2004-09-16 (Trumpets PM)

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by Jon Bowles
The Meaning of The Day of Trumpets
given in Bristol UK Trumpets 16 Sept 2004
This sermon asks if we really grasp why we keep the day of Trumpets - and concludes that all of us struggle to keep the meaning clear in our minds. It asks: Why Trumpets and the Holy Days; Trumpets is the pivotal day of God's Plan; What will Christ's military objective be; When do the events of Trumpets start; The focus - is the Day of the LORD. (10.5 Mb)
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Offering Music
by Sylvia Duke
Psalm 110 - The LORD said to my Lord
sung Bristol UK Trumpets 16 Sept 2004
This piece of music is an arrangement of Psalm 110. (0.2 Mb)
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by Ian Henderson
given Bristol UK Trumpets 16 Sept 2004
This offering sermonette stresses the fact that we are repeatedly commanded to rejoice in Deut 16, where the offerings during the holy-days are mentioned. The Holy Spirit is required for real joy - and a clear vision of the future. (1.6 Mb)

2004-09-16 (Trumpets AM)

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by Mr Armstrong
The Unthinkable Will Happen
given 19 June 1982 - played in Bristol UK Trumpets 16 Sept 2004
This sermon was given when God was putting the Church back on Track - and re-emphasises the inevitable direction the world is prophesied to go just before Christ returns. Only when man has reached the end of his rope, will he finally be ready to listen to his God. (9.4 Mb)
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by Chris Hancock
given Bristol UK Trumpets 16 Sept 2004
This sermonette stresses the importance of gratitude for all of us. It is a quality that God expects us to have, and yet humanly we tend to find it very difficult to have in a genuine way. (1.5 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
A Root of Bitterness
given Wales UK 11 Sept 2004
This bible-study analyses bitterness and its inevitable growth if steps are not taken. Five points are covered: It starts small; The base of the problem is self-centredness; God makes the rules, so people do not sin against us; The growth of bitterness is part of an end-time problem; The solution, is to pinch out the initial root - in the bud. (9.2 Mb)
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News Analysis
by Jon Bowles

given Wales UK 11 Sept 2004
This News Analysis deals with two broad areas: The break up of marriage - and the various social plagues within society that result; And the threat to the EU from Islamisation. The general apathy to the war on terror is also covered within the latter point - and the loss of personal freedoms that result from the legislation against the terrorist threat. (3.6 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
Be Not Weary In Well Doing
given Wales 4 Sept 2004
This bible-study recognises a certain weariness that sets in a few years after any major change. It tries to show how we must correctly handle this, and deals with the following points: Laodicea appears to be weary; Our focus must be correct; God demands patience; Use day-tight compartments; Don't neglect fellowship. (10.4 Mb)
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News Analysis
by Jon Bowles

given Wales UK 4 Sept 2004
This News Analysis briefly mentions a plague of locusts in West Africa and the Hurricane about to hit Florida, but then concentrates on the unique nature of the present suicide bombings by Islamic militants. When Mr Armstrong was alive, this particular phenomena was unheard of. Therefore the key we need today, is to apply the same principles we were formerly shown, but use them to analyse how prophecy fits with this development. (3.8 Mb)


