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News Analysis
by Jon Bowles

given Wales UK 1 May 2004
This News Analysis deals specifically with the monumental event in Europe today - Saturday 1st May 2004 - the addition of 10 new member states, primarily from eastern europe. This makes the EU the biggest political union and commercial market in the present world, with over 455 million people - and is forcing an axial change in its structure. Two articles from 1988 newspapers are read, in which the Pope addressed the EC (as it was then) and encouraged them along the road we are witnessing today - an emerging political power growing from the ancient roots of the Holy Roman Empire. (4.8 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Mr Armstrong
Review of 1st Corinthians
given 22 November 1980 in Tucson, Played Wales UK 24 April 2004
This is the first 1hour 25 mins of a bible study - where Mr Armstrong reviews 1st Corinthians - just before continuing with 2Cor 8. In it he says the following: "Now, if you go back and think - those men who went out from us were thinking carnally. They didn't have minds that went to the very depths of the spiritual knowledge of the Bible. I'm not sure that every one of them is gone yet. Some of them were very straight doctrinally. You can be straight doctrinally and still have a material, carnal mind. Did you know that?" (View Transcript) (10.6 Mb)
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Short Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
Scandinavia and the Two Trees
given Wales UK 24 April 2004
This mini bible study discusses the great physical differences between Norway and Denmark, and goes on to show how great the spiritual difference is between the converted and unconverted mind. This is markedly so in today's post-modern society, and has great impact on us as Church members. (4.3 Mb)


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Split Sermon
by Jon Bowles
Love Neighbour As Your Self
given Sandnes Norway 17 April 2004
This Sermon examines Lev 19:18 and shows how the second commandment of the Law according to Jesus Christ (Matt 22:37) is explained within the chapter: To be Holy; Family relations; Look after the poor; Don't defraud; Don't show favoritism; Don't gossip; Don't bear a grudge. (6.3 Mb)
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Split Sermon
by Jon Bowles
Love God with Heart, Soul, Might?
given Sandnes Norway 17 April 2004
This Sermon examines Deut 6:5 which gives the first commandment of the Law according to Jesus Christ (Matt 22:37): Who do we love?; Why Heart, soul, and might?; What does the context tell us? (6.9 Mb)

2004-04-12 (ULB Last Day)

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by Ian Henderson
Meaning of the Day Within Ezek 20
given Bristol UK UB-2 12 April 2004
This Sermon examines the meaning of the Days of Unleavened Bread, and shows 6 relevant points found in Ezek 20:10-12: Go forth out of Egypt; Into the wilderness; Statutes and Judgements; Do them; Live in them; Why annual sabbaths; A sign between God and man; God Sanctifies us. (8.4 Mb)
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Offering Music
by Paula Henderson
Psalm 22 - Eli, Eli, Lama Sabachthani
sung Bristol UK - UB-2 12 April 2004)
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by Chris Hancock
given Bristol UK UB-2 12 April 2004
We can give God absolutely nothing - but we can show a small aspect of God's character - within the offering. (1.7 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Why 2nd Timothy?
given Bristol UK UB-2 12 April 2004
This Sermon examines 2nd Timothy, and asks why it was originally written. The answer gives much more meaning to the aspects that were preserved for us "in the last days" (2Tim 3:1). When we understand why Timothy needed encouragement at that time - we too should be encouraged in the spiritual battles we have to fight today. (9.3 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
Lessons from Deleavening
given Wales UK 10 April 2004
This Sermon examines what we can learn from de-leavening our homes physically: The more cluttered, the more difficult; The need to concentrate on cleanliness; We need light; Be prepared to throw out good with the bad; It is impossible to do a 100% perfect job. (9.5 Mb)

2004-04-06 (ULB First Day)

