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by Jon Bowles
Answering The Beast
given Wales UK 27 Jan 2007 played Wales UK 21 Dec 2019
Who Is the Beast ... Who Or What is the Prophetic Beast ... The Mark of the Beast (Transcript) ...are all part of the legacy Mr Armstrong left on the subject of the prophesied Mark of the Beast. But it is only today - 20 years on - that we can begin to see certain aspects unfold. This sermon shows how various things being said by the current Pope should make all of us take note, and then goes on to describe how what we find in scripture allows us to both answer - and counter - the arguments raised. (14.0 Mb)


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by Andrew Munro
The Magnificence Of God's Temple
given Wales UK 14 Dec 2019
A look at God's throne. An image that our limited minds can't take in. It is so beautifully crafted and designed with all sorts of precious stones. (2.4 Mb)
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by Jonathan Pippy
The Unwavering Christian
given Peterborough Canada 20 Jan 2007 played Wales 14 Dec 2019
A particular theme that continually comes through the book of Daniel is an unwavering trust in God. Although he and his companions were effectively subject to brainwashing by their captors as young men, they remained utterly committed to be obedient to God - whatever the consequences. The account of such an unwavering attitude is obviously something God wanted preserved - so that we also may develop the same today. (11.3 Mb)


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by Philip Henderson
Measuring the Temple
given Wales UK 07 Dec 2019
This sermonette enlarges on the scripture in Revelation 11:1. We are the temple to which Christ is going to return. We have to be constantly assessed to make sure that we, just like a physical temple, are fit for purpose. (2.7 Mb)
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by Stephen Breault
Foundational Doctrines Of The Church
given Wales UK 07 Dec 2019
The apostle Paul reminded us of the fundamental doctrines in Hebrews 6:1. These six doctrines explain the whole plan of God. Do we have a good understanding of them so that we can teach them in the future? (10.8 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
What is Life Part 2
made 1980s - played Wales UK 30 Nov 2019
"Why were you born? Was it just to face all of the trials, the troubles, the fears and the worries that you have? Was it just to try to be amused, entertained? ..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Ian Henderson
Believe Christ
given Wales UK 30 Nov 2019
God wants His people to believe Him. This sermon covers part of Abraham's life. He believed God and was called a friend of God. Just like Abraham we have been given promises and we also need to believe that God will do what He has promised. (10.5 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
What is Life Part 1
made 1980s - played Wales UK 23 Nov 2019
"...Almost nobody reads it, and fewer yet understand it. There are some things in the bible that are so hard to understand. Now most bibles sold today are the old King James translation that was made back in the year 1611..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
A Tale of Two Priests
given Wales UK 6 May 2006 - played Wales UK 23 Nov 2019
Following the sermon last week - on being Fit for the Kingdom - dealing with our future need to be able to administer the Loving Government of God, this sermon deals with the related subject of being a priest. Two individuals are particularly examined - Phinehas and Baalam: What kind of priests are we to be?; Preserving the Law; Teaching the Law's sense; Why Phinehas' convenant?; The opposite way of Baalam; Phinehas' role in defeating Baalam.  (12.4 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Christ's Parable, continued
given 13 June 1979 - played Wales UK 16 Nov 2019
My friends, do you know what is the World Tomorrow? It's the very thing that was the subject of the true gospel which God sent to mankind and which mankind has spurned and rejected and which we have not been hearing about for over 1800 years. Believe it or not, the true Kingdom of God has not been proclaimed, and people have not been hearing about it, and that was the message, the only true gospel which God sent by Jesus Christ.  (3.5 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Fit For the Kingdom
given Wales UK 29 Apr 2006 - played Wales UK 16 Nov 2019
Christ says in Luke 9:62 that "No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." Mr Armstrong said in the tape last week that "The Kingdom of God will consist of a family of born children of God - that have the government of God." Do we understand this subject of God's Government, or do we "go back" to the way government is handled in the world today? Five points are covered: The defining element of the KOG; Remembering why we were baptised; All in KOG must both administer and be administered by God's Government; Administering God's Government; Being administered by God's Government.  (12.3 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
True Gospel Part 6
made 1980s - played Wales UK 09 Nov 2019
"A few months ago the nation's most famous newscaster - Walter Cronkite - moved on to other network duties. But do you know who is the most famous newscaster - even much more famous than Walter Cronkite? The most famous who ever lived? ..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Mr Armstrong
Creation and the Gospel
given 13 May 1978 - played Wales UK 09 Nov 2019
Begins: "Well, greetings everybody once again this afternoon; and to all of you people up in Canada listening at Vancouver" Given shortly before Mr Armstrong went to Jerusalem for the inauguration of the Liberty Bell Park. He talks about his commission - to take the gospel to the world as a witness - and puts this into the context of God's Plan. He also is very strong with the ministry, insisting they preach "food in due season" each Holy Day.  (12.8 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
True Gospel Part 5
made 1980s - played Wales UK 02 Nov 2019
"The Gospel of Jesus Christ was not proclaimed to the world for 1,900 years. It was suppressed back in the year about 53AD until - in our time in the year of 1953..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Ian Henderson
Feast Focus 2019
given Wales UK 02 Nov 2019
This sermon provides an overview of the messages from the recent Feast of Tabernacles which focused on two key areas; Our incredible human potential and the importance of living accordingly to God's law. The creation is waiting for the revealing of the sons of God - our human potential. (11.4 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
True Gospel Part 4
made 1980s - played Wales UK 26 Oct 2019
"It's an amazing eye-opening thing to review the actual life of Jesus Christ - to see what He did proclaim, what He did preach - to open our eyes to what really did happen and what He did teach and proclaim - what was His Gospel..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Stephen Breault
After The Feast - Now What?
given Wales UK 26 Oct 2019
We are all familiar with post-Feast blues - but how do we combat it? Four points are covered; 1) Keeping unspotted from the world, 2) Contact with God, 3) Remember our goal, 4) Attitude. (8.6 Mb)

