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Short Sermon
by Jon Bowles
African Birth Pains
given Wales UK 15 Dec 2007
We are told that the events to come on this world will be as birth-pains (Matt 24:8; 1Thes 5:3). Such prophesied events can clearly be seen today in the horn of Africa - witnessed firsthand during a recent trip to Kenya. (7.0 Mb)
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Short Sermon
by Mr Armstrong
Philippines 2
given 18 March 1981 in the Philippines - Played Wales UK 15 Dec 2007
Begins with an introduction from someone in the Philippines. Mr Armstrong then says: "Ladies and gentlemen, again, good evening. Last night, or last evening, I told you that a staggering turn in world events is due to erupt over this world..." He goes on to explain how the true Gospel message which Jesus Christ preached was to announce the coming Kingdom of God. This same gospel is also the message of this Philippine campaign. (7.0 Mb)


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by Andrew Spellman
The Spirit of Xmas
given Peterborough Canada 8 Dec 2007
All around us at this time of year, people in the world are gearing up for Xmas. But what is the fruit of their celebrations? When compared with the fruit of God's Spirit mentioned in Gal 5, it is the very opposite. (1.0 Mb)
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by Jonathan Pippy
Practising Thankfulness
given Peterborough Canada 8 Dec 2007
In years gone by, our forefathers were indeed thankful to God and sought to formally recognise this by implementing Thanksgiving Days in the USA and Canada. But as we approach the end of this age, things are very different. Yet thankfulness is something vital for us all as we Get Back on Track. (10.0 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
The Shield of Faith
given Bristol UK 1 Dec 2007
This sermon covers the fourth point in a series on the armour of God found in Eph 6. It deals with faith as a shield, by going through the subject sequentially as found in Hebrews 11. However, it does so by showing how each example given also illustrates the shield we can use to quench Satan's efforts. (14.0 Mb)


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by Ian Munro
Keeping The Vision
given Wales UK 24 Nov 2007
Today's society is filled with doubt and negativism, making it all too easy to succumb ourselves to such downward pulls. But we have an awesome future that is clearly seen in scripture. What we must do, is to individually keep that vision at the forefront of our thinking by regularly reviewing such scriptures. (2.0 Mb)
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by Jon Bowles
The Preparation Of The Gospel of Peace
given Wales UK 24 Nov 2007
This sermon covers the third point in a series on the armour of God found in Eph 6. It deals with: From the foundation of the world; Ancient Israel; Jesus Christ; Our studentship; The ruling Kingdom of God - and peace. (11.0 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
Breastplate of Righteousness
given Wales UK 17 Nov 2007
This sermon covers the second point in a series on the armour of God found in Eph 6. It deals with: Placing righteousness in its true perspective; How it protects vital spiritual organs; The link to faith; One of Satan's main weapons; How 1John 5 ties the subject together. (12.0 Mb)
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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Law and Justification
broadcast 28 May 1979 - played Wales UK 17 Nov 2007
"Now, getting back again to this series, to see what Jesus Christ did preach. You've heard all about Christ. You've heard a gospel about Him, but have you ever heard His gospel?" (3.0 Mb)


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by Bob Evans
The Miracle
given Peterborough Canada 10 Nov 2007
When we truly understand how the Tree of Life was cut off from mankind, the fact we can understand the things we do, is indeed a miracle of enormous proportions. And something that is tremendously encouraging. (1.0 Mb)
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by Jonathan Pippy
Developing The Love of God
given Peterborough Canada 10 Nov 2007
Within the present shattering of God's Church, the love of many has indeed become cold (Matt 24:12). But the love that must be in us for eternity can come from only one source, and that is from God Himself. Such love must then be expressed: Back to God; To our neighbours; To our enemies; And between true brethren everywhere. (11.0 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
Loins Girt About With Truth
given Bristol UK 3 Nov 2007
This sermon covers the first point in a series on the armour of God found in Eph 6. It deals with: A New Age of Truth; Why Loins?; What Paul saw in Ephesus; What is Truth?; Why Truth is vital at the End Time. (11.0 Mb)
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Extended Sermonette
by Ian Henderson
Talk One With Another
given Bristol UK 3 Nov 2007
The Feast was fabulous, primarily because it allowed us to fellowship. Talking together - particularly about the important things in life - is vital at this end time. This is why God makes such a point of it in Mal 3:16. (3.0 Mb)
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Special Music
by The Henderson Trio
Psalm 84 - How Lovely Are Your Dwellings
sung Bristol UK 3 Nov 2007
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by Jon Bowles
Standing Against Satan
given Wales UK 27 Oct 2007
This introductory sermon is the first in a series on the armour of God found in Eph 6. It deals with: The context of Eph 6; An insane world; The end time doctrines of demons; The wiles of the devil; Our spiritual wrestling match.  (12.0 Mb)
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by Ian Munro
Looking After Our Armour
given Wales UK 27 Oct 2007
The armour worn by medieval knights was crucial to their survival and had to be kept in good condition. It is no different today - for our own spiritual armour as mentioned in Eph 6. (1.0 Mb)


