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by Philip Henderson
Ambassadors For Christ
given Wales 10 Aug 2019
Although we will be King-Priests in the coming Kingdom of God - we are ambassadors for Christ now. Ambassadors are diplomats and not politicians - this sermonette highlights the vital difference between diplomacy and politics and how it impacts our role. (2.3 Mb)
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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
New Testament Canonization
given Wales UK 10th May 2003 - played Wales 8 Aug 2019
This bible study is the third of a series of three on the Canon, and examines how the New Testament scriptures came down to us. It covers: Parallels with Old Testament Canonisation; Canonisation by Peter; Canonisation by John; Original order of the books; How we must approach the canon. Canonisation Order of the New Testament (10.5 Mb)


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by Ian Munro
A Scene of Tomorrow
given Wales 3 Aug 2019
A speculative look into the future, regarding the banking system, based on past events.  (2.1 Mb)
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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
Babylon and Simon Magus
given Plymouth UK 3rd May 2003 - played Wales 3 Aug 2019
This bible study is the second of a series of three on the Canon, and examines why the false system is called Babylon. Five points are covered: Prehistory of Babylon; Babylon begins the present Axial period; Scriptures that prove Peter was not in Rome when the Catholics claim; Who started the Catholic Church; Why he was so successful. (11.1 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Rules of Success 4
made 1980s - played Wales 27 Jul 2019
"Did it ever occur to you to wonder why so many people make a failure in life? Is there after all a reason for it? Are there any fixed basic rules or principles of success? ..." (3.0 Mb)
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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
Old Testament Canonization
given Wales UK 26th April 2003 - played Wales 27 Jul 2019
This bible study is the first of a series of three on the Canon, and examines how the Old Testament scriptures came down to us. It covers: The inspired Order of the books; the canonization periods of: Moses; David and Solomon; Hezekiah; Josiah; Ezra and Nehemiah. Old Testament Inspired Order Of Books (9.8 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Rules of Success 2
made 1980s - played Wales 20 Jul 20199
"Why is it that so many people make a failure out of life? And yet some make a success of it. This is the second in a series bringing you the seven rules of success, for there are certain definite laws in motion that regulate success or failure ..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Ian Henderson
Working Out Our Own Salvation
given Wales 20 Jul 2019
We are all disciples training to be teachers in the Kingdom of God. This sermon shows how the seven laws of success are part of our training showing the reason we're born. (11.5 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Rules of Success 1
made 1980s - played Wales 13 Jul 2019
"Well, although the news is going to be good in the World Tomorrow, do you know why today's news is nearly all bad? Now this is shocking, but it's true: there's something criminally wrong with today's prevalent system of education..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Why Understanding the Elijah to Come is Vital
given Wales UK 21 May 2011 - played Wales 13 Jul 2019
Many former associates accept that Mr Armstrong was an apostle, but baulk at the idea that he was the fulfilment of the prophecy found in Malachi about one coming in the spirit and power of Elijah. But understanding this aspect is vital for this end-time generation. This sermon examines: The scriptures and their context; Timing; The prophecy to restore all things; Turning hearts of fathers to children; The dangers if denied. (11.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Salvation Part 3
made 1980s - played Wales 6 Jul 2019
"Despite all of the churches, despite all of the preaching, not one in hundreds of thousands actually knows what salvation is. I've been speaking on it the last two programmes and I'm a long ways from being through ..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
What is an Apostle?
given Modesto California 13th April 2002 - played Wales 6 Jul 2019
The sermon points out that "one sent" (the meaning of the Greek word "apostle") carries with it many vital things: Such a person was sent by God, not man (Gal 1:1), and sent for a specific reason - to lay foundations within the Church of God (Eph 2:20). Such foundations imply illumination to the Truth for the first time (Rom 15:20) and must remain after an apostle's death (2Pet 1:15), as they were actually laid by Christ through him - not by the man himself (1Cor 3:10-11, 4:16). (7.9 Mb)