2019-10-21 (LGD PM UK)

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by Vaughn Duke
Offertory - Plan Your Offering and Give Joyfully
given Kentucky US 21 Oct 2019
We should plan for our offerings so we can give happily. God will be faithful to bless you and help you. God expects us to give but He does not need our money. (1.2 Mb)
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Offering Music
by Rochella Gardner and Caroline Duke
Scherzo In C by Diabelli
played Kentucky US 21 Oct 2019
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Special Music
by Sylvia Duke
Psalm 103 - Bless The Lord Eternal All Within Me
sung Kentucky US 21 Oct 2019
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by Jonathan Pippy
What is the Purpose of the Last Great Day for Us
given Kentucky US 21 Oct 2019
What is the meaning of the Last Great Day? It is not only for the Jews. But what does this day mean for us? To know the Plan of God you must love God. Think about the number of people that will be raised; it's staggering. God wants all to come to repentance and the answer is in the Last Great Day. (9.0 Mb)

2019-10-21 (LGD AM UK)

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by Ian Munro
The 20th Century Pyramids
given Cornwall UK 21 Oct 2019
There is a saying "Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday". Many people had no idea that there would not be a tomorrow for them in this world, especially those Jews caught up in the death camps of World War 2 - but when they are resurrected God will place them in their true homeland - Judea. (1.9 Mb)
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Special Music
by Quintet
Psalm 126 - The Second Time Zion Is Returning
sung Cornwall UK 21 Oct 2019
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by Stephen Breault
That Great Day
given Cornwall UK 21 Oct 2019
The Last Great Day is also known as the Great White Throne Judgement. This sermon explores; 1) A day of judgement 2) Who is being judged? 3) Who does the judging? 4) What is righteous judgement? (8.3 Mb)

2019-10-20 (FOT Day 7 US)

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by Ian Henderson
A Very Different World In The Millennium
given Cornwall UK 14 Oct 2019 - played Kentucky 20 Oct 2019
Think what the world would be like in 1,000 years - one language, everyone working together, all controlled by the government of God. Given the power of God, we will teach to help bring about this new world! (12.2 Mb)
“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)