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by Mr Armstrong
Another Civilization
given 2 Oct 1982 at FOT in USA - Played Wales UK 20 Oct 2007
Begins: "This is the largest festival, the largest gathering, that is held anywhere in the world every year - 8 days..." Mr Armstrong then goes on to explain how God is reproducing Himself through human beings. God's character - what He is - is Love. And it is that Character, through the power of His Holy Spirit, that must be formed within each of us as His children. The final result, will be an entirely new Civilization: The Kingdom of God; The Spirit-born Family of God. (Our apologies but this recording is missing both opening remarks and closing comments) (13.0 Mb)
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News Analysis
by Jon Bowles

given Wales UK 20 Oct 2007
In the past few months the financial markets have been in turmoil, and the chaos is currently reflected in both the price of oil and the value of the US dollar. But such things are actually symptoms of a greater sickness. To understand that, you must look at the spiritual condition of the world and the way it influences a lack of trust between people. (3.0 Mb)


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by Jon Bowles
The Blessing in Numbers 6
given Wales UK 13 Oct 2007
This sermon looks at the formal blessing found in Numbers 6:22-27 and shows how it has much to teach the Church at this time. The sermon deals with the following points: Who is Israel?; To Bless and Keep; To Make His Face Shine and Be Gracious; To Lift up His Countenance and Give Peace; Placing His Name. (10.0 Mb)
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World Tomorrow
by Mr Armstrong
Christ's Authority over Disease
broadcast 23 May 1979 - played Wales UK 13 Oct 2007
"Well, my friends, lets get back into this series, going through the New Testament to see exactly what Jesus Christ did preach and why you haven't heard it, because you've been hearing a message about the person of Christ, but not the message that He preached. God Almighty sent Jesus Christ to this earth, and He said, 'I have spoken nothing of Myself. The Father that sent Me, He gave me a commandment what I should say and what I should speak.'" (3.0 Mb)


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Special Music
by The Festival Trio
Psalm 8 - How Excellent Is Your Name
sung Kentucky USA 6 Oct 2007
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by Carrol Bryant
given Kentucky USA 6 Oct 2007
Loyalty is a crucial character trait that all God's children must have. Whatever happens, we are going to be loyal to something. The question is, will it be to God and His Way - or to Satan? (9.0 Mb)

2007-10-04 (LGD)

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Special Music
by Festival Chorale
Psalm 23 - The Lord's My Shepherd
sung Kentucky USA LGD Thu 4 Oct 2007
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Special Music
by Sylvia Duke
Psalm 126 - The second time Zion is returning
sung Kentucky USA LGD Thu 4 Oct 2007
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Offering Sermonette
by Ian Munro
given Kentucky USA LGD Thu 4 Oct 2007
Focus on the tremendous blessings we have been given - that all is temporary and how God loves a cheerful giver. (1.0 Mb)
“Just what is an APOSTLE?”
Just what is an Apostle?

Today we find the Church of God in a “wilderness of religious confusion!”

The confusion is not merely around the Church – within the religions of the world outside – but WITHIN the very heart of The True Church itself!

Read online or contact email to request a copy

Listen to Me, You who know righteousness, You people in whose heart is My Law: …I have put My words in your mouth, I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, and say to Zion, “you are My people” (Isaiah 51:7,16)