2020-09-19 (Trumpets PM)

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Offering Music
by Sylvia Duke
Psalm 27 - Lord, You're My Light
sung Kentucky USA Atonement 9 Oct 2008 - played Wales UK 19 Sep 2020
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by Mr Armstrong
Trumpets and the Purpose of the Church
given Trump 11 Sep 1980 - played Wales UK 19 Sep 2020
Begins: "Greetings everybody, hello there everybody over in Pasadena. I'm not over here in Tucson, I'm in Pasadena right with you, and I've been listening to Mr Curtis May telling us how to make up for lost time..." Mr Armstrong then gives the meaning of the day of Trumpets in 1980, using a two-way video hookup from his new TV studio in Tucson. He concentrated particularly on how the purpose of The Church - to teach within the Kingdom of God - comes into its own at Christ's return, pictured within the day of Trumpets. (12.0 Mb)

2020-09-19 (Trumpets AM)

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by Andrew Munro
Endure to the End
given Bristol UK Trump 29 Sep 2011 - played Wales UK 19 Sep 2020
In 1869, John Powell and 9 other men set off to explore the Grand Canyon. Their ordeal has much to teach us within God's Church - particularly of our need to endure to the end. (2.0 Mb)
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Special Music
by Jon Bowles
Psalm 45 - My Heart Is Stirring As I Speak
played Wales UK 19 Sep 2020
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by Jonathan Pippy
Are You Ready For Christ's Return?
given Peterborough Canada Trump 23 Sep 2006 - played Wales UK 19 Sep 2020
When we consider what has been given to us within the Church, and really understand the true scope of what part we have within the very Plan of God, we can only be left aghast at the responsibility on our shoulders. But God is a faithful Creator - and through His power and strength, He individually prepares and works with those He has called and chosen (or selected) to be ready for Christ's return. But we also have our part to play in this process. (10.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Why National Punishment
broadcast date unknown - played Wales UK 12 Sep 2020
"My friends, do you understand why we can know the world tomorrow? We can know the future. We can know what's going to happen. No man of himself knows anything about it..." (4.3 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Our Attitude Toward Government
given Bristol UK 13th March 2004 - played Wales UK 12 Sep 2020
This sermon draws a parallel between a spacecraft approaching a re-entry window in the atmosphere, and ourselves being drawn toward the coming Kingdom (Government) of God. Both have to have a particular "attitude" or approach to their entry. Too steep - and they burn, too shallow and they bounce. That window is even narrower for us - yet for a space craft it is just the thickness of a piece of paper on the size of a basketball! Is our own individual "attitude" - our approach - towards God's Kingdom and Government yet as it should be? (10.2 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
The 2nd Exodus - Part 2
broadcast date unknown - played UK 5 Sep 2020
“Yes my friends we can know the world tomorrow. We can know what's going to happen because God alone knows. No man knows. No man can tell anything about the future ...” (4.4 Mb)
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by Joseph Forson
Vision 2020
given Milwaukee USA 5 Sep 2020
We need to have a clearer vision of our calling, and a more complete picture of the Kingdom of God. This sermon explains how men of old, starting with Abel had a vision of the future. All these had a vision for their time. We need to have a clearer vision through the things that we have been given. (10.6 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
The 2nd Exodus - Part 1
broadcast date unknown - played UK 29 Aug 2020
"And my friends we can know the world tomorrow, for although no man can predict the future - no mortal, no human power knows what's going to happen - as a matter of fact we don't even know what a day is going to bring forth..." (4.4 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
God's Power In Man And For Man
given Tennessee USA 1 Jan 2005 - played Wales UK 29 Aug 2020
This Sermon examines the way God works mightily when showing His power Himself - but starts in a very small way when it operates within men. It examines Moses; Abraham; Jehosophat; Christ and the Apostles; and our lives today. (9.5 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
The Two Ways - Part 2
broadcast 1980s - played Wales UK 22 Aug 2020
"You live in a world - in a 20th century world - that is plunging to absolute extinction! The weapons now exist of mass destruction that can erase all human life from this planet..." (4.3 Mb)
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by Ian Henderson
How Long Is Now?
given Hailsham UK 2 Aug 2014 - played Wales UK 22 Aug 2020
We stand poised at the closing stages of the present age knowing that God's view of time is very different from ours. But we can be confident that He gives each of us - as His people - the time we require. And we can see this clearly when we look back at the examples found in scripture. (11.6 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
The Two Ways - part 1
broadcast 1980s - played Wales UK 15 Aug 2020
"We are living in a twentieth century civilization that is plunging toward human extinction. We don't like to think about that - and it's about time we do..." (4.3 Mb)
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by Jonathan Pippy
Words Fitly Spoken
given Peterborough Canada 24 Feb 2007 - played Wales UK 15 Aug 2020
Words have been used to move armies, to give whole nations courage, and to provoke people to both great good and also great evil. But what each of us must always remember, is how God is going to bring even each idle word we may use into judgement (Matt 12:36-37). (11.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Middle East in Prophecy
broadcast 1980s - played Wales UK 8 Aug 2020
"A prelude to world peace at last after all these thousands of years of war, and of troubles and of evils on this earth. The world's spotlight recently has been primarily on the middle east..." (3.9 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Final Exams
given Owerri Nigeria 26 July 2008 - played Wales UK 8 Aug 2020
Even if this world were to continue on for some time, we will all eventually die and come before the judgement seat of Christ (2Cor 5:10). But every indication is that this world is not going to continue very long. For this reason, our "final exams" in life are much nearer. The sermon examines: Now is a time of testing; God's method of assessment; Standing before Christ individually; A joint effort within the Church; These exams have real purpose. (12.0 Mb)