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Split Sermon
by Zeki Korkut
To Tell The Truth
given Mississippi US 8 Jun 2019 - broadcast Wales 29 Jun 2019
The ninth command against false witness is a powerful commandment. The lie is the basis of Satan's world as he is the father of the lie. God's Word is truth that will change the world. (6.4 Mb)
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Split Sermon
by Jack Jackson
Our Spiritual Journey
given Mississippi US 8 Jun 2019 - broadcast Wales 29 Jun 2019
Our spiritual journey: 1) the journey that is past 2) the present journey and 3) the our future journey. All journeys require a beginning. Our journey begins at baptism. We look forward to our arrival to our final destination. (7.7 Mb)


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by Nathaniel Korkut
given Mississippi US 9 Jun 2019 - broadcast Wales 22 Jun 2019
Perseverence is one of the laws of success. Perserverence overcomes obstacles and trials which are important parts of a Christian's life and required to build character. (2.0 Mb)
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by Joseph Forson
Walking With God In The Spirit
given Mississippi US 9 Jun 2019 - broadcast Wales 22 Jun 2019
We must learn to walk with God in the Spirit but what does this mean? Spirit is likened to air, breath and wind. This sermon explains from scripture just what the Spirit is and therefore how we can walk, with God, in the Spirit.  (12.2 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Salvation Part 2
made 1980s - played Wales 15 Jun 2019
"Greetings! A very nice young man said to me one time, 'Mr Armstrong, I got saved last night. I gave my heart to the Lord.' Well I said, 'Isn't that wonderful, what do you mean, you gave your heart to the Lord? Just how did you do that? Was the Lord there?'..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Selected to Succeed
given Bristol UK 23 Aug 2008 - played Wales 15 Jun 2019
Some worry that they may not be able to "finish the course", falling at the last hurdle. But God does not work that way. He rather, selected us to succeed. This sermon examines: It is God's good pleasure to give us the Kingdom; Predestination; Weariness and fainting; Repentance; Patience and faith. (see also: Predestination - does the Bible Teach it?) (13.4 Mb)

2019-06-09 (Pentecost PM)

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by Philip Henderson
Offertory: Now I Know
given Wales 9 Jun 2019
A look at Abraham's greatest offering and how it relates to us today. What kind of offering is required of us? - A living sacrifice so that God can say of each of us "Now I know". (2.0 Mb)
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Offering Music
by Paula Henderson
Psalm 88 - O Thou God Of My Salvation
sung Wales 9 Jun 2019
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by Ian Henderson
Pentecost: Our Day
given Wales 9 Jun 2019
This is a day for us. We have the example of Israel in the desert crossing the Red Sea and the Jordan river. All these events show us man devoid of the Holy Spirit cannot obey God. We need to ask for the Holy Spirit daily. (11.1 Mb)

2019-06-09 (Pentecost AM)

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by Ian Munro
Forgive Us Our Trespasses
given Wales 9 Jun 2019
This sermonette draws attention to the need to become forgiving and goes on to explain how this is possible with the Holy Spirit. (2.2 Mb)
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Special Music
by Quartet
Psalm 110 - The Lord Said To My Lord
sung Wales 9 Jun 2019
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by Mr Armstrong
Meaning of Pentecost
given Pcost 22 May 1977 - Played Wales 9 Jun 2019
Begins: "...You know brethren, I've been thinking through this week, how wonderful this life could be. The many things that God has made possible for us to enjoy..." Mr Armstrong then talks about how Pentecost - as The Day of Firstfruits - fits into God's Plan found within the Holy Days. He particularly covers how unique and predestined our calling is into God's Church at this time. (13.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Salvation Part 1
made 1980s - played Wales 8 Jun 2019
"Greetings! Could you open a bible and show me in the bible where it says if you are saved you will go to heaven when you die? Could you? Do you realise that not one in thousands knows what salvation is? ..." (3.0 Mb)
“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)