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by Jonathan Pippy
Putting Complete Confidence in God
given Peterborough Canada 2 August 2008 - played Wales UK 2 May 2020
Our relationship with God must certainly be two-way: talking to Him through prayer, while listening carefully as His scriptures instruct us. But even more is required if we are to become one of His Spirit-born children. That miracle so often requires us to "stand still" (Ex 14:13) - in total confidence - as He personally converts us from what we are, to what He requires. (13.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Why were you Born - part 4
broadcast 1980s - played Wales UK 25 Apr 2020
"Listen! Why doesn't God take every new convert immediately to his reward, as soon as he is converted? Why must the Christian go on suffering in this world after he's converted? Actually if a person is really converted, his troubles seem only to begin..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Ian Henderson
Another Reality - the World of Angels
given Hailsham UK 28 Jan 2012 - played Wales UK 24 Apr 2020
The world of righteous angels is indeed another reality to us - yet scripture reveals how they interact with and in our world as well on God's behalf. This sermon examines the subject and attempts to make their presence in the life of God's people more comfortingly real. (11.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Why were you Born - part 3
broadcast 1980s - played Minnesota USA 18 Apr 2020
"Yes, over beyond impending catastrophic world happenings and destructions that will dwarf all past wars and troubles - is coming the glory, the divine splendour, of the Kingdom of God. But listen. Why doesn't God take every new convert immediately to his reward, as soon as he's converted? ..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
The Jerusalem Real Estate
given Bristol UK 17 Dec 2005 - played Minnesota USA 18 Apr 2020
This sermon examines probably the most important piece of real-estate not only in the world - but perhaps even in the universe. It examines Jerusalem - an area that has been determined by God to become the very headquarters of His Kingdom when the new city descends to the earth. During the Millennium a physical type of this city is to be built, and become the central location of the world for the entire 1,000 years. Yet the history of this area - and the immediate prophecies in the years ahead - are the very antithesis of its name - a city of peace. View notes (13.1 Mb)

2020-04-15 (ULB Last Day PM)

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by Philip Henderson
Offertory - Trust and Obey
given Wales UK 15 April 2020
There are many lessons that can be learnt from the Exodus - this sermonette explores some of these lessons and specifically how they relate to the offering. (2.7 Mb)
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Offering Music
by Paula Henderson
Psalm 119 (Zain) - Remember Your Word To Your Slave
sung Wales UK 15 April 2020
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by Jon Bowles
given Bristol UK UB2 9 April 2007 - played Wales UK 15 Apr 2020
Having two meanings of the day sermons within a week of each other during the Days of Unleavened Bread can make it difficult to make each one different. However, there were certain things that specifically relate to this second Holy Day. This sermon explains. (12.0 Mb)

2020-04-15 (ULB Last Day AM)

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by Ian Henderson
Ten Passovers in Scripture
given Bristol UK 22nd March 2003 - played Wales UK 15 Apr 2020
Ten instances are recorded in scripture where the Passover is mentioned. Each is taken in turn in this sermonette, and we are thereby encouraged into further private bible-study. (2.5 Mb)
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Special Music
by Paula Henderson
Psalm 121 - I Lift Up My Eyes To The Hills
sung Wales UK 15 April 2020
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by Mr Armstrong
What is Sin?
given 5 Dec 1981 - played Wales 15 Apr 2020
Begins: "Well greetings everybody, once again. I might announce now I do not plan to be with you next Sabbath. I'm planning to be in Oklahoma City..." Mr Armstrong then deals with many issues - including makeup - and explains why our attitude of mind is the crucial element in understanding sin. Certain physical actions - not addressed specifically within scripture - can still display a spiritual direction that is the antithesis of God's Way. (View Transcript) (10.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Why were you Born - part 2
broadcast 1980s - played Wales UK 11 Apr 2020
"Listen! Do you know where you are going? Do you have a real goal - a purpose in life? You were put on this earth for a purpose. God Almighty planned and designed every detail of everything that exists on this earth - and that includes you ..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Empireical Self Love
given Bristol UK UB2 25 Apr 2011 - played Wales UK 11 Apr 2020
In the sermon "What is Sin" Mr Armstrong made the following startling statement, "people are willing to go to war and even die; for their country. It's dying for self-love; and self-love is the very essence of sin, and it started from the very, very beginning." The sermon expands on this vital concept. (12.0 Mb)