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by Mr Armstrong
Why Only a Few Chosen Now?
given 5 June 1982 - played in Wales UK 28 Aug 2004
This sermon was given when God was putting the Church back on Track - and Mr Armstrong speaks for longer than normal (1hr 52mins). He deals specifically with the purpose of our calling - that we are to be the teachers of tomorrow - and places the whole subject into its rightful context of the entire Plan and Purpose of God. (13.8 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
Beware Politics
given Bristol UK 21 Aug 2004
This sermon talks of political ideas dividing people - something that has even happened in the past at the Feast: 5 points are covered: Politics as an extension of self; Where do our politics come from?; Our new (true) allegiance; Examples given by God; The key we need today - previously used by Christ - was to understand timing. (9.4 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Update on Nigerian Trip
given Bristol UK 21 Aug 2004
An update of the recent trip to Nigeria - given in the Announcements portion of the service. (1.5 Mb)
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by Ian Munro
Repentance and Healing
given Bristol UK 21 Aug 2004
This sermonette deals with healing, and the two main points of faith and obedience are mentioned. However, repentance - of our physical sins - is so often not sufficiently appreciated. The need for this repentance is emphasised. (1.6 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
Why Baptism
given Owerri Nigeria 14 Aug 2004
This sermon is a basic sermon on the subject of baptism - designed for those about to be baptised - but talks to all of us. It covers: Death of the old self (and of Christ's death and burial); Washing away of sin; Resurrection of the new man (and of Christ); Begettal by immersion into the God Family through the Spirit; After baptism - then what? (10.2 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Second Tithe and God's Way of Give
given Owerri Nigeria 14 Aug 2004
This sermonette deals with 2nd Tithe and the way we use it. It must always be God's Way - as with the rest of our lives. It covers: That there is a clear 2nd tithe; The focus is use and enjoyment at the Feast; That we need an attitude of "give" when using it. (1.9 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
Administrating God's Word in the 21st Century
given Wales UK 7 Aug 2004
This bible study follows on from the bible study the previous week (Handling God's Word Honestly) and deals with the following 5 points: Christ will return - this century; The elect (selected) will be ready; 2 carnal approaches to God's Word; specific areas that tend to impact more when not at the Feast; specific areas that tend to impact more particularly when at the Feast. (10.8 Mb)
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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Essential Knowledge Known Only By Revelation
broadcast 25 May 1979 - played Wales UK 7 Aug 2004
"My friends, what's wrong with the world today? I'll tell you what's really wrong. It's because our men, our leaders, our great men, the men at the head of government, the men at the head of great businesses, the men that really run the works, are too limited in their knowledge, in their wisdom, and in their ability." (3.3 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
Handling God's Word Honestly
given Oswestry UK 31 July 2004
This bible study follows on from the bible study the previous week (many are called but few are chosen) and deals with the following 5 points: What is the purpose of God's Word?; God's Word in creation; God's Word in scripture; The words of our apostle; We cannot pull the wool over God's eyes. (10.8 Mb)
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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
"What is the True Church Like?" Part 3
broadcast 3 Aug 1979 - played Oswestry UK 31 July 2004
This World Tomorrow broadcast (along with many others) was found at www.getbackontrack.org. This particular broadcast begins: Where is the True Church today? Which is the True Church - there is so many, many different denominations. Is any one of these that you see, the Church that Jesus said He would build? Jesus Christ said "I will build My Church" (3.3 Mb)


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Bible Study
by Jon Bowles
Many are Called but Few are Chosen
given Wales UK 24 July 2004
This bible study examines the scriptures: "Many are called, but few are chosen". It examines: What is our calling; How can you be chosen after being called - rather than the other way around; How the context shows some are not truly converted; How the context indicates that some could be specifically called (and chosen) right at the end. (9.4 Mb)
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News Analysis
by Jon Bowles

given Wales UK 24 July 2004
This News Analysis deals with the moral decline we can see in the papers of just the past week: Designer babies now allowed on the National Health Service - and the way the ethics of abortion are being ignored; How "this they begin to do, now nothing will be restrained from them" (Gen 11:6) applies today; "Sperm race" television shows; The dangers of "holiday sex"; Rise in teenage abortion. (3.5 Mb)


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by Ian Henderson
Joseph of Arimathaea
given Bristol UK 17 July 2004
This sermon examines Joseph of Arimathea: What was happening at the time; Prophecy that was fulfilled by him; What the Bible tells us of him; What traditions have to say about him; What we can learn from him today. (9.2 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
The Days of Daniel
given Bristol UK 17 July 2004
The Days of Daniel 12. Why they are important; The key that unlocks them; 1,260; 1290; 1335 - how they all fit together. Also see: Chart Mentioned PGR – The Time We Are In, Now (2.1 Mb)


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by Mr Armstrong
What is Sin?
given 5 December 1981 - played in Wales UK 10 July 2004
This sermon was given when God was putting the Church back on Track. Mr Armstrong deals specifically with the makeup issue - and why makeup simply cannot be accepted within the True Church. The reason this is so, revolves around a correct understanding of just what sin is. The principle and attitude we are to have as God's people is the all important aspect. (11.2 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Update on Recent Trip
given Wales UK 10 July 2004
A synopsis of the recent trip to Canada and the USA - to meet God's people in Ontario, Oregon and California. (3.8 Mb)
“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)