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by Paula Henderson
Isaiah 26 & 27 - We've A City Strong And Sure
sung Wales UK 8 Oct 2022
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by Jon Bowles
This Temporary Dwelling
given Delaware USA 4 Oct 2008 - played Wales UK 8 Oct 2022
The word "Tabernacles" means a tent or temporary dwelling. Although the Feast of Tabernacles depicts the coming Millennium of abundance, it also reminds us that this life is only for a season - ending in our physical death. The sermon examines: Life is temporary; Today's absurd materialism; Our hope in death; How Christ mourned; Mourning for the world. (12.0 Mb)

2022-10-05 (Atonement)

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by Ian Munro
given Wales UK 25 Sep 2004 - played Wales UK 5 Oct 2022
This sermonette stresses that by now we should have matured in giving an offering. We should by now be able to give an offering, not simply because it is commanded, but because we want to. To give in order to share what has been given to us with others. (1.2 Mb)
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Offering Music
by Sylvia Duke
Psalm 19 - All The Heavens Declare Your Glory Lord
sung Wales UK 25 Sep 2004 - played Wales UK 5 Oct 2022
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by Jon Bowles
Atonement - Meaning of the Day
given Kentucky USA 23 Sep 2015 - played UK 5 Oct 2022
How Atonement fits within the framework of God's plan as pictured by the Holy Days. (9.2 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Salvation - Part 2
broadcast in the 1980s - played Wales UK 1 Oct 2022
"... My friends, why do you read over here in first Peter the second chapter, 'like newborn babes long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow UP to salvation' - That by it you may grow UP to salvation - now why would that be in the bible if anyone already HAS salvation? ..." (4.3 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
The Pearl of Great Price
given Wales UK 19 Dec 2015 - played Wales UK 1 Oct 2022
Mr Armstrong would often repeat an illustration to explain an aspect of scripture - none more so than the account of the two trees. In days gone by, many in his audience would switch off at such points. But what of us today? Do we really grasp just what pearls of great price the principles were behind what he was conveying? (10.8 Mb)

2022-09-26 (Trumpets PM)

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by Alex Henderson
Don't Blow Your Own Trumpet
given Wales UK 26 Sep 2022
This sermonette examines the subject of offerings through three points: why we give, how to give, and how not to give. (1.3 Mb)
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Special Music
by Paula and Beth Henderson
Psalm 57 - Be Merciful To Me Eternal
sung Wales UK 26 Sep 2022
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by Jon Bowles
The Meaning of Trumpets
given Bristol UK 4 Oct 2005 - played Wales UK 26 Sep 2022
This sermon gives the meaning of the Day of Trumpets - showing how Christ is prophesied to bring light to this world - lighting every man that comes into it (John 1:9). This single scripture shows clearly that there has to be a resurrection for those who have never even heard the name of Christ. But there are also other prophecies that indicate that light is also going to be used in a very different way - as a weapon that destroys all who resist the returning Messiah. (13.0 Mb)

2022-09-26 (Trumpets AM)

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by Andrew Munro
Is The Rapture Scriptural?
given Bristol UK 30 Sep 2008 - played Wales UK 26 Sep 2022
Today is the Feast of Trumpets - picturing the return of Jesus Christ. But how does He return? Is it in two stages - one hidden from the world - as the rapture idea speculates? The scriptures are very clear that it is not. (1.0 Mb)
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Special Music
by Sylvia Duke
Psalm 110 - The Lord Said To My Lord
played Wales UK 26 Sep 2022
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by Jonathan Pippy
Are You Ready to Reign
given Peterborough Canada 4 Oct 2005 - played Wales UK 26 Sep 2022
The Feast of Trumpets pictures the return of Christ, and the resurrection of the saints to be Kings and Priests - serving under Christ throughout the Millennium. But are we ready to reign? Are we ready to judge consistently by the word of God? Will our mindset truly reflect God's mind at that time? It is vital that we allow God to train each of us individually to fulfil this incredible destiny. (9.4 Mb)


