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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
World Government - part 1
broadcast date unknown - played Wales UK 23 Oct 2021
"... It isn't going to be too long now and we're going to have real world peace, believe it or not. And do you realise my friends what is the real significance behind present world conditions and where it's leading? ..." (4.2 Mb)
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by Jonathan Pippy
Is God In Control?
given 3 June 2006 - played Wales UK 23 Oct 2021
This sermon shows the incredible way God cares for all his people, and how He works individually with each of us - even though at times we may begin to doubt in our trials. What we must constantly keep in mind is: God's total sovereignty; His infinite wisdom; And His perfect Love.  (10.2 Mb)


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Split Sermon
by Ian Henderson
Ephesians 5 Revisited
given Bristol UK 9 Dec 2017 - played Wales UK 16 Oct 2021
Ephesians 5 deals with the relationship between a man and his wife. But it also deals with the spiritual parallels between Christ and His Church. And it is this profound subject on which this split sermon concentrates.  (5.8 Mb)
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Split Sermon
by Jon Bowles
New Testament Brethren
given Bristol UK 9 Dec 2017 - played Wales UK 16 Oct 2021
In today's society the concept of the family is being trashed. Yet we use family terms - such as brethren - within the church. This sermon examines the term within: the Old Testament; the early church; when used spiritually; and within God's Kingdom - our destiny. (8.5 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Melchizedek - part 6
broadcast date unknown - played Wales UK 9 Oct 2021
"... Well my friends, is Jesus Christ alive today? Or did he die? You'll see little crucifixes and you'll see pictures and everything of a dead Christ. Is Jesus Christ dead? Is he only a baby? Or is Jesus Christ - the resurrected Christ - on the job today? ..." (4.4 Mb)
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by Mr Armstrong
The Unthinkable Will Happen
given 19 June 1982 - played Wales UK 9 Oct 2021
Begins: "Well brethren I guess it's still the same old thing, there is both good news and bad news. There is some wonderfully good news clear beyond human comprehension coming. But there is some bad news (still completely beyond comprehension) that is coming first." Mr Armstrong then re-emphasises the inevitable direction the world is prophesied to go just before Christ returns. Only when man has reached the end of his rope, will he finally be ready to listen to his God. (View Transcript) (9.4 Mb)


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Split Sermon
by Jonathan Pippy
Persevering To The End
given Wales UK 18 Oct 2014 - played Wales UK 2 Oct 2021
7 points to remember our faith and commitment to God. (10.7 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Becoming Unglued
given Wales UK 3 Dec 2005 - played Wales UK 2 Oct 2021
This sermon examines how the Greek word "merimnao" (to be anxious, lit: come to pieces) is used within Scripture - and what it has to teach us within our trials: Becoming unglued over physical things; for "the morrow"; during specific future events; The importance of keeping the centre; God's forward perspective. See also How to be an overcomer (9.5 Mb)

2021-09-28 (LGD PM)

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by Ian Henderson
Learn To Give
given Wales UK 28 Sep 2021
Mr Armstrong said: "The entire purpose and meaning of religion is to bring humanity into the way of 'Give'." The Feasts and Holy Days are all based on 'give.' God's way is all give! We need to learn to be like Him. (1.9 Mb)
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Special Music
by Henderson Trio
Psalm 21 - For The King Will Joy In Your Strength Lord
sung Wales 26 Apr 2019 - played Wales UK 28 Sep 2021
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by Jon Bowles
The Awakening of All Mankind
given Derbyshire UK 14 Oct 2006 - played Wales UK 28 Sep 2021
People who have died will "awake" into a totally different world:- Paradise! This day pictures the awakening of all mankind, Physically and Spiritually, as well as man's glorious future. (14.6 Mb)

2021-09-28 (LGD AM)