2020-04-09 (ULB First Day PM)

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by Jon Bowles
given Wales UK UB1 3 April 2007 - played Wales UK 9 Apr 2020
This sermonette looks at how all we own is in reality, merely on loan to us through our physical lives. This is also the view of David - when preparing for the physical temple. It also should be our attitude before God when giving an offering as well. (1.0 Mb)
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Offering Music
by Paula Henderson
Psalm 119 (Koph) - I Will Call With All My Heart
sung Wales UK 9 April 2020
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by Mr Armstrong
Rely On God
given Pasadena UB 1985 - played Wales UK 20 April 2020
This Sermon examines the history of why the Church of God keeps these days. It shows how we must continually grow out of sin by putting on God's righteousness. (9.4 Mb)

2020-04-09 (ULB First Day AM)

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by Andrew Munro
Trust in the Eternal our God
given Bristol UK UB2 1 Apr 2013 - played Wales UK 9 apr 2020
Israel should have trusted God - but failed to do so, even though they experienced what they did. How much more should we? (2.0 Mb)
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Special Music
by Paula Henderson
Psalm 91 - Within Your Secret Place
sung Wales UK 9 Apr 2020
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by Jonathan Pippy
Be Ye Holy - even as I am Holy
given Peterborough Canada UB1 24 April 2005 - played Wales UK 9 Apr 2020
God promises to supply our every need - including the major spiritual needs of: identity; acceptance; security and significance. And He does so that we may be holy - as He is holy. Being associated with God - we become progressively sanctified. (8.2 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Why were you Born - part 1
broadcast 1980s - played Wales UK 4 Apr 2020
"Why were YOU born? Very few people ever stop to wonder if they were actually born for a purpose. Did YOU ever think about it? Most people just take their existence for granted. They know that they have to eat, wear clothes and have a place to live ..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Understanding the Coded Book
given Wales UK UB1 26 Mar 2013 - played Wales UK 4 Apr 2020
The information in the DNA molecule and the information in Scripture were written by the same Creator God. Men once dismissed 95% of the human genome as "junk DNA". Similarly, they dismiss 95% of scripture as disjointed stories and parables. But as one exquisitely controls the 2% that codes for protein, so the other exquisitely illustrates both how to, and how NOT to, develop the very Character of God.  (12.8 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
World Peace Coming
broadcast 1980s - played Wales UK 28 Mar 2020
"We've been having volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and eruptions of war and threats of war around the world. It has been the chief world news recently and now I want to tell you about an eruption at Mount Sinai believe it or not ..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Jonathan Pippy
Conducting a Spiritual Examination
given Peterborough Canada 29 March 2008 - played Wales UK 28 Mar 2020
On the approach to Passover, it is essential that we who are baptised take the time to examine ourselves. But we need to be very careful that we are indeed looking at "ourselves" - not scrutinising others! (11.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Answered Prayer
broadcast 1980s - played Wales UK 21 Mar 2020
"This is Herbert W Armstrong with the Good News of the World Tomorrow, but in the world today I know that your life is beset with problems and troubles. Your mind harassed by fears and worries. There is only one way out of this and almost no one knows that way and is able to apply it. That way is answered prayer..." (3.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
The Wine of Passover
given 21 Mar 2009 - played Wales UK 21 Mar 2020
The Passover sacrifice of Christ began the very Plan of God by providing forgiveness of past sins and allowing reconciliation with the Father on repentance. His shed blood also makes possible the New Covenant between God and spiritual Israel. This sermon examines: God's Law and lifestyle; Ancient Israel; Circumcision; The Firstborn; The New Covenant. (11.0 Mb)
“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)