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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
End Time Prophecies - part 1
broadcast in the 1980s - played Wales UK 10 Dec 2022
"...Now we are living in the most serious, the most momentous times of the history of this world. We are living in the times that are very near and approaching what is known as the end of the world..." (4.0 Mb)
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by Jonathan Pippy
Developing The Love of God
given Peterborough Canada 10 Nov 2007 - played Wales UK 10 Dec 2022
Within the present shattering of God's Church, the love of many has indeed become cold (Matt 24:12). But The Love that must be in us for eternity can come from only One source, and that is from God Himself. Such Love must then be expressed: Back to God; To our neighbours; To our enemies; And between true brethren everywhere. (11.0 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Spirit in Man
broadcast in the 1980s - played Wales UK 3 Dec 2022
"...Jesus Christ came as a messenger, a messenger of a covenant and that was the New Covenant..." (4.0 Mb)
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by Ian Henderson
The Greatest Plan - Ever
given Wales UK 3 Dec 2022
The sermon explores the great detail of God's plan - including Cyrus, Daniel and the prophecy of Jonah - all showing that He is in total control. (12.4 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Human Nature
broadcast in the 1980s - played Wales UK 26 Nov 2022
"... Do you know anyone that isn't having troubles all the time? That finds life just serene and easy? No problems, no troubles? No difficulties at all? I've never known such a person. Have you? ..." (4.3 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Christ and the Sabbath
given Bristol UK 10 Aug 2002 - played Wales UK 26 Nov 2022
The Sermon examines the teaching Christ gave us regarding the Sabbath. Four areas are covered: 1. Before His human birth, 2. His overall approach to the Sabbath when here as a human, 3. Specific examples He gave us on the Sabbath, 4. Teaching on the subject given after His resurrection. (8.3 Mb)


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by Stephen Breault
Situation Ethics and Compromise
recorded Texas USA - played Wales UK 19 Nov 2022
In today's society so often things are done based on a philosophy of the end justifying the means. But that is not what we find in God's word - amply illustrated by two examples found in the life of David, King of Israel. (2.3 Mb)
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Bible Study
by Mr Armstrong
Romans Overview plus chapters 3-5
given Dec 1979 - played Wales UK 19 Nov 2022
Begins: "We were finishing off the book of Galatians - I think we had finished that in about 2 sittings. And, I don't know, I was just thinking: there are two books that are attacked by Protestants in general against the Sabbath, and that is Romans and Galatians..." He then shows how both Gentile and Jew became off-track in regard to God's spiritual law before going through chapters 3-5. (11.2 Mb)


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by Alex Henderson
What is a Role Model?
given Wales UK 12 Nov 2022
The world has different ideas of role models - this sermonette looks at Abraham, King David and New Testament examples. They all made mistakes - but they all obeyed God. (2.1 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
The Big Picture
given Wales UK 23 Aug 2003 - played Wales UK 12 Nov 2022
In this end time, we in the church need to keep the big picture. This sermon covers: 1) The need to increase our comprehension that God is in control. 2) Christ will work with His Church. 3) The absolute reality of our calling. 4) The relevance of prophecy. (11.8 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Who Is God?
broadcast in the 1980s - played UK 5 Nov 2022
"...I've been asking recently, what is God? Now humans were created in the image of God - God said let us make man in our image after our likeness. Man was made in the image, in the form and shape of God..." (4.3 Mb)
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by Jonathan Pippy
Developing The Mind Of God
given Canada 30 Jan 2016 - played Wales UK 5 Nov 2022
Our calling is to eventually assist Jesus Christ put this world back on God's track and to do so, we will need the Mind of God in every situation. This mind needs first to be developed today - in a world that is travelling in the opposite direction. Fortunately we have an excellent guide in scripture - understood via the spiritual revelation God provides.  (11.8 Mb)


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by Ian Henderson
Two pillars of quality in Solomon's Temple
given Bristol UK 19 Nov 2005 - played Wales UK 29 Oct 2022
In Solomon's temple, two massive pillars dominated the front entrance. When we understand how they were made, and transported to site, we begin to realise just how important quality is to God - something we also need to learn today.  (1.9 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
The Principle of being Spiritual Pillars
given Bristol UK 19 Nov 2005 - played Wales UK 29 Oct 2022
Last week we heard a tape from Mr Armstrong on "Why Ambassador College". One of the key reasons he gave, was to prepare educated personnel who could then take what they learned and pass it on in the Church areas. This sermon examines the subject - of being spiritual pillars ready for use by God to apply what we are learning as we Get Back on Track. Five points are covered: The Consistent Word of God; Pillar principle as applied to the early Church; Pillar principle as applied in Ambassador College; Pillar principle in the Church today; Applying the pillar principle in the future.  (13.1 Mb)


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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Law and Grace
broadcast in the 1980s - played Wales UK 22 Oct 2022
"... Why is it my friends, if people are already saved when they accept Christ, why is it that God doesn't take the new converts immediately to heaven? If heaven is where they are to go. If heaven is the reward of the Christian, and you need to really search your bible to see whether you can find a definite promise anywhere there that it is ..." (4.3 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
Combating Days of Darkness
given UK 29 Oct 2011 - played Wales UK 22 Oct 2022
With the clocks going back tonight to GMT, it is an opportune time to reflect on the days of spiritual darkness the world appears to be entering. The sermon examines: The present compared with Christ's day; The recent FOT and Christ's reign; Darkness; Light; The example of Elijah. (12.0 Mb)

2022-10-17 (LGD PM)

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by Zeki Korkut
Gift To A King
given Wales UK 17 Oct 2022
It is customary to give a fitting quality gift to a king - when we give an offering, we have an opportunity to give a quality offering to our King. (2.0 Mb)
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Offering Music
by Charlotte Henderson
Jesu Joy Of Man's Desiring
played Wales UK 17 Oct 2022
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Special Music
by Festival Group
Psalm 8 - How Excellent In All The Earth
sung Wales UK 17 Oct 2022
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by Mr Armstrong
The Purpose Here Below
given 9 Oct 1982 - played Wales UK 17 Oct 2022
One of the so-called great men of the world, Winston Churchill, said before the United States Congress, "There is a purpose being worked out here below." God has a master plan for working out that purpose. (11.9 Mb)

2022-10-17 (LGD AM)

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by Ian Munro
The Sea Shall Give Up Her Dead
given Wales UK 17 Oct 2022
Setting the scene for the Last Great Day. We tend to think of the valley of dry bones being those that died on land - but all the dead will be resurrected no matter how or where they died. (2.0 Mb)
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Special Music
by Paula Henderson
Psalm 147 - All Praise The Great Eternal One
sung Wales UK 17 Oct 2022
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by Jon Bowles
Taking God's Government To The Stars
given Wales UK 26 Sept 2013 - played Wales UK 17 Oct 2022
A look beyond - into eternity. (12.6 Mb)

2022-10-16 (FOT Day 7)

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by Jonathan Gardner
Urgency In The Millennium
given Wales UK 16 Oct 2022
The Millennium will have a definite purpose - to prepare for the Last Great day. It will be a time of challenge and rejoicing. (2.0 Mb)
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Special Music
by Jon Bowles
Psalm 21 - For the King Shall Joy in Your Strength Lord
played Wales UK 16 Oct 2022
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“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)