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Split Sermon
by Zeki Korkut
All Things Forever
given Kentucky US 16 Oct 2014 - played Wales UK 28 Sep 2021
God gives us two promises: We are to inherit "all things" and we will "live forever". When we consider God's creation, His universe, we come to a better understanding of "all things" and "forever". (6.6 Mb)
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Special Music
by Sylvia Duke
Psalm 19 - All the heavens declare your Glory Lord
sung Wales UK 20 Apr 2019 - played Wales UK 28 Sep 2021
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Split Sermon
by Jack Jackson
The Reunion and Our Part in the Second Resurrection
given Kentucky US 16 Oct 2014 - played Wales UK 28 Sep 2021
God wants all to come to repentance. Our ultimate goal is to teach, not just live in the Millennium. We must learn the Way so we can teach the Way. What a wondeful future!  (7.1 Mb)

2021-09-27 (FOT Day 7)

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by Anthony Silva
The Restitution Of All Things And Peace
given Wales UK 27 Sep 2021
In today's world entire fortunes have been poured into finding peace to no avail. God's government is what needs to be restored and then in the Millennium there will be prosperity and true peace. (2.1 Mb)
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Special Music
by Sylvia Duke
Psalm 73 - It's Clear That God Is Good To Israel
sung Dallas USA 19 Apr 2014 - played Wales UK 27 Sep 2021
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by Jon Bowles
Commerce In the World Tomorrow
given UK 17th October 2003 - played Wales UK 27 Sep 2021
Commerce, Industry and trade will be a radically different system from today. This sermon looks at 1) A change of direction, 2) Quality, 3) Joseph, 4) Slavery, the Sabbatical and Jubilee, 5) Usury. All to prepare a group of people for the Last Great Day. (12.8 Mb)

2021-09-26 (FOT Day 6)

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by Zeki Korkut
Lessons Learned
given Wales UK 26 Sep 2021
We are preparing for a future event, a transition from Satan's world to God's way of life. God teaches us through training and testing. He uses teaching, patience and giving. We have to consider the lessons learned. (1.6 Mb)
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Special Music
by Jon Bowles
Psalm 119 (Koph) - I Will Call With All My Heart
sung Wales 28 May 2006 - played Wales UK 26 Sep 2021
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by Mr Armstrong
Christ Will Rule
given FOT 11 Oct 1984 - played Wales UK 26 Sep 2021
Begins: "Well, greetings brethren, not only to you here in Pasadena, but to all you brethren who just telephoned in from New Zealand, that you are getting the program down there; and right now it's very close to 9 o'clock tomorrow morning!..." Mr Armstrong then gives the meaning of the Feast of Tabernacles - including why we don't have a utopia today, because of our life style: the way we live. But he shows how even this situation fits within the incredible purpose of the Great Creator God. (8.0 Mb)

2021-09-25 (FOT Day 5)

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by Sam Fuller
Fellowship In The Millennium
given Wales UK 25 Sep 2021
This sermonette explains how keeping and fellowshipping at the Feast will produce a sense of unity in the Millennium. (1.5 Mb)
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Special Music
by Sylvia Duke
Habakkuk's Song
sung UK 13th October 2003 - played Wales UK 25 Sep 2021
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by Jon Bowles
The Sabbatical Year
given UK 13 Oct 2003 - played Wales UK 25 Sep 2021
Agricultural implications of the Sabbatical year explained through the letter and spirit of the law. In the Millennium we are looking forward to the magnification of this law with the restitution of all things. (9.6 Mb)

2021-09-24 (FOT Day 4)

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Split Sermon
by Nathaniel Korkut
Education in the Millennium
given Wales UK 24 Sep 2021
The foundation of this world's education is based on the wrong principles. In the Millennium education will be based and delivered on the principles that God uses. Humility, by example and by using proverbs and parables. (5.4 Mb)
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Special Music
by Violin Trio
Hina Ma Tov (How Good and How Pleasant)
played Kentucky US 17 Oct 2019 - played Wales UK 24 Sep 2021
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“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)