.1 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
The Invictus Illusion
given Wales UK 27 Oct 2018
Few people in the Western World have not heard of the recent Invictus Games in Sydney, Australia. One cannot help but admire the dogged determination of the participants - both physically and mentally. But spiritually, the word 'invictus' is an illusion - even in the church, as this sermonette explains.  (2.5 Mb)
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by Mr Armstrong
Aversion Therapy
given 16 Oct 1982 - played Wales 27 Oct 2018
Begins: "Well brethren, it's hard to realize that another Feast has come and gone but I am sure you were all elated". Continues: "...And we've got to become so sick, so fed up with this world, we never want any more of it again! That's God's purpose... But once we have gone through this experience (once we have learned from our experience and we've gone through this aversion therapy and we get fed up enough with this world and we don't want anymore of it), God will make us in a condition of spirit where we can't sin. God speed that day!..." (View Transcript) (11.5 Mb)
“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)