Calendar Calculation for Molad of Tishri after 142AD:

Year in question: 2007 AD

Benchmark year of creation: 3761 BC

Year in question: 2007 AD


-1 from BC to AD as no year zero 1


303 X 19 yr TC = 5757
(TC = time cycles)

10 extra years

Made up of: 3 Intercalary years (years: 3, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 19 since 142AD)

7 Normal years


Each 19 year time cycle is................... 2 Days 16 Hours 595 Parts Later than previous Time Cycle

Each Lunar Month consists of.................. 29 Days 12 Hours 793 Parts (NB: 1 hour = 1080 parts)

Benchmark at 3761BC creation: 2 Days 5 Hours 204 Parts (NB: Hebrew "halakim"= "parts")

Therefore: 303 19 yr cycles = 606 Days 4848 Hours 180285 Parts

Benchmark at 3761BC creation: 2 Days 5 Hours 204 Parts

Plus total intercalary yrs: 3 1131 Days 468 Hours 30927 Parts (1yr=13 x 29d, 12h, 793p)

Plus total normal yrs: 7 2436 Days 1008 Hours 66612 Parts (1yr=12 x 29d, 12h, 793p)


274 (from hours) 257 (from parts) 277560 257 X1080 parts/hour

468 Parts remaining

6576 274 X 24 hours/day

10 Hours remaining

4445 635 X 7 days/week

4 Days remaining

So the molad of Tishri for: 2007 AD is.........

sunset weekday: 4 10 Hours 468 Parts