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by Andrew Munro
Endure to the End
given Bristol UK 9 Dec 2006 - played Wales UK 24 Sep 2022
Stress is something we all have to contend with, but in The Church, trials are used by God to develop character and cause us to grow. Fortunately, there are several examples in scripture that we can turn to to see how this process has taken place in the past. (6.0 Mb)
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by Mr Armstrong
Endure to the End
given 26 Sep 1981 - played Wales UK 24 Sep 2022
Begins: "Today is the day when in the world they are having football games, major league baseball games all over the country. In this country and around the world, we're facing a real economic repression or depression..." Mr Armstrong then goes right back to the beginning, putting what he has to say into the context of the big picture. And what he has to say is that statistically, 33% of those listening to him would not be in the Church in 10 years. (how true that was - except it was nearer 90%). But the antidote is to take our calling seriously, to overcome Satan's world, to grow in grace and knowledge - doing it all through the power of God, received through prayer - and to endure, to the end. (View Transcript) (10.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Salvation - Part 1
broadcast in the 1980s - played Wales UK 17 Sep 2022
"... Now once again, why if people are already saved when they accept Christ - why doesn't God take the new converts then immediately to heaven? If heaven is the reward. And by the way, have you ever seen any real proof in your bible? Any real promise that you can ever go to heaven? ..." (4.3 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
God's Word of Life and Growth
given Wales UK 18 Aug 2018 - played Wales UK 17 Sep 2022
Mr Armstrong felt that the sermon he gave in Sydney - which we played last week - was missing one vital addition. But there were several other aspects of the subject that he also dealt with; when in Brisbane; in a ministerial conference; in a co-worker letter and in his graduation address on his return. (12.4 Mb)


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by Jonathan Pippy
Blessed Be Those That Mourn
Given Ohio USA 25 June 2005 - played Wales UK 10 Sep 2022
This sermonette examines the beatitudes - and the word blessed - in particular what Christ says about those that mourn. Far from being a platitude, this statement is vital - as those who do indeed mourn correctly - will indeed be comforted. (1.4 Mb)
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by Mr Armstrong
Speaking in Sydney
given 9 May 1981 - played Wales UK 10 Sep 2022
Begins: "Well thank you everybody and let me say not only greetings to those here in this beautiful auditorium but also to several hundred over in Perth who are listening into us just now..." Then Mr Armstrong reminds everyone that our fellowship is also with God the Father and Jesus Christ - as an introduction to this foundational message which lays out God's purpose for us all - to develop His holy righteous character so that we can be given true Life in the coming Kingdom of God. (15.1 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
The Seventh Day
broadcast in the 1980s - played Wales UK 3 Sep 2022
"... You've heard about the battle of Armageddon? You've heard about the second coming of Christ? You've heard about the world coming to an end? Well, is there anything to it - anything to all of these things that we hear about?..." (4.3 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Witnesses Against Apostasy Part 2
given Wales UK 7 Jan 2012 - played Wales UK 3 Sep 2022
This sermon carries on where a previous sermon left off concerning Hebrews 12:1, "we are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses". The witnesses we can view in the 1st century AD had to handle apostasy that ended in the complete takeover of Christianity. It covers: a review; God's intent following the 1st century; Satan's intent following the 1st century; Spiritual corruption; The lesson of Jude, John and Revelation. (12.0 Mb)


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by Zeki Korkut
Cleave Unto God
given US - played Wales UK 27 Aug 2022
Cleave to God by keeping His commandments: Five ways we do this; keep; do; love; walk and cleave. God is our rock and we must cleave to Him. (1.6 Mb)
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by Mr Armstrong
What God Expects of Us
given 7 Nov 1981 - played Wales UK 27 Aug 2022
Begins: "Greetings everybody, nice to be with you again. And as was announced it's going to be the last chance for about 3 weeks..." This sermon was given during the time when the Church was getting back on track, and makeup had just been recognised as not part of "The Way" God wants for us. Mr Armstrong deals extensively with this topic and several similar areas in this sermon. (Quoting from How Satan Used Makeup To Start The Church off the Track) (14.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Christ's Present Office
broadcast in the 1980s - played Wales UK 20 Aug 2022
"The Bible gives a sharp crisp plain direct command, 'prove all things' - and prove all things includes the command that you prove whether the holy Bible itself is a direct, the inspired, the authoritative word of such a God..." (4.3 Mb)
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by Ian Henderson
The Little Black Book
given Wales UK 20 Aug 2022
The Bible has been preserved for us. It is one book written by many writers but with one author. The whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation shows the Government of God. (12.0 Mb)
“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)