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by Mr Armstrong
Coming Out of Sin
given 12th April 1985 - First Day UB, Played Wales UK (UB-1 6 April 2004
This Sermon begins with Mr Armstrong talking of his brother's music, and how more Psalms still wait to be learned by the Church than appear in the purple hymnal at present. In the sermon itself, Mr Armstrong talks of how within the modern world there is more opportunity to sin than ever before - because of the inventions of the TV, movies, printing press and the like.
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Offering Music
by Jon Bowles
Psalm 27 - Lord You're My Light
sung Wales UK UB-1 6 April 2004
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by Ian Munro
given Wales UK UB-1 6 April 2004
This Sermonette highlights 3 points: We are commanded to give an offering; We should want to give - as this is God's character; Our offering should reflect our blessings. (1.1 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Words and Unleavened Bread
given Wales UK UB-1 6 April 2004
This Sermon examines the meaning of the Days of Unleavened bread, and shows at the same time how words have an enormous part to play within that meaning. Three points are covered: UB and its link to the Passover; UB and coming out of Egypt; Eating UB pictures God's Law within our mouth. (8.7 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Mr Armstrong
Beginning of James and UB
given Pasadena UB 1981, Played Wales UK 3 April 2004
This Bible Study shows how we only have temporary life today, but are offered Real Life by God. The "process" of sin - following temptation - is covered, as is "the Law of liberty" - into that real life. Mr Armstrong examines a current "news" paper, and shows how meaningless such chemical "life" portrayed within it really is. (9.3 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Passover vs The Catholic Mass
given Wales UK 3rd April 2004
This short study was given just before the tape by Mr Armstrong this week. Though comments have been made previously about "The Passion of The Christ" film within the bible study: "Think on THESE Things" (given Wales UK 14 Feb 2004) nothing was mentioned about the Catholic bias of the film. This short talk explains the enormous difference between the Catholic Mass and the Passover, and how the movie can only have Catholic input, in regard to this area, not the Truth. (4.3 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
Tongue Control
given Wales UK 27th March 2004
This sermon elaborates on a point in the previous week's sermon - that the repentence of our heart can be seen in what comes from our mouth. Five points are covered: Why God cannot lie; Why our words are so important; Verbal diarrhoea; Not enough to just keep quiet; Where tonge control must come from. (9.1 Mb)
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News Analysis
by Jon Bowles

given Wales UK 27th March 2004
This News Analysis deals specifically with the way Europe is becoming poised for the emergence of a great leader within the configeration that was prophesied. The reaction to the terrorist bombing of trains in Spain; The grief after the Princess of Wales' death; The rise of Hitler to power - show how populations can be swayed. All it takes is the right person, saying the right things, at the right time. (3.6 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
Mature Passover Examination
given California USA 20th March 2004
This sermon asks if we have grown - matured - in the way we today prepare for Passover, compared to the time right after our baptism. Three areas are covered: Growing in repentance; Growing in Faith; Growing in Listening - when corrected by God. (9.8 Mb)
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by Arlen Berkey
Think About it
given California USA 20th March 2004
This sermonette shows the profound link between our thoughts and our actions. We can only raise the way we live by raising our thinking. Is 55:9 "For [as] the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." illustrates that we are today in school - a school for higher education. (1.9 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
Our Attitude Toward Government
given Bristol UK 13th March 2004
This sermon draws a parallel between a spacecraft approaching a re-entry window in the atmosphere, and ourselves being drawn toward the coming Kingdom (Government) of God. Both have to have a particular "attitude" or approach to their entry. Too steep - and they burn, too shallow and they bounce. That window is even narrower for us - yet for a space craft it is just the thickness of a piece of paper on the size of a basketball! Is our own individual "attitude" - our approach - towards God's Kingdom and Government yet as it should be? (10.2 Mb)
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by Ian Henderson
Daniel 9
given Bristol UK 13th March 2004
This sermonette shows the way that Daniel was reacting when the appropriate time to build the physical temple of God came. By going through Daniel 9, his repentance and then boldness in asking God is noted. The implication is that we should be doing the same. (1.7 Mb)


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by Mr Armstrong
Passover Examination
given 4th March 1982 - Played Wales UK 6th March 2004
Mr Armstrong gave this sermon during the time he was putting the Church back on Track, and it encourages us all to correctly examine ourselves prior to Passover. He talks about the bread for our healing, and the wine for forgiveness of spiritual sin, and then goes on to show how the area we all need to examine prior to taking the Passover, is our level of true repentance. He points out that even some evangelists had not at that time truly repented - but merely accepted the truth as part of their own righteousness. (View Transcript) (10.9 Mb)
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News Analysis
by Jon Bowles

given Wales UK 6th March 2004
This News Analysis deals with Islam. Earlier in the week there were appalling murders of innocent people during Shia religions festivals in several places. This was due to conflict between the Shia and Sunni branches of the religion. Some background of the religion is given, along with the current trends - and what lies behind the trends. (4.2 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
God Our Rear Guard
given Wales UK 28 Feb 2004
This bible study points out how there is no armour of God mentioned within Eph 6 for the back, and shows how many scriptures talk of God being our rear-guard - allowing us to concentrate on moving forward to the Kingdom of God, without looking back all the time. It examines: Examples in OT Israel; Prophecies for the Church; and Instructions given to us all as individuals within this subject. (8.5 Mb)
“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

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Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)