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Split Sermon
by Philip Henderson
End Time Planning
given Wales UK 1 Aug 2020
Planning in the end time brings with it some challenges - how do we plan for now without losing the sense of urgency that we need to maintain as this age draws to a close? This is particularly vital for the youth and young adults who are having to make decisions about career choices although the 2 key principles discussed can be used to help with any planning decisions that need to be made. (7.4 Mb)
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Split Sermon
by Jon Bowles
Counting the Unexpected Cost
given Bristol UK 3 Dec 2016 - played Wales UK 1 Aug 2020
During counselling for baptism, one topic that is invariably covered is the need to count the cost. But how do you count the cost when you don't know what the cost is going to be? How can we count the unexpected? This sermon explains Luke 14 where the passage is found and shows how we can have absolute faith in God's clear goal for each of us. (8.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
What is Wrong With Religion?
broadcast 1980s - played Wales UK 25 Jul 2020
"You live in a 20th Century world that is plunging to its own destruction. Plunging to human extinction. I think we need to be reminded..." (3.9 Mb)
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by Joseph Forson
What and Why the Church?
given Delaware USA 17 Apr 2010 - played Wales UK 25 Jul 2020
Jesus Christ said, "I will build my Church" (Mat 16:18) - but what IS "The Church", and WHY was it created? This sermon explains by expounding on many of the facts and principles God revealed through Mr Armstrong about the subject when he was alive. (11.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
US in Prophecy - Part 3
broadcast 1980s - played Wales UK 18 Jul 2020
What is prophesied to directly affect and to happen to the United States? As I have been saying, you have to know where the United States is mentioned in the bible prophecies to understand it. (4.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Preparing a Place
given Wales UK 4 Dec 2010 - played Wales UK 18 Jul 2020
In John 14:2 Christ said he was going to prepare a place for us. This sermon examines how this desire can be seen in many other areas as well - such as: The physical world; The spiritual temple; Israel as our example; The Holy Spirit; 3 of God's chisels. (11.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
US in Prophecy - Part 2
broadcast 1980s - played Wales UK 11 Jul 2020
And yes, there is good news ahead. But today's news, once again, is not good. I've been telling you that top scientists say that we've come to the time when all human life can be destroyed. (4.0 Mb)
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by Ian Henderson
Hated of All Nations - Why?
given Sussex UK 27 Nov 2010 - played Wales UK 11 Jul 2020
We are told in Matt 10:22, "And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake" and in Matt 24:9, "ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake." - but why? And what can we do about it. This sermon explains. (10.0 Mb)
“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)