2005-10-04 (Trumpets PM)

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by Jon Bowles
The Meaning of Trumpets
given Bristol UK Trumpets 4 Oct 2005
This sermon gives the meaning of the Day of Trumpets - showing how Christ is prophesied to bring light to this world - lighting every man that comes into it (John 1:9). This single scripture shows clearly that there has to be a resurrection for those who have never even heard the name of Christ. But there are also other prophecies that indicate that light is also going to be used in a very different way - as a weapon that destroys all who resist the returning Messiah. (13.0 Mb)

2005-10-04 (Trumpets USA)

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by Andrew Spellman
The Measure of a Man
given Peterborough Canada 4 Oct 2005
This world measures a man by a physical yardstick - how rich, how powerful, how mighty. But that is not God's measure. And it is God's mind on this subject that we need to develop. (1.6 Mb)

2005-10-04 (Trumpets US)

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by Jonathan Pippy
Are You Ready to Reign
given Peterborough Canada Trumpets 4 Oct 2005
The Feast of Trumpets pictures the return of Christ, and the resurrection of the saints to be Kings and Priests - serving under Christ throughout the Millennium. But are we ready to reign? Are we ready to judge consistently by the Word of God? Will our mindset truly reflect God's mind at that time? It is vital that we allow God to train each of us individually to fulfil this incredible destiny. (9.4 Mb)


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by Mr Armstrong
Endure to the End
given 26 Sept 1981 - played Oswestry UK 1 Oct 2005
Given just a few days before the day of Trumpets, this sermon first goes right back to the beginning, putting what Mr Armstrong has to say into the context of the big picture. And what he has to say is that statistically, 33% of those listening to him would not be in the Church in 10 years. (how true that was - except it was nearer 90%). But the antidote is to take our calling seriously, to overcome Satan's world, to grow in grace and knowledge - doing it all through the power of God, received through prayer - and to endure, to the end. (11.2 Mb)
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News Analysis
by Jon Bowles

given Oswestry UK 1 Oct 2005
This Prophetic News Analysis highlights some of the signs we can see around us that the Western World is dying. In many cases, incompetent individuals seem to be rising to the "top of the heap" in society who lack the basic leadership qualities of greatness that would have been present years ago. Such people will often ignore issues that directly affect people, yet take a very hard line where the the system's "rules" are compromised. This fits the prophecies that a final crushing revival of the Holy Roman Empire must arise - a 3 1/2 year period of utter oppression - as some kind of backlash to the West's eventual demise. Only when this has occured can the entire evil system be utterly destroyed by the returning Christ. (4.3 Mb)


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News Analysis
by Jon Bowles

given Wales UK 24 Sept 2005
This News Analysis deals with: the second hurricane to strike the crucial Gulf of Mexico oil area in the space of 3 weeks; The weakening of Britain and America in Iraq; The political uncertainty in Germany after the latest election; And the areas of strength within Europe - particularly the position of the Catholic Church. (5.2 Mb)
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by Mr Armstrong
Foundation of a New World
given 31 Dec 1983 - played Wales UK 24 Sept 2005
"The doomsday clock has just been set up by the atomic scientists from 4 to 3 minutes before midnight..." This is how Mr Armstrong begins his sermon, and goes on to show how the foundations of this world actually guarantee its destruction. And yet the churches believe they have to save the world now - in the present chaos. But this is not God's Way. The Way of God is to allow the entire structure of today's society to come crashing down, and be replaced by The World Tomorrow - a totally new structure - resting firmly on correct, entirely new foundations. (10.2 Mb)


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Special Music
by Sylvia Duke
Psalm 119 (Lamed) - Great Eternal Lord
sung Wales UK 17 Sept 2005
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by Jon Bowles
The End Time Mentality
given in Wales UK 17 Sept 2005
The Tribulation does not come "out of the blue", but is a product of a preceding end-time mentality. This sermon enables us to recognise that end-time mentality for what it is, and shows how God has given us a clear antidote against it. Four points are covered: The Tribulation; Satan's role; The results to expect; The antidote God provides. (11.4 Mb)
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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Healing and the Anointing Cloth
played Wales UK 17 Sept 2005
(Start missing) "...A lot of people because they are not as a rule the largest, most powerful and most dignified sects and denominations. Very often my friends, these things are done in a wrong manner that only heaps ridicule upon them. But actually, you know, when we look back into the life and the experience of Jesus Christ - to see what He did - to see the example that He set, to see the things that He did say, to see what He taught, and how He commissioned His disciples, and when we look into the early church, to see just what the apostles and the elders and the leaders of the true Church as it was led by the Spirit of God did do in those early years - of the True Church - we do receive some surprises..." (1.8 Mb)


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Special Music
by Sylvia Duke
Psalm 138 - I Will Praise You With My Being
sung Bristol UK 10 Sept 2005
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by Ian Henderson
Jesus - The Man
given Bristol UK 10 Sept 2005
Mr Armstrong often referred to a book written by Bruce Barton about the real Jesus Christ - "The Man Nobody Knows". This sermon first quotes extensively from this book - showing how the traditional pictorial images of Jesus - normally produced by the "christianity" of this world - are totally and utterly false. Then at the end of the sermon, it goes on to show how the spiritual righteousness and life-style - that we have all been commanded to emulate (1Cor 11:1; 2Cor 3:18) - is just as dynamic as the man himself - a true reflection of the real Jesus Christ.  (12.0 Mb)
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by Ian Munro
Christ Does Not Change
given Bristol UK 10 Sept 2005
Do foundational doctrines reflect society? Can something like homosexuality, idol worship or Sabbath breaking be "declared" righteous today? This sermonette shows that The God who gave His Law - who defines right from wrong - does not change. And Jesus Christ - who we must emulate - remains completely "the same yesterday, today and forever" (Heb 13:8). (2.0 Mb)


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Short Talk
by Jon Bowles
Recent Trip To Africa
given Wales UK 3 Sept 2005
Details of the recent trip made to Nigeria and Kenya. (3.6 Mb)
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Special Music
by Sylvia Duke
Psalm 119 (Caph) - My Soul Faints For Your Rescuing Hand
Sung Wales UK 3 Sept 2005
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by Jon Bowles
Why Is The Church As It Is Today?
given Wales UK 3 Sept 2005
Today we find what was once the Church of God in a scattered state. But why? What is the purpose of God in having His Church in its present condition? There is one specific reason, and this sermon highlights it by emphasizing that we all must: Remember God's Purpose and Plan; Remember what has been prophesied for the end time; and Remember the 2 Trees, and Government - two aspects that Mr Armstrong constantly highlighted. (12.3 Mb)


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by Bob Evans
Which Way
given Peterborough Canada 27 Aug 2005
Mr Armstrong continually brought out the message found within the two trees. It is still vitally important today. Which Way we choose will largely determine whether God can use us or not in His future Kingdom.  (1.4 Mb)
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by Jonathan Pippy
God's Chosen Leaders
given Peterborough Canada 27 Aug 2005
This sermon compares the unique roles of Samuel and Mr Armstrong. Although thousands of years apart, they share a great deal in common, as they both came on the scene at times of crisis for the Truth of God - and both gave an anchor, a spiritual heritage, that was - and is still today - vital for the times in which we find ourselves. (10.0 Mb)


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News Analysis
by Jon Bowles

given Owerri Nigeria 20 Aug 2005
This News Analysis deals with the news - as viewed by the Nigerian newspapers, as opposed to the western press. (3.5 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Dealing With Each Other for Unity At The Feast
given Owerri Nigeria 20 Aug 2005
This Sermon was given in Nigeria where the brethren will keep the Feast without a minister present. Mr Armstrong found that when a Church found itself in similar circumstances, there were often problems - but this was before the Internet, cassette tapes, mobile phones etc. Today, God expects us to grow in grace and knowledge on an individual basis - and there are specific steps we can take to ensure that Godly unity can be maintained. (11.1 Mb)


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by Ian Munro
Be of Good Courage
given Wales UK 13 Aug 2005
Just as ancient Israel needed courage in their journey to the Promised Land, so do we today in our journey to the Kingdom of God. And being of good courage and not fearing what men can do in the future - is going to require practice today. (2.2 Mb)
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Special Music
by Sylvia Duke
Psalm 121 - I Lift Up My Eyes To The Hills From Afar
sung Wales UK 13 Aug 2005
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by Mr Armstrong
Trumpets 85 - HWAs Final Sermon
given 16 Sept 1985 - played Wales UK 13 Aug 2005
This sermon was the last message preached by Mr Armstrong before his death a few months later. Although given on the Day of Trumpets, the subject matter is timeless - and places our existence into the framework of God's overall Plan and the soon coming return of Jesus Christ to this earth. As always, the importance of correctly understanding the two trees figures just as strongly as ever within it. (View Transcript) (10.8 Mb)


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by Ian Henderson
Lessons from Jeremiah 32
given Bristol UK 6 Aug 2005
Jeremiah found himself in prison, the princes wanted him killed, the city was under siege by the Babylonians and people were dying of famine and disease. Yet in the midst of this hostile, difficult environment - God commanded him to buy a field! Why? (1.9 Mb)
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Special Music
by Sylvia Duke
Psalm 91 - He Who Dwells Within Your Secret Place
sung Bristol UK 6 Aug 2005
 (1.9 Mb